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Searchable Data with the DARTS/Astro Query System

Schema of Tables about XRISM

Satelite/Project Abstract of the data product Database table name Number of entries in the database Searhcable with Basic Search Searchable with SQL/ADQL Search
XRISM Observation logs and URL of observation data with XRISM. xrism_master_data Comming Soon Yes Yes
XRISM Description of the observations and URL of observation data by the Soft X-ray Spectrometer (Resolve) onboard XRISM, including the detector placements. xrism_resolve_data Comming Soon Yes Yes
XRISM Description of the observations and URL of observation data by the Soft X-ray Imager (Xtend) onboard XRISM, including the detector placements. xrism_xtend_data Comming Soon Yes Yes
XRISM Adopted Observation Proposals for XRISM xrism_proposal Comming Soon Yes Yes


Observation log of the XRISM observations.

No. Column Name Type Unit Description
1 observation_id character varying(11) The unique number to identify an observation/sequence. This is a 9-digit number.
2 object_name character varying(50) Designation of the Pointed Source. Observations that look at black sky have names related to the type of operations that occurred during that period.
3 center_ra double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Right Ascension J2000. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
4 center_dec double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Declination J2000. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
5 center_ra_b1950 double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Right Ascension B1950. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
6 center_dec_b1950 double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Declination B1950. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
7 center_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Ecliptic Longitude. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
8 center_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Ecliptic Latitude. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
9 center_galactic_lon double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Galactic Longitude. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
10 center_galactic_lat double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Galactic Latitude. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
11 roll_angle double precision degree Roll Angle
12 observation_start_time_mjd numeric(10,5) MJD Start Time of the Observation in MJD. If the sequence contains the incoming slew, the start time corresponds to the start of the incoming slew.
13 observation_start_time timestamp without time zone UTC Start Time of the Observation in UTC. If the sequence contains the incoming slew, the start time corresponds to the start of the incoming slew.
14 observation_end_time_mjd numeric(10,5) MJD Stop Time of the Observation in MJD. If the sequence contains the incoming slew, the start time corresponds to the start of the incoming slew.
15 observation_end_time timestamp without time zone UTC Stop Time of the Observation in UTC. If the sequence contains the incoming slew, the start time corresponds to the start of the incoming slew.
16 exposure numeric(6,3) ksec Effective total observation exposure (ks).
17 awarded_exposure numeric(6,3) ksec Accepted observation exposure (ks)
18 resolve_exposure numeric(6,3) ksec Effective exposure (ks) on source for the Resolve.
19 xtend_exposure numeric(6,3) ksec Effective exposure (ks) on source for the Xtend.
20 resolve_data_mode character varying(10) Resolve Datamode
21 resolve_with_filter_be character varying(1) Flag [YN] indicates Resolve observation was collected with Be filter on.
22 resolve_with_filter_fe55 character varying(1) Flag [YN] indicates Resolve observation was collected with Fe55 filter on.
23 resolve_with_filter_nd character varying(1) Flag [YN] indicates Resolve observation was collecter with ND25 filter on.
24 resolve_with_filter_poly character varying(1) Flag [YN] indicates Resolve observation was collecter with POLYMIDE filter on.
25 resolve_with_filter_open character varying(1) Flag [YN] indicates Resolve observation was collected with OPEN1 or OPEN2 filter on.
26 resolve_with_filter_undef character varying(1) Flag [YN] indicates Resolve observation was collecter with UNDEF filter on.
27 is_resolve_gatevalve_closed character varying(6) Flag [OPEN, CLOSE] indicates Resolve Gatevalve
28 is_resolve_mxs1 character varying(10) Flag [OFF, STANDBY, DIM, MEDIUM, BRIGHT] indicates Resolve MXS source 1 status.
29 is_resolve_mxs2 character varying(10) Flag [OFF, STANDBY, DIM, MEDIUM, BRIGHT] indicates Resolve MXS source 2 status.
30 is_resolve_mxs3 character varying(10) Flag [OFF, STANDBY, DIM, MEDIUM, BRIGHT] indicates Resolve MXS source 3 status.
31 is_resolve_mxs4 character varying(10) Flag [OFF, STANDBY, DIM, MEDIUM, BRIGHT] indicates Resolve MXS source 4 status.
32 xtend_number_modes smallint Xtend number of mode.
