DARTS/Astro Query System - SQL Search -

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total 241

1 4U0142+61 26.5176 61.8112 25.649771 61.561225 52.160955 46.451759 129.33625727 -0.37933599 61.041 55055.0703125 2009-08-12 01:41:15 55057.3654976852 2009-08-14 08:46:19 404079010 107.4129 100 107.4129 107.4209 0 107.4227 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 99.7576 99.7576 198.2838 2 PROCESSED 57548.2012152778 2016-06-09 04:49:45 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55068.3037268518 2009-08-25 07:17:22 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046002 We propose a comprehensive study of magnetars and associated objects in order to resolve strong magnetism of neutron stars. Magnetars are estimated to have an ultra strong magnetic filed as 1E+15 Gauss, and have been attracted growing wide attention recent years. These classes are extreme case of magnetars and have excellent clues to complete our scientific goal, including magnetism and ultrahigh magnetic-field physics. This proposal carries a sense of future potential to become "Suzaku Legacy" Key Project and to break the new ground of "Magnetar Physics". GALACTIC POINT SOURCES 4 A KAZUO MAKISHIMA JAP 4 AO4 A SUZAKU STUDY OF MAGNETARS AND THE NEUTRON-STAR MAGNETISM HXD Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/404079010/ Quick Look
2 PSR J1846-0258 281.5972 -2.9106 280.942424 -2.965017 282.329422 20.034924 29.7662115 -0.20474108 86.0001 54936.8175578704 2009-04-15 19:37:17 54939.6779398148 2009-04-18 16:16:14 404081010 104.3451 100 104.3451 104.3675 0 104.3531 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 76.0065 76.0065 247.1018 1 PROCESSED 57546.2746990741 2016-06-07 06:35:34 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 54959.5006018518 2009-05-08 12:00:52 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046002 We propose a comprehensive study of magnetars and associated objects in order to resolve strong magnetism of neutron stars. Magnetars are estimated to have an ultra strong magnetic filed as 1E+15 Gauss, and have been attracted growing wide attention recent years. These classes are extreme case of magnetars and have excellent clues to complete our scientific goal, including magnetism and ultrahigh magnetic-field physics. This proposal carries a sense of future potential to become "Suzaku Legacy" Key Project and to break the new ground of "Magnetar Physics". GALACTIC POINT SOURCES 4 A KAZUO MAKISHIMA JAP 4 AO4 A SUZAKU STUDY OF MAGNETARS AND THE NEUTRON-STAR MAGNETISM HXD Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/404081010/ Quick Look
3 ZWCL0008.8+5215 WEST 2.7765 52.5416 2.120361 52.263518 29.435357 45.775484 116.7279282 -9.84363991 63.9984 56847.5889351852 2014-07-09 14:08:04 56849.9925115741 2014-07-11 23:49:13 809117010 102.3736 100 102.3816 102.3736 0 102.3896 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57615.3796643518 2016-08-15 09:06:43 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 56861.6478703704 2014-07-23 15:32:56 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096003 Radio relics in merging galaxy clusters trace low-Mach number shocks where particles are accelerated to extreme energies. Suzaku revealed temperature jumps at several relics. However the Mach numbers derived by X-ray observations are significantly lower than those from the radio spectra, and simple shock acceleration models need to be re-examined. We propose Suzaku key project observations of 12 radio relics to establish the shock properties, by combining with new radio data. These data will advance our understanding of (i) particle acceleration at the shocks and (ii) spatial distribution of the thermal and non-thermal components. We will make a breakthrough shocks and (ii) spatial distribution of the thermal and non-thermal components. We will make a breakthrough in our understand. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A HIROKI AKAMATSU EUR 9 AO9 EXPLORING ENERGETICS AT THE LARGEST SHOCK STRUCTURES IN THE UNIVERSE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/809117010/ Quick Look
4 VIRGO W12 184.4921 10.4589 183.855234 10.736542 179.90666 11.371427 276.03236295 71.56080365 100 56277.5402546296 2012-12-16 12:57:58 56278.125150463 2012-12-17 03:00:13 807105010 27.0915 24 27.0995 27.0915 0 27.0995 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 26.8528 26.8528 50.488 1 PROCESSED 57608.2964930556 2016-08-08 07:06:57 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56344.6765162037 2013-02-21 16:14:11 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807105010/ Quick Look
5 GALACTIC_BULGE10 268.297 -31.6627 267.484676 -31.652449 268.525852 -8.230314 358.49964198 -2.80216044 277.1297 55091.579525463 2009-09-17 13:54:31 55093.1508564815 2009-09-19 03:37:14 504093010 53.2416 50 53.2495 53.2416 0 53.2575 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 46.9072 46.9072 135.734 1 PROCESSED 57548.6254513889 2016-06-09 15:00:39 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55110.3193865741 2009-10-06 07:39:55 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 4 AO4 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504093010/ Quick Look
