Increase of the contamination thickness of XIS0

Dec 17, 2007, the XIS team
The XIS team has found that the contamination of XIS0 is increasing more rapidly than expected.
  Figure 1 shows the history of the contamination thickness evaluated from the regular observations of E0102-72.3, including the latest one on December 1st-2nd 2007.  Solid curves represent the current model for the time evolution of the contamination thickness in CALDB of ae_xi?_contami_20070920.fits.  The contamination thickness of XIS0 shows more rapid increase than that expected from the current model.  Accordingly, arfs generated with "xissimarfgen" with the latest CALDB might underestimate the efficiency degradation by the contamination for the XIS0 data obtained after April 2007. The amount of the underestimation can be estimated from Figure 1.
  We are planning to update the corresponding CALDB in the next release sceduled at the end of December 2007.
History of the contamination thickness.
Figure 1. History of the contamination thickness evaluated from the regular observations of E0102-72.3.  Solid lines represent the current model of contamination evolution in CALDB of ae_xi?_contami_20070920.fits, and the dotted lines the previous model of ae_xi?_contami_20061016.fits.  Note that all the data points in the figure are based on the analysis of ver2.x products and slightly differ from those shown in the Technical Description.