33 xtend_dataclass_file1 character varying(10) The data class for Xtend first second data mode. The following 32-bit data class is represented by AAAAAAAAAh converted in HEX. 0-3 bit: Definition version of data class. The following is the definition of 1000b for nominal observation. 4-5 bit: data mode (0: All CCD 1: CCD12 2: CCD34). 6-7 bit: Reserved. 8 bit: Window size (0: full, 1: 1/8). 9 bit: Burst (0: off, 1: on). 10 bit: bright mode (0: w/o area discrimination 1: w/ AD for bight source mode). 11bit: charge injection (0: CI on, 1 CI off). 12-27 bit: other settings (evth, spth, area, discri., ADC setting, readnode, DarkTh, HotPixTh, HOCSUMskip, etc. It is managed in a separate table). 28-31 bit: Reserved.
34 xtend_dataclass_file2 character varying(10) The data class for Xtend second data mode. The following 32-bit data class is represented by AAAAAAAAAh converted in HEX. 0-3 bit: Definition version of data class. The following is the definition of 1000b for nominal observation. 4-5 bit: data mode (0: All CCD 1: CCD12 2: CCD34). 6-7 bit: Reserved. 8 bit: Window size (0: full, 1: 1/8). 9 bit: Burst (0: off, 1: on). 10 bit: bright mode (0: w/o area discrimination 1: w/ AD for bight source mode). 11bit: charge injection (0: CI on, 1 CI off). 12-27 bit: other settings (evth, spth, area, discri., ADC setting, readnode, DarkTh, HotPixTh, HOCSUMskip, etc. It is managed in a separate table). 28-31 bit: Reserved.
35 xtend_window1_exposure numeric(6,3) ksec Xtend window1 exposure in kilo-seconds calculated using the GTI from the cleaned event file where the DATAMODE keyword is set to window1. Set to 0 if Xtend is not operating in window1 mode.
36 xtend_window2_exposure numeric(6,3) ksec Xtend window2 exposure in kilo-seconds calculated using the GTI from the cleaned event file where the DATAMODE keyword is set to window1. Set to 0 if Xtend is not operating in window2 mode.
37 xtend_window1_burst_exposure numeric(6,3) ksec Xtend window1 burst exposure in kilo-seconds calculated using the GTI from the cleaned event file where the DATAMODE keyword is set to window1. Set to 0 if Xtend is not operating in window1 mode.
38 xtend_window2_burst_exposure numeric(6,3) ksec Xtend window2 burst exposure in kilo-seconds calculated using the GTI from the cleaned event file where the DATAMODE keyword is set to window2. Set to 0 if Xtend is not operating in window2 mode.
39 xtend_code character varying(6) Five-digit number, ABCDE, to identify the type of data present for the Xtend. The value A=1 indicates if the Xtend science data are present. The value B=1 indicates if the Xtend exposure is present. The value C=1 indicates if Xtend HK is present and D=1 if the hot pixel table is present. E is not used and set to 0.
40 resolve_code character varying(6) Five-digit number, ABCDE, to identify the type of data present for the Resolve. The values for A indicate if the Resolve science data are present: A=1 only Resolve pixel data, A=2 only the Resolve antico data, A=3 both are present. The value B=1 indicates if the Resolve lost GTIs are present. The values for C indicate if the Resolve housekeeping data are present: C=1 means only Resolve HK1 data, C=2 means only the Resolve HK2 data, and C=3 means both HK1 and HK2 are present. The value for D indicates if other diagnostic data associated with the pixel array: D=1 for noise data, D=2 for pulse data, D=3 for wfrb, D=4 all, D=5 for noise and wfrb, D=6 for noise and pulse, and D= 7 for wfrb and pulse. The value for E indicates if other diagnostic data associated with the antico array: E=1 for noise data, E=2 for wfrb, E=3 for both.
41 gen_code character varying(6) Five-digit number, ABCDE, to identify the general auxiliary type of data present in the observation. The value A=1 indicates if the attitude data are present. The value B=1 indicates if the orbit data are present. The value of C is for the HK: C=1 for the HK1, C=2 for the HK2 and C=3 for both. The value D=1 indicates if the time file is present. E is not used and set to 0.
42 processing_status character varying(24) Data processing status [PROCESSED or NOTPROCESSED]
43 processing_date timestamp without time zone UTC Date of data processing in UTC
44 public_date timestamp without time zone UTC Date when the data became public in UTC
45 distribution_date timestamp without time zone UTC Date when the data were first distributed to the SWG in UTC
46 processing_version character varying(15) Version of processing script
47 caldb_version character varying(40) Version of CALDB Hitomi version for each of the instrument and used in the processing pipeline. The version is encoded as genYYYYMMDD_rslYYYMMDD_xtdYYYYMMDD. The date corresponds to the date to when the CALDB index was created.
48 processing_software character varying(80) Version of the HEAsoft and Hitomi software used in the processing pipeline to generate the data products of the observation.
49 proposal_id character varying(11) Proposal Number
50 proposal_abstract character varying(800) Full abstract?
51 proposal_category character varying(60) Proposal category The following are the possible subject categories: non-pointing data; calibration; galactic point sources; galactic diffuse emission; extragalactic compact sources; extragalactic diffuse sources; Gamma-ray bursts and other non-proposed TOOs.
52 proposal_category_code smallint Category code. 0=non-pointing data; 1=calibration; 4=galactic point sources; 5=galactic diffuse emission; 7=extragalactic compact sources; 8=extragalactic diffuse sources; 9=Gamma-ray bursts and other non-proposed TOOs.
53 proposal_priority character varying(5) Target observing priority
54 pi_name character varying(61) Proposal Principal Investigator (PI) name
55 co_pi_name character varying(61) Proposal Co-PI name
56 proposal_affiliated_country character varying(30) Proposal Principal Investigator (PI) country or collaboration
57 proposal_cycle integer XRISM observing Cycle (0 for pre-GO data).
58 proposal_type character varying(10) Proposal type, with allowed values of NOR / NOR-TOO (normal, normal TOO), LAR/ LAR-TOO (large, large TOO), KEY / KEY-TOO (key, key TOO), CAL / CAL-TOO (calibration, calibration TOO), DDT / DDT-TOO (Director's Discretionary Time, Director's Discretionary Time TOO).
59 proposal_title character varying(120) Proposal title
60 observation_status character varying(15) The present status of the observation: unobserved, scheduled, observed, processed, or archived.
61 data_access_url character varying(255) URL used to access dataset
62 xtend_data_mode1 character varying(15) Xtend Datamode1
63 xtend_data_mode2 character varying(15) Xtend Datamode2
64 processing_count smallserial Number of Times Sequence Has Been Processed
65 remarks character varying(300) Remarks

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Description of the observations by the Soft X-ray Spectrometer (Resolve) onboard XRISM, including the detector placements.

No. Column Name Type Unit Description
1 observation_id character varying(11) The unique number to identify an observation/sequence. This is a 9-digit number.
2 object_name character varying(50) Designation of the Pointed Source. Observations that look at black sky have names related to the type of operations that occurred during that period.
3 center_ra double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Right Ascension J2000. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
4 center_dec double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Declination J2000. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
5 center_ra_b1950 double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Right Ascension B1950. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
6 center_dec_b1950 double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Declination B1950. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
7 center_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Ecliptic Longitude. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
8 center_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Ecliptic Latitude. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
9 center_galactic_lon double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Galactic Longitude. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
10 center_galactic_lat double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Galactic Latitude. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
11 roll_angle double precision degree Roll Angle
12 observation_start_time_mjd numeric(10,5) MJD Start Time of the Observation in MJD. If the sequence contains the incoming slew, the start time corresponds to the start of the incoming slew.
13 observation_start_time timestamp without time zone UTC Start Time of the Observation in UTC. If the sequence contains the incoming slew, the start time corresponds to the start of the incoming slew.
14 observation_end_time_mjd numeric(10,5) MJD Stop Time of the Observation in MJD. If the sequence contains the incoming slew, the start time corresponds to the start of the incoming slew.
15 observation_end_time timestamp without time zone UTC Stop Time of the Observation in UTC. If the sequence contains the incoming slew, the start time corresponds to the start of the incoming slew.
16 exposure numeric(6,3) ks Effective total observation exposure (ks).
17 awarded_exposure numeric(6,3) ks ks
18 resolve_exposure numeric(6,3) ks Effective exposure (ks) on source for the Resolve.
19 resolve_data_mode character varying(10) Resolve Datamode
20 resolve_with_filter_be character varying(1) Flag [YN] indicates Resolve observation was collected with Be filter on.
21 resolve_with_filter_fe55 character varying(1) Flag [YN] indicates Resolve observation was collected with Fe55 filter on.
22 resolve_with_filter_nd character varying(1) Flag [YN] indicates Resolve observation was collecter with ND25 filter on.
23 resolve_with_filter_poly character varying(1) Flag [YN] indicates Resolve observation was collecter with POLYMIDE filter on.
24 resolve_with_filter_open character varying(1) Flag [YN] indicates Resolve observation was collected with OPEN1 or OPEN2 filter on.
25 resolve_with_filter_undef character varying(1) Flag [YN] indicates Resolve observation was collecter with UNDEF filter on.
26 is_resolve_gatevalve_closed character varying(6) Flag [OPEN, CLOSE] indicates Resolve Gatevalve
27 is_resolve_mxs1 character varying(10) Flag [OFF, STANDBY, DIM, MEDIUM, BRIGHT] indicates Resolve MXS source 1 status.
28 is_resolve_mxs2 character varying(10) Flag [OFF, STANDBY, DIM, MEDIUM, BRIGHT] indicates Resolve MXS source 2 status.
29 is_resolve_mxs3 character varying(10) Flag [OFF, STANDBY, DIM, MEDIUM, BRIGHT] indicates Resolve MXS source 3 status.
30 is_resolve_mxs4 character varying(10) Flag [OFF, STANDBY, DIM, MEDIUM, BRIGHT] indicates Resolve MXS source 4 status.
31 resolve_code character varying(6) Five-digit number, ABCDE, to identify the type of data present for the Resolve. The values for A indicate if the Resolve science data are present: A=1 only Resolve pixel data, A=2 only the Resolve antico data, A=3 both are present. The value B=1 indicates if the Resolve lost GTIs are present. The values for C indicate if the Resolve housekeeping data are present: C=1 means only Resolve HK1 data, C=2 means only the Resolve HK2 data, and C=3 means both HK1 and HK2 are present. The value for D indicates if other diagnostic data associated with the pixel array: D=1 for noise data, D=2 for pulse data, D=3 for wfrb, D=4 all, D=5 for noise and wfrb, D=6 for noise and pulse, and D= 7 for wfrb and pulse. The value for E indicates if other diagnostic data associated with the antico array: E=1 for noise data, E=2 for wfrb, E=3 for both.
32 gen_code character varying(6) Five-digit number, ABCDE, to identify the general auxiliary type of data present in the observation. The value A=1 indicates if the attitude data are present. The value B=1 indicates if the orbit data are present. The value of C is for the HK: C=1 for the HK1, C=2 for the HK2 and C=3 for both. The value D=1 indicates if the time file is present. E is not used and set to 0.
33 processing_status character varying(24) Data processing status [PROCESSED or NOTPROCESSED]
34 processing_date timestamp without time zone UTC Date of data processing in UTC
35 public_date timestamp without time zone UTC Date when the data became public in UTC
36 distribution_date timestamp without time zone UTC Date when the data were first distributed to the SWG in UTC
37 processing_version character varying(15) Version of processing script
38 caldb_version character varying(40) Version of CALDB Hitomi version for each of the instrument and used in the processing pipeline. The version is encoded as genYYYYMMDD_rslYYYMMDD_xtdYYYYMMDD. The date corresponds to the date to when the CALDB index was created.
39 processing_software character varying(80) Version of the HEAsoft and Hitomi software used in the processing pipeline to generate the data products of the observation.
40 proposal_id character varying(11) Proposal Number
41 proposal_abstract character varying(800) Full abstract?
42 proposal_category character varying(60) Proposal category The following are the possible subject categories: non-pointing data; calibration; galactic point sources; galactic diffuse emission; extragalactic compact sources; extragalactic diffuse sources; Gamma-ray bursts and other non-proposed TOOs.
43 proposal_category_code smallint Category code. 0=non-pointing data; 1=calibration; 4=galactic point sources; 5=galactic diffuse emission; 7=extragalactic compact sources; 8=extragalactic diffuse sources; 9=Gamma-ray bursts and other non-proposed TOOs.
44 proposal_priority character varying(5) Target observing priority
45 pi_name character varying(61) Proposal Principal Investigator (PI) name
46 co_pi_name character varying(61) Proposal Co-PI name
47 proposal_affiliated_country character varying(30) Proposal Principal Investigator (PI) country or collaboration
48 proposal_cycle integer XRISM observing Cycle (0 for pre-GO data).
49 proposal_type character varying(10) Proposal type, with allowed values of NOR / NOR-TOO (normal, normal TOO), LAR/ LAR-TOO (large, large TOO), KEY / KEY-TOO (key, key TOO), CAL / CAL-TOO (calibration, calibration TOO), DDT / DDT-TOO (Director's Discretionary Time, Director's Discretionary Time TOO).
50 proposal_title character varying(120) Proposal title
51 observation_status character varying(15) The present status of the observation: unobserved, scheduled, observed, processed, or archived.
52 data_access_url character varying(255) URL used to the dataset
53 ql_access_url character varying(255) URL to the observation information page
54 ql_image_url character varying(255) URL to the quick look image
55 corner1_ra double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Resolve observation field of view, Right Ascension J2000.
56 corner1_dec double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Resolve observation field of view, Declination J2000.
57 corner2_ra double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Resolve observation field of view, Right Ascension J2000.
58 corner2_dec double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Resolve observation field of view, Declination J2000.
59 corner3_ra double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Resolve observation field of view, Right Ascension J2000.
60 corner3_dec double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Resolve observation field of view, Declination J2000.
61 corner4_ra double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Resolve observation field of view, Right Ascension J2000.
62 corner4_dec double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Resolve observation field of view, Declination J2000.
63 corner5_ra double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex5 of the Resolve observation field of view, Right Ascension J2000.
64 corner5_dec double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex5 of the Resolve observation field of view, Declination J2000.
65 corner6_ra double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex6 of the Resolve observation field of view, Right Ascension J2000.
66 corner6_dec double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex6 of the Resolve observation field of view, Declination J2000.
67 corner1_ra_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Resolve observation field of view, Right Ascension B1950.
68 corner1_dec_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Resolve observation field of view, Declination B1950.
69 corner2_ra_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Resolve observation field of view, Right Ascension B1950.
70 corner2_dec_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Resolve observation field of view, Declination B1950.
71 corner3_ra_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Resolve observation field of view, Right Ascension B1950.
72 corner3_dec_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Resolve observation field of view, Declination B1950.
73 corner4_ra_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Resolve observation field of view, Right Ascension B1950.
74 corner4_dec_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Resolve observation field of view, Declination B1950.
75 corner5_ra_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex5 of the Resolve observation field of view, Right Ascension B1950.
76 corner5_dec_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex5 of the Resolve observation field of view, Declination B1950.
77 corner6_ra_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex6 of the Resolve observation field of view, Right Ascension B1950.
78 corner6_dec_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex6 of the Resolve observation field of view, Declination B1950.
79 corner1_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Resolve observation field of view, Ecliptic Longitude.
80 corner1_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Resolve observation field of view, Ecliptic Latitude.
81 corner2_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Resolve observation field of view, Ecliptic Longitude.
82 corner2_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Resolve observation field of view, Ecliptic Latitude.
83 corner3_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Resolve observation field of view, Ecliptic Longitude.
84 corner3_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Resolve observation field of view, Ecliptic Latitude.
85 corner4_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Resolve observation field of view, Ecliptic Longitude.
86 corner4_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Resolve observation field of view, Ecliptic Latitude.
87 corner5_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex5 of the Resolve observation field of view, Ecliptic Longitude.
88 corner5_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex5 of the Resolve observation field of view, Ecliptic Latitude.
89 corner6_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex6 of the Resolve observation field of view, Ecliptic Longitude.
90 corner6_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex6 of the Resolve observation field of view, Ecliptic Latitude.
91 corner1_galactic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Resolve observation field of view, Galactic Longitude.
92 corner1_galactic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Resolve observation field of view, Galactic Latitude.
93 corner2_galactic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Resolve observation field of view, Galactic Longitude.
94 corner2_galactic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Resolve observation field of view, Galactic Latitude.
95 corner3_galactic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Resolve observation field of view, Galactic Longitude.
96 corner3_galactic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Resolve observation field of view, Galactic Latitude.
97 corner4_galactic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Resolve observation field of view, Galactic Longitude.
98 corner4_galactic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Resolve observation field of view, Galactic Latitude.
99 corner5_galactic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex5 of the Resolve observation field of view, Galactic Longitude.
100 corner5_galactic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex5 of the Resolve observation field of view, Galactic Latitude.
101 corner6_galactic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex6 of the Resolve observation field of view, Galactic Longitude.
102 corner6_galactic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex6 of the Resolve observation field of view, Galactic Latitude.