6 GALACTIC_BULGE8 267.0897 -31.0498 266.281644 -31.033699 267.475091 -7.634163 358.49976827 -1.60277837 260.4349 55088.8177777778 2009-09-14 19:37:36 55090.3043287037 2009-09-16 07:18:14 504091010 51.3316 50 51.3316 51.3392 0 51.3316 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 47.7514 47.7514 128.4258 2 PROCESSED 57548.5976041667 2016-06-09 14:20:33 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55109.4226736111 2009-10-05 10:08:39 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 4 AO4 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504091010/ Quick Look
7 ABELL2255_RELIC 258.3088 64.2709 258.23432 64.327456 199.782032 84.629727 94.17355304 34.84143708 3.193 56810.1311458333 2014-06-02 03:08:51 56812.4147569444 2014-06-04 09:57:15 809121010 100.6045 100 100.6045 100.8125 0 100.8045 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57615.1987731482 2016-08-15 04:46:14 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 56867.7458217593 2014-07-29 17:53:59 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096003 Radio relics in merging galaxy clusters trace low-Mach number shocks where particles are accelerated to extreme energies. Suzaku revealed temperature jumps at several relics. However the Mach numbers derived by X-ray observations are significantly lower than those from the radio spectra, and simple shock acceleration models need to be re-examined. We propose Suzaku key project observations of 12 radio relics to establish the shock properties, by combining with new radio data. These data will advance our understanding of (i) particle acceleration at the shocks and (ii) spatial distribution of the thermal and non-thermal components. We will make a breakthrough shocks and (ii) spatial distribution of the thermal and non-thermal components. We will make a breakthrough in our understand. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A HIROKI AKAMATSU EUR 9 AO9 EXPLORING ENERGETICS AT THE LARGEST SHOCK STRUCTURES IN THE UNIVERSE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/809121010/ Quick Look
8 A2199 OFFSET6 247.2752 38.7861 246.840866 38.894582 233.723395 59.394916 61.88224995 43.57632899 299.9992 55792.1844212963 2011-08-19 04:25:34 55792.9321875 2011-08-19 22:22:21 806152010 29.7851 30 29.7851 29.7851 0 29.7851 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 22.2105 22.2105 64.5979 1 PROCESSED 57602.8830324074 2016-08-02 21:11:34 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55806.2639467593 2011-09-02 06:20:05 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806152010/ Quick Look
9 SGR 1900+14 286.7986 9.3873 286.201777 9.308221 289.568815 31.69386 43.07377535 0.80526184 82.6704 54947.7664814815 2009-04-26 18:23:44 54949.0807175926 2009-04-28 01:56:14 404077010 53.1374 50 53.3934 53.3934 0 53.1374 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 42.1011 42.1011 113.5479 1 PROCESSED 57546.4694444444 2016-06-07 11:16:00 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 54973.4547222222 2009-05-22 10:54:48 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046002 We propose a comprehensive study of magnetars and associated objects in order to resolve strong magnetism of neutron stars. Magnetars are estimated to have an ultra strong magnetic filed as 1E+15 Gauss, and have been attracted growing wide attention recent years. These classes are extreme case of magnetars and have excellent clues to complete our scientific goal, including magnetism and ultrahigh magnetic-field physics. This proposal carries a sense of future potential to become "Suzaku Legacy" Key Project and to break the new ground of "Magnetar Physics". GALACTIC POINT SOURCES 4 A KAZUO MAKISHIMA JAP 4 AO4 A SUZAKU STUDY OF MAGNETARS AND THE NEUTRON-STAR MAGNETISM HXD Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/404077010/ Quick Look
10 A2199 OFFSET7 247.8714 39.0623 247.44001 39.168102 234.433925 59.797533 62.28955825 43.12499555 270.0014 55792.9380324074 2011-08-19 22:30:46 55793.5717708333 2011-08-20 13:43:21 806153010 28.9786 30 28.9946 28.9786 0 28.9946 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 23.6221 23.6221 54.7439 1 PROCESSED 57602.8895138889 2016-08-02 21:20:54 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55806.2932175926 2011-09-02 07:02:14 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806153010/ Quick Look
11 RXCJ1053.7+5453 163.1919 54.9274 162.433556 55.193301 139.011043 43.216014 152.52898808 54.84022784 128.7233 56962.235150463 2014-11-01 05:38:37 56964.4029513889 2014-11-03 09:40:15 809120010 87.0847 100 87.0847 101.5529 0 101.5529 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57616.7267708333 2016-08-16 17:26:33 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 57071.4205671296 2015-02-18 10:05:37 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096003 Radio relics in merging galaxy clusters trace low-Mach number shocks where particles are accelerated to extreme energies. Suzaku revealed temperature jumps at several relics. However the Mach numbers derived by X-ray observations are significantly lower than those from the radio spectra, and simple shock acceleration models need to be re-examined. We propose Suzaku key project observations of 12 radio relics to establish the shock properties, by combining with new radio data. These data will advance our understanding of (i) particle acceleration at the shocks and (ii) spatial distribution of the thermal and non-thermal components. We will make a breakthrough shocks and (ii) spatial distribution of the thermal and non-thermal components. We will make a breakthrough in our understand. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A HIROKI AKAMATSU EUR 9 AO9 EXPLORING ENERGETICS AT THE LARGEST SHOCK STRUCTURES