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Searchable Data with the DARTS/Astro Query System

Schema of Tables about IRTS

Satelite/Project Abstract of the data product Database table name Number of entries in the database Searhcable with Basic Search Searchable with SQL/ADQL Search
IRTS Descriptions of the invidual image files composing "IRTS Spatial Intensity Map". irts_map 305 Yes Yes
IRTS "IRTS MIRS Point Source Catalogue version 2.1". irts_mirs_psc_2_1 536 Yes Yes
IRTS "IRTS NIRS Point Source Catalogue version 1.3". irts_nirs_psc_1_3 14,223 Yes Yes


No. Column Name Type Unit Description
1 region_id character varying(4) Scan-path No.
2 ql_image_url character varying(255) URL of the quick look image
3 ql_access_url character varying(255) URL of the quick look page
4 center_ra numeric(8,5) degree Right Ascension (J2000) of the center position of the scan area, calculated from the object_galactic_lon and object_galactic_dec.
5 center_dec numeric(8,5) degree Declination (J2000) of the center position of the scan area, calculated from the object_galactic_lon and object_galactic_dec.
6 center_ra_b1950 numeric(8,5) degree Right Ascension (B1950) of the center position of the scan area, calculated from the object_galactic_lon and object_galactic_dec.
7 center_dec_b1950 numeric(8,5) degree Declination (B1950) of the center position of the scan area, calculated from the object_galactic_lon and object_galactic_dec.
8 center_ecliptic_lon numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Longitude of the center position of the scan area, calculated from the object_galactic_lon and object_galactic_dec.
9 center_ecliptic_lat numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Latitude of the center position of the scan area, calculated from the object_galactic_lon and object_galactic_dec.
10 center_galactic_lon numeric(5,2) degree Galactic Longitude of the center position of the scan area
11 center_galactic_lat numeric(5,2) degree Galactic Latitude of the center position of the scan area
12 instrument character varying(4) Instrument [FILM or FIRM]
13 band smallint μm Wavelength [155, 158(CII), 250, 400, 700]
14 data_access_url character varying(255) URL to data directory
15 corner1_ra numeric(8,5) degree Right Ascension (J2000) of the vertex1 of the scan area
16 corner1_dec numeric(8,5) degree Declination (J2000) of the vertex1 of the scan area
17 corner2_ra numeric(8,5) degree Right Ascension (J2000) of the vertex2 of the scan area
18 corner2_dec numeric(8,5) degree Declination (J2000) of the vertex2 of the scan area
19 corner3_ra numeric(8,5) degree Right Ascension (J2000) of the vertex3 of the scan area
20 corner3_dec numeric(8,5) degree Declination (J2000) of the vertex3 of the scan area
21 corner4_ra numeric(8,5) degree Right Ascension (J2000) of the vertex4 of the scan area
22 corner4_dec numeric(8,5) degree Declination (J2000) of the vertex4 of the scan area
23 corner1_ra_b1950 numeric(8,5) degree Right Ascension (B1950) of the vertex1 of the scan area
24 corner1_dec_b1950 numeric(8,5) degree Declination (B1950) of the vertex1 of the scan area
25 corner2_ra_b1950 numeric(8,5) degree Right Ascension (B1950) of the vertex2 of the scan area
26 corner2_dec_b1950 numeric(8,5) degree Declination (B1950) of the vertex2 of the scan area
27 corner3_ra_b1950 numeric(8,5) degree Right Ascension (B1950) of the vertex3 of the scan area
28 corner3_dec_b1950 numeric(8,5) degree Declination (B1950) of the vertex3 of the scan area
29 corner4_ra_b1950 numeric(8,5) degree Right Ascension (B1950) of the vertex4 of the scan area
30 corner4_dec_b1950 numeric(8,5) degree Declination (B1950) of the vertex4 of the scan area
31 corner1_ecliptic_lon numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Longitude of the vertex1 of the scan area
32 corner1_ecliptic_lat numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Latitude of the vertex1 of the scan area
33 corner2_ecliptic_lon numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Longitude of the vertex2 of the scan area
34 corner2_ecliptic_lat numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Latitude of the vertex2 of the scan area
35 corner3_ecliptic_lon numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Longitude of the vertex3 of the scan area
36 corner3_ecliptic_lat numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Latitude of the vertex3 of the scan area
37 corner4_ecliptic_lon numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Longitude of the vertex4 of the scan area
38 corner4_ecliptic_lat numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Latitude of the vertex4 of the scan area
39 corner1_galactic_lon numeric(5,2) degree Galactic Longitude of the vertex1 of the scan area
40 corner1_galactic_lat numeric(5,2) degree Galactic Latitude of the vertex1 of the scan area
41 corner2_galactic_lon numeric(5,2) degree Galactic Longitude of the vertex2 of the scan area
42 corner2_galactic_lat numeric(5,2) degree Galactic Latitude of the vertex2 of the scan area
43 corner3_galactic_lon numeric(5,2) degree Galactic Longitude of the vertex3 of the scan area
44 corner3_galactic_lat numeric(5,2) degree Galactic Latitude of the vertex3 of the scan area
45 corner4_galactic_lon numeric(5,2) degree Galactic Longitude of the vertex4 of the scan area
46 corner4_galactic_lat numeric(5,2) degree Galactic Latitude of the vertex4 of the scan area

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"IRTS MIRS Point Source Catalogue version 2.1"

No. Column Name Type Unit Description
1 object_id character varying(10) Object name defined based on the MIRS detection position (B1950) to allow direct comparison with the IRAS names. RA.(5 bytes) and Dec (5 bytes).
2 ql_image_url character varying(255) URL of the spectrum image for a quick look
3 ql_access_url character varying(255) URL of the spectrum data
4 object_ra_hms character varying(8) Right Ascension (J2000) of source position, format of 00h03.0m
5 objet_dec_dms character varying(7) Declination (J2000) of source position, format of +74d04'
6 object_ra numeric(5,2) degree Right Ascension (J2000) of source position
7 object_dec numeric(5,2) degree Declination (J2000) of source position
8 object_ra_1950 numeric(8,5) degree Right Ascension (B1950) of source position, calculated from the object_ra and object_dec.
9 object_dec_1950 numeric(8,5) degree Declination (B1950) of source position, calculated from the object_ra and object_dec.
10 object_ecliptic_lon numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Longitude of source position, calculated from the object_ra and object_dec.
11 object_ecliptic_lat numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Latitude of source position, calculated from the object_ra and object_dec.
12 object_galactic_lon numeric(8,5) degree Galactic Longitude of source position, calculated from the object_ra and object_dec.
13 object_galactic_lat numeric(8,5) degree Galactic Latitude of source position, calculated from the object_ra and object_dec.
14 quantity_of_observation smallint Number of MIRS data used for the final spectrum.
15 spectral_type character varying(1) Spectral classification. See Yamamura et al. 1996, PASJ 48, L65
16 position_accuracy character varying(1) Position accuracy. [g: <~ 2 arcmin, m: <~ 5arcmin, u: <~ 30 arcmin, b: > 30 arcmin]
17 flux_density_b1 numeric(6,2) Jy Averaged flux of chanels 1 to 8 in Jy.
18 flux_density_b2 numeric(6,2) Jy Averaged flux of chanels 9 to 16 in Jy.
19 flux_density_b3 numeric(6,2) Jy Averaged flux of chanels 17 to 24 in Jy.
20 flux_density_b4 numeric(6,2) Jy Averaged flux of chanels 25 to 32 in Jy.
21 flux_quality_b1 smallint Quality of chanels 1 to 8. [3: good, 2: usable, 1: bad, 0: no data]
22 flux_quality_b2 smallint Quality of chanels 9 to 16. [3: good, 2: usable, 1: bad, 0: no data]
23 flux_quality_b3 smallint Quality of chanels 17 to 24. [3: good, 2: usable, 1: bad, 0: no data]
24 flux_quality_b4 smallint Quality of chanels 25 to 32. [3: good, 2: usable, 1: bad, 0: no data]
25 quantity_of_counterpart_in_iras smallint Number of nearby IRAS PSC brighter than 5 Jy at 12 micrometers within 8 arcmin.
26 object_id_in_iras character varying(10) Object name in IRAS PSC
27 flux_density_in_iras_12 numeric(5,1) Jy IRAS 12 micron flux (Jy).
28 distance_from_iras_arcmin numeric(3,2) arcmin Distance to the brightest nearby IRAS source from the MIRS position (arcmin).
29 distance_from_iras numeric(4,1) arcsec Distance to the brightest nearby IRAS source from the MIRS position (arcsec).
30 spectral_class_in_iras_lrs smallint Characterization of the IRAS LRS Spectrum. See Olnon et al. 1986, A&AS 65, 607.
31 data_access_url character varying(255) URL of the catalog data

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"IRTS NIRS Point Source Catalog version 1.3"

No. Column Name Type Unit Description
1 object_id character varying(10) Object Name in NIRS PSC (IRAS conventions)
2 scan_path character varying(1) Scan-path. N: North-scan or S: South-scan
3 object_ra_hms character varying(8) hms Right Ascension (J2000) of source position, format of 00h03.0m
4 object_dec_dms character varying(7) dms Declination (J2000) of source position, format of +74d04'
5 object_ra numeric(5,2) degree Right Ascension (J2000) of source position
6 object_dec numeric(5,2) degree Declination (J2000) of source position
7 object_ra_1950 numeric(8,5) degree Right Ascension (B1950) of source position, calculated from the object_ra and object_dec.
8 object_dec_1950 numeric(8,5) degree Declination (B1950) of source position, calculated from the object_ra and object_dec.
9 object_ecliptic_lon numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Longitude of source position, calculated from the object_ra and object_dec.
10 object_ecliptic_lat numeric(8,5) degree Ecliptic Latitude of source position, calculated from the object_ra and object_dec.
11 object_galactic_lon numeric(5,2) degree Galactic Longitude of source position, calculated from the object_ra and object_dec.
12 object_galactic_lat numeric(5,2) degree Galactic Latitude of source position, calculated from the object_ra and object_dec.
13 position_angle numeric(4,1) degree Position angle (degree) to the scan direction.
14 object_lon_in_irts_coord numeric(5,2) degree Longitude of the IRTS coordinate.
The 'IRTS coordinate' was defined for the north- and south-scan respectively, so that IRTS scan paths are close to its equator. To convert B1950 coordinate to the IRTS coordinate, you rotate around the Z axis by A and then rotate by D around the Y axis.
(pbject_ra_b1950,object_dec_b1950)=(182.25,-73.75) and (25.0,-64.0) (degrees) are converted to (object_lon_in_irts_coord,object_lat_in_irts_coord)=(0,0) in the IRTS north-scan and south-scan coordinate, respectively.
15 object_lat_in_irts_coord numeric(4,2) degree Latitude of the IRTS coordinate.
The 'IRTS coordinate' was defined for the north- and south-scan respectively, so that IRTS scan paths are close to its equator. To convert B1950 coordinate to the IRTS coordinate, you rotate around the Z axis by A and then rotate by D around the Y axis.
(pbject_ra_b1950,object_dec_b1950)=(182.25,-73.75) and (25.0,-64.0) (degrees) are converted to (object_lon_in_irts_coord,object_lat_in_irts_coord)=(0,0) in the IRTS north-scan and south-scan coordinate, respectively.
16 position_err_in_irts_coord_lon numeric(3,1) arcmin Position error in longitude of the IRTS coordinate.
17 position_err_in_irts_coord_lat numeric(3,1) arcmin Position error in latitude of the IRTS coordinate.
18 magnitude_nirs_h numeric(6,3) Magnitude in NIRS H band
19 magnitude_nirs_k numeric(6,3) Magnitude in NIRS K band
20 magnitude_nirs_l numeric(6,3) Magnitude in NIRS L band
21 magnitude_err_nirs_h numeric(5,3) Magnitude error in NIRS H band
22 magnitude_err_nirs_k numeric(5,3) Magnitude error in NIRS K band
23 magnitude_err_nirs_l numeric(5,3) Magnitude error in NIRS L band
24 flux_density_24 double precision Jy Flux of channel 24 (lambda=1.4 μm)
25 flux_density_23 double precision Jy Flux of channel 23
26 flux_density_22 double precision Jy Flux of channel 22
27 flux_density_21 double precision Jy Flux of channel 21
28 flux_density_20 double precision Jy Flux of channel 20
29 flux_density_19 double precision Jy Flux of channel 19
30 flux_density_18 double precision Jy Flux of channel 18
31 flux_density_17 double precision Jy Flux of channel 17
32 flux_density_16 double precision Jy Flux of channel 16
33 flux_density_15 double precision Jy Flux of channel 15
34 flux_density_14 double precision Jy Flux of channel 14
35 flux_density_13 double precision Jy Flux of channel 13
36 flux_density_12 double precision Jy Flux of channel 12
37 flux_density_11 double precision Jy Flux of channel 11
38 flux_density_10 double precision Jy Flux of channel 10
39 flux_density_09 double precision Jy Flux of channel 9
40 flux_density_08 double precision Jy Flux of channel 8
41 flux_density_07 double precision Jy Flux of channel 7
42 flux_density_06 double precision Jy Flux of channel 6
43 flux_density_05 double precision Jy Flux of channel 5
44 flux_density_04 double precision Jy Flux of channel 4
45 flux_density_03 double precision Jy Flux of channel 3
46 flux_density_02 double precision Jy Flux of channel 2
47 flux_density_01 double precision Jy Flux of channel 1 (lambda=4.0 micron)
48 flux_err_24 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 24, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
49 flux_err_23 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 23, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
50 flux_err_22 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 22, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
51 flux_err_21 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 21, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
52 flux_err_20 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 20, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
53 flux_err_19 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 19, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
54 flux_err_18 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 18, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
55 flux_err_17 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 17, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
56 flux_err_16 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 16, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
57 flux_err_15 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 15, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
58 flux_err_14 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 14, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
59 flux_err_13 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 13, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
60 flux_err_12 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 12, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
61 flux_err_11 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 11, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
62 flux_err_10 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 10, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
63 flux_err_09 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 9, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
64 flux_err_08 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 8, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
65 flux_err_07 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 7, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
66 flux_err_06 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 6, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
67 flux_err_05 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 5, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
68 flux_err_04 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 4, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
69 flux_err_03 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 3, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
70 flux_err_02 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 2, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
71 flux_err_01 double precision Jy Flux error of channel 1, come from the signal noise and the fluctuation of baseline.
72 quantity_of_events_24 smallint Num of Event data for ch24
73 quantity_of_events_23 smallint Num of Event data for ch23
74 quantity_of_events_22 smallint Num of Event data for ch22
75 quantity_of_events_21 smallint Num of Event data for ch21
76 quantity_of_events_20 smallint Num of Event data for ch20
77 quantity_of_events_19 smallint Num of Event data for ch19
78 quantity_of_events_18 smallint Num of Event data for ch18
79 quantity_of_events_17 smallint Num of Event data for ch17
80 quantity_of_events_16 smallint Num of Event data for ch16
81 quantity_of_events_15 smallint Num of Event data for ch15
82 quantity_of_events_14 smallint Num of Event data for ch14
83 quantity_of_events_13 smallint Num of Event data for ch13
84 quantity_of_events_12 smallint Num of Event data for ch12
85 quantity_of_events_11 smallint Num of Event data for ch11
86 quantity_of_events_10 smallint Num of Event data for ch10
87 quantity_of_events_09 smallint Num of Event data for ch9
88 quantity_of_events_08 smallint Num of Event data for ch8
89 quantity_of_events_07 smallint Num of Event data for ch7
90 quantity_of_events_06 smallint Num of Event data for ch6
91 quantity_of_events_05 smallint Num of Event data for ch5
92 quantity_of_events_04 smallint Num of Event data for ch4
93 quantity_of_events_03 smallint Num of Event data for ch3
94 quantity_of_events_02 smallint Num of Event data for ch2
95 quantity_of_events_01 smallint Num of Event data for ch1
96 quantity_of_events smallint Number of Events used in this source
97 quantity_of_neaby_events smallint Number of nearby event groups
98 quantity_of_counterpart_in_iras smallint Number of associations with IRAS PSC
99 quantity_of_counterpart_in_2mass smallint Number of associations with 2MASS catalog
100 quantity_of_counterpart_in_tycho smallint Number of associations with Tycho catalog
101 quantity_of_counterpart_in_hipparcos smallint Number of associations with Hipparcos catalog
102 object_id_in_other_scan character varying(10) NIRS name of associated PS in the other scan
103 spectral_type character varying(1) Classified Type [C, S, M, U, r, p, n]
Char     #  description
  M    851  M-type
  C     91  C-type
  S     62  S-type
  U      6  3.3um UIR
  r     82  red with H2O at 3um
  p   1081  red without H2O at 3um
  n   1829  other earlier stars
total 4002  (objects of good quality)
104 object_name_in_iras character varying(10) IRAS PSC name
105 object_id_in_tycho character varying(12) Identifier in Tycho catalog
106 reset_mode smallint Reset mode [0 = 1 minute, 1 = 1 second, 2 = mix]
107 data_access_url character varying(255) URL of the catalog data

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Last Modified: 28 August 2024