103 resolve_adr_mode character varying(12) Resolve ADR Mode
104 resolve_thr_name character varying(10) Resolve Version Name of Pulse Thresholds
105 resolve_shp_date timestamp without time zone UTC Resolve Version Name of Pulse-shape Templates (YYYYMMDD)

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Description of the observations by the Soft X-ray Imager (Xtend) onboard XRISM, including the detector placements.

No. Column Name Type Unit Description
1 observation_id character varying(11) The unique number to identify an observation/sequence. This is a 9-digit number.
2 object_name character varying(50) Designation of the Pointed Source. Observations that look at black sky have names related to the type of operations that occurred during that period.
3 center_ra double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Right Ascension J2000. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
4 center_dec double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Declination J2000. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
5 center_ra_b1950 double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Right Ascension B1950. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
6 center_dec_b1950 double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Declination B1950. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
7 center_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Ecliptic Longitude. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
8 center_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Ecliptic Latitude. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
9 center_galactic_lon double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Galactic Longitude. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
10 center_galactic_lat double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Galactic Latitude. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
11 roll_angle double precision degree Roll Angle
12 observation_start_time_mjd numeric(10,5) MJD Start Time of the Observation in MJD. If the sequence contains the incoming slew, the start time corresponds to the start of the incoming slew.
13 observation_start_time timestamp without time zone UTC Start Time of the Observation in UTC. If the sequence contains the incoming slew, the start time corresponds to the start of the incoming slew.
14 observation_end_time_mjd numeric(10,5) MJD Stop Time of the Observation in MJD. If the sequence contains the incoming slew, the start time corresponds to the start of the incoming slew.
15 observation_end_time timestamp without time zone UTC Stop Time of the Observation in UTC. If the sequence contains the incoming slew, the start time corresponds to the start of the incoming slew.
16 exposure numeric(6,3) ks Effective total observation exposure (ks).
17 awarded_exposure numeric(6,3) ks Accepted observation exposure (ks)
18 xtend_exposure numeric(6,3) ks Effective exposure (ks) on source for the Xtend.
19 xtend_number_modes smallint Xtend number of mode.
20 xtend_dataclass_file1 character varying(10) The data class for Xtend first second data mode. The following 32-bit data class is represented by AAAAAAAAAh converted in HEX. 0-3 bit: Definition version of data class. The following is the definition of 1000b for nominal observation. 4-5 bit: data mode (0: All CCD 1: CCD12 2: CCD34). 6-7 bit: Reserved. 8 bit: Window size (0: full, 1: 1/8). 9 bit: Burst (0: off, 1: on). 10 bit: bright mode (0: w/o area discrimination 1: w/ AD for bight source mode). 11bit: charge injection (0: CI on, 1 CI off). 12-27 bit: other settings (evth, spth, area, discri., ADC setting, readnode, DarkTh, HotPixTh, HOCSUMskip, etc. It is managed in a separate table). 28-31 bit: Reserved.
21 xtend_dataclass_file2 character varying(10) The data class for Xtend second data mode. The following 32-bit data class is represented by AAAAAAAAAh converted in HEX. 0-3 bit: Definition version of data class. The following is the definition of 1000b for nominal observation. 4-5 bit: data mode (0: All CCD 1: CCD12 2: CCD34). 6-7 bit: Reserved. 8 bit: Window size (0: full, 1: 1/8). 9 bit: Burst (0: off, 1: on). 10 bit: bright mode (0: w/o area discrimination 1: w/ AD for bight source mode). 11bit: charge injection (0: CI on, 1 CI off). 12-27 bit: other settings (evth, spth, area, discri., ADC setting, readnode, DarkTh, HotPixTh, HOCSUMskip, etc. It is managed in a separate table). 28-31 bit: Reserved.
22 xtend_window1_exposure numeric(6,3) ks Xtend window1 exposure in kilo-seconds calculated using the GTI from the cleaned event file where the DATAMODE keyword is set to window1. Set to 0 if Xtend is not operating in window1 mode.
23 xtend_window2_exposure numeric(6,3) ks Xtend window2 exposure in kilo-seconds calculated using the GTI from the cleaned event file where the DATAMODE keyword is set to window1. Set to 0 if Xtend is not operating in window2 mode.
