Video Index

Thumbnail Experiment Parameter Code Source Type Start Time (duration) Size [KB] Link
No Data Ice Crystal ICE-03 SCOF 2X IPU RT 2009-01-20 02:49:02 (00:29:47) 1,224,196 Detail Download Preview
No Data Ice Crystal ICE-03 SCOF 4X IPU RT 2009-01-20 02:49:02 (00:29:48) 1,224,206 Detail Download Preview
No Data Ice Crystal ICE-03 ICE IPU RT 2009-01-20 02:49:02 (00:29:48) 1,224,252 Detail Download Preview
No Data Ice Crystal ICE-03 SCOF 2X IPU PB 2009-01-20 02:42:33 (00:07:45) 318,931 Detail Download Preview
No Data Ice Crystal ICE-03 ICE IPU PB 2009-01-20 02:42:30 (00:07:05) 291,405 Detail Download Preview
No Data Ice Crystal ICE-03 SCOF 4X IPU PB 2009-01-20 02:42:02 (00:07:23) 302,971 Detail Download Preview
No Data Ice Crystal ICE-03 SCOF 2X IPU RT 2009-01-20 02:34:05 (00:10:16) 422,447 Detail Download Preview
No Data Ice Crystal ICE-03 SCOF 4X IPU RT 2009-01-20 02:34:04 (00:10:17) 422,443 Detail Download Preview
No Data Ice Crystal ICE-03 ICE IPU RT 2009-01-20 02:34:04 (00:10:17) 422,478 Detail Download Preview
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