Release of the XRISM Fields-of-view (footprints) and Obseration Log

The X-ray astronomy satellite XRISM, which was launched on September 7th,2023 with SLIM, has been carrying on obseravtions smoothly. As of today (July 2024), the mission is in the Performance Verification (PV) phase and the data have yet to be released. Still, the first-light was press-released. From DARTS, we release the XRISM observation log and the XRISM fields-of-view (footprints). For the observation log, the mission-independent DARTS/Astro query system is adopted; to display the footprints, the mission-independent JUDO2 is adopted. Using JUDO2, you can display the XRISM footprints on other satellite images or footprints. In the figure right-hand side, on the ROSAT all-sky image Abel 2319 region, footprints of XRISM's two instruments (Extend and Resolve) are displayed (the obsrevations used in the press-release). After the PV phase, the data will be made public progressively. Resolve has the best X-ray spectral resolution ever, and a lot of excellent science outputs are expected.