24 xtend_window1_burst_exposure numeric(6,3) ks Xtend window1 burst exposure in kilo-seconds calculated using the GTI from the cleaned event file where the DATAMODE keyword is set to window1. Set to 0 if Xtend is not operating in window1 mode.
25 xtend_window2_burst_exposure numeric(6,3) ks Xtend window2 burst exposure in kilo-seconds calculated using the GTI from the cleaned event file where the DATAMODE keyword is set to window2. Set to 0 if Xtend is not operating in window2 mode.
26 xtend_code character varying(6) Five-digit number, ABCDE, to identify the type of data present for the Xtend. The value A=1 indicates if the Xtend science data are present. The value B=1 indicates if the Xtend exposure is present. The value C=1 indicates if Xtend HK is present and D=1 if the hot pixel table is present. E is not used and set to 0.
27 gen_code character varying(6) Five-digit number, ABCDE, to identify the general auxiliary type of data present in the observation. The value A=1 indicates if the attitude data are present. The value B=1 indicates if the orbit data are present. The value of C is for the HK: C=1 for the HK1, C=2 for the HK2 and C=3 for both. The value D=1 indicates if the time file is present. E is not used and set to 0.
28 processing_status character varying(24) Data processing status [PROCESSED or NOTPROCESSED]
29 processing_date timestamp without time zone UTC Date of data processing in UTC
30 public_date timestamp without time zone UTC Date when the data became public in UTC
31 distribution_date timestamp without time zone UTC Date when the data were first distributed to the SWG in UTC
32 processing_version character varying(15) Version of processing script
33 caldb_version character varying(40) Version of CALDB Hitomi version for each of the instrument and used in the processing pipeline. The version is encoded as genYYYYMMDD_rslYYYMMDD_xtdYYYYMMDD. The date corresponds to the date to when the CALDB index was created.
34 processing_software character varying(80) Version of the HEAsoft and Hitomi software used in the processing pipeline to generate the data products of the observation.
35 proposal_id character varying(11) Proposal Number
36 proposal_abstract character varying(800) Full abstract?
37 proposal_category character varying(60) Proposal category The following are the possible subject categories: non-pointing data; calibration; galactic point sources; galactic diffuse emission; extragalactic compact sources; extragalactic diffuse sources; Gamma-ray bursts and other non-proposed TOOs.
38 proposal_category_code smallint Category code. 0=non-pointing data; 1=calibration; 4=galactic point sources; 5=galactic diffuse emission; 7=extragalactic compact sources; 8=extragalactic diffuse sources; 9=Gamma-ray bursts and other non-proposed TOOs.
39 proposal_priority character varying(5) Target observing priority
40 pi_name character varying(61) Proposal Principal Investigator (PI) name
41 co_pi_name character varying(61) Proposal Co-PI name
42 proposal_affiliated_country character varying(30) Proposal Principal Investigator (PI) country or collaboration
43 proposal_cycle integer XRISM observing Cycle (0 for pre-GO data).
44 proposal_type character varying(10) Proposal type, with allowed values of NOR / NOR-TOO (normal, normal TOO), LAR/ LAR-TOO (large, large TOO), KEY / KEY-TOO (key, key TOO), CAL / CAL-TOO (calibration, calibration TOO), DDT / DDT-TOO (Director's Discretionary Time, Director's Discretionary Time TOO).
45 proposal_title character varying(120) Proposal title
46 observation_status character varying(15) The present status of the observation: unobserved, scheduled, observed, processed, or archived.
47 data_access_url character varying(255) URL used to the dataset
48 ql_access_url character varying(255) URL to the observation information page
49 ql_image_url character varying(255) URL to the quick look image
50 corner1_ra double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Xtend observation field of view, Right Ascension J2000.
51 corner1_dec double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Xtend observation field of view, Declination J2000.
52 corner2_ra double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Xtend observation field of view, Right Ascension J2000.
53 corner2_dec double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Xtend observation field of view, Declination J2000.
54 corner3_ra double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Xtend observation field of view, Right Ascension J2000.
55 corner3_dec double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Xtend observation field of view, Declination J2000.
56 corner4_ra double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Xtend observation field of view, Right Ascension J2000.
57 corner4_dec double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Xtend observation field of view, Declination J2000.
58 corner1_ra_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Xtend observation field of view, Right Ascension B1950.
59 corner1_dec_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Xtend observation field of view, Declination B1950.
60 corner2_ra_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Xtend observation field of view, Right Ascension B1950.
