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DARTS/Astro Query System User Guide
The DARTS/Astro Query System enables you to search for observation data, logs, proposals, etc., which are publicly available in DARTS/Astro. You can search for various data from different satellites such as AKARI, SUZAKU, ASCA, GINGA, HALCA, etc. at once on the same platform.
The following three search methods are available in the DARTS/Astro Query System:
- Basic Search
Circular search around an input celestial location, as is common in many astronomical databases. Users input both the search location and the radius.
Basic Search can search for all the data in the database at a time.
For the datasets whose "observation regions" or "fields of view" are defined, the DARTS/Astro Query System returns the lists of the datasets whose observation regions overlap the input circular area. For the definition of the "observation region" of each data product, please refer to User's Guide 〉〉 How to use BasicSearch 〉〉 Judgement of overlapping. - SQL Search and ADQL Search
- You can search by directly inputing SQL or ADQL statements. It is possible to customize your own search conditions, and sort the outputs as you like. You can reproduce exactly the same searches which were available in the previous satellite/instrument specific DARTS Astro search systems. For details, please refer to User's guide 〉〉 Migration Guide.
* ADQL (defined byIVOA) is an extention of SQL where popular astronomical functions are implemented. Using ADQL, you can efficiently search for astronomical data in various situations specific in astronomical study.
Let's take a look how to use the systems for each search function in detail: