Suzaku Calibration Files

(Note: The same page is also maintained by GSFC. If you are in the US, please visit there.)

This page contains a summary of the Suzaku Calibration files which are currently in the Suzaku Calibration Database (CALDB). For each instrument, each table links to the latest CALDB release, from where individual files can be downloaded as well as the CALDB index file. The tables also link to the current CALDB tar files which users can install on their local machines.

Instructions for installing the CALDB for Suzaku or other missions are available from the CALDB Installation page at NASA/GSFC.

Caldb access for Suzaku requires an updated version of the caldb.config file which is available at distribution site on NASA/GSFC. Please replace your current $CALDBCONFIG file with this updated version. See CALDB page at NASA/GSFC for further information.

Note: The XIS CALDB release 20110608 requires version 18 (HEAsoft 6.11) software release.

Note: The Suzaku software currently support the automatic queries to CALDB only in some of the tasks. Therefore the full path and filename to CALDB files has to be explicitly given in the Suzaku software task parameters that require CALDB files.

Note: The tar files for the HXD, XIS and XRT already include the XRS CALDB file (the teldef) necessary to run some of the software tools. Also download the multimission calibration tar file since it is required to run xissimarfgen.

HXD Calibration Products

Item Date Comments
Current CalDB Release 2011-09-15 GSO gain upate
Documentation 2011-09-15  
Retrieve TAR file 2011-09-15 Size 370 MB compressed

XIS Calibration Products

Item Date Comments
Current CalDB Release 2016-06-07 Gain and rmf parameters
Documentation 2016-06-07 Update of the XIS P-sum mode calibration
Retrieve TAR file Part 1 (cpf)
Retrieve TAR file Part 2 (bcf)
Retrieve TAR file Part 3 (index)
2016-06-07 Total size 4544 MB compressed

XRT mirror Calibration Products

Item Date Comments
Current CalDB Release 2011-06-30 PSF and Effective area files
Documentation 2008-06-02  
Retrieve TAR file 2011-06-30 Size 537 MB compressed

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ISAS/JAXA Department of High Energy Astrophysics
Last Modified: Monday, 01-Aug-2016 14:16:10 JST