61 corner2_dec_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Xtend observation field of view, Declination B1950.
62 corner3_ra_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Xtend observation field of view, Right Ascension B1950.
63 corner3_dec_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Xtend observation field of view, Declination B1950.
64 corner4_ra_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Xtend observation field of view, Right Ascension B1950.
65 corner4_dec_b1950 double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Xtend observation field of view, Declination B1950.
66 corner1_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Xtend observation field of view, Ecliptic Longitude.
67 corner1_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Xtend observation field of view, Ecliptic Latitude.
68 corner2_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Xtend observation field of view, Ecliptic Longitude.
69 corner2_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Xtend observation field of view, Ecliptic Latitude.
70 corner3_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Xtend observation field of view, Ecliptic Longitude.
71 corner3_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Xtend observation field of view, Ecliptic Latitude.
72 corner4_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Xtend observation field of view, Ecliptic Longitude.
73 corner4_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Xtend observation field of view, Ecliptic Latitude.
74 corner1_galactic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Xtend observation field of view, Galactic Longitude.
75 corner1_galactic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex1 of the Xtend observation field of view, Galactic Latitude.
76 corner2_galactic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Xtend observation field of view, Galactic Longitude.
77 corner2_galactic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex2 of the Xtend observation field of view, Galactic Latitude.
78 corner3_galactic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Xtend observation field of view, Galactic Longitude.
79 corner3_galactic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex3 of the Xtend observation field of view, Galactic Latitude.
80 corner4_galactic_lon double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Xtend observation field of view, Galactic Longitude.
81 corner4_galactic_lat double precision degree Coordinate of the vertex4 of the Xtend observation field of view, Galactic Latitude.
82 xtend_data_mode1 character varying(15) Xtend Datamode1
83 xtend_data_mode2 character varying(15) Xtend Datamode2

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Adopted Observation Proposals for XRISM

No. Column Name Type Unit Description
1 object_id_in_proposal character varying(12) The unique number to identify an observation target across all observations. proposal_id + "_" + Object ID assigned to each observation proposal
2 proposal_id character varying(11) The proposal number. This is a 9-digit number.
3 object_name character varying(50) Designation of the Pointed Source. Observations that look at black sky have names related to the type of operations that occurred during that period.
4 center_ra double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Right Ascension J2000. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
5 center_dec double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Declination J2000. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
6 center_ra_b1950 double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Right Ascension B1950. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
7 center_dec_b1950 double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Declination B1950. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
8 center_ecliptic_lon double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Ecliptic Longitude. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
9 center_ecliptic_lat double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Ecliptic Latitude. Calculated from (center_ra, center_dec). Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
10 center_galactic_lon double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Galactic Longitude. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
11 center_galactic_lat double precision degree Nominal satellite pointing direction, Galactic Latitude. Note that the pointing position can be different from the target position.
12 is_too character varying(1) Flag [Y/N] of ToO proposal.
13 proposal_type character varying(10) Proposal type, with allowed values of NOR / NOR-TOO (normal, normal TOO), LAR/ LAR-TOO (large, large TOO), KEY / KEY-TOO (key, key TOO), CAL / CAL-TOO (calibration, calibration TOO), DDT / DDT-TOO (Director's Discretionary Time, Director's Discretionary Time TOO).
14 proposal_cycle integer XRISM observing Cycle (0 for pre-GO data).
15 proposal_category character varying(60) Proposal category The following are the possible subject categories: non-pointing data; calibration; galactic point sources; galactic diffuse emission; extragalactic compact sources; extragalactic diffuse sources; Gamma-ray bursts and other non-proposed TOOs.
16 proposal_title character varying(120) Proposal title
17 awarded_total_exposure smallint ks Total awarded time (ks)
18 proposal_abstract character varying(800) Full abstract?
19 proposal_priority character varying(5) Target observing priority
20 observation_id character varying(11) The number to identify an observation/sequence. This is a 9-digit number.
21 proposal_exposure numeric(6,3) ks Proposed observation exposure for target (ks)
22 awarded_exposure numeric(6,3) ks Accepted observation exposure for target (ks)
23 recurrence_of_observations integer Number of onseravtion for target.
24 pi_name character varying(61) Proposal Principal Investigator (PI) name
25 co_pi_name character varying(61) Proposal Co-PI name
26 proposal_total_exposure smallint ks Total proposed time (ks)

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Last Modified: 28 August 2024