XIS NXB database in the CALDB released on 2013-01-10 should be replaced.

2013-03-01 by the XIS team

A bug was found in the XIS NXB database (ae_xi?_nxb*_20121201.fits) in the CALDB released on 2013-01-10. We ask users to use the correct database (ae_xi?_nxb*_20130228.fits available in nxbdb_20130228.tar.gz). The new files will be included in the new CALDB soon. Until then, users need to explicitly designate the use of new files in the xisnxbgen tool using the -nxbevent option.


When the incorrect NXB database is used with the xisnxbgen tool, the event files with the 1/4 window option are produced regardless of the option of the input event file. An example is shown in the images below, which was produced for an input file with a circular source aperture of the full window option. The left panel is the output using the correct NXBDB (ae_xi?_nxb*_20130228.fits), while the right panel is the output using the wrong NXBDB (ae_xi?_nxb*_20121201.fits).


Affected data

All XIS0, 1, and 3 data taken since the increase of the charge injection from 2 keV to 6 keV in 2011. The detailed dates depend on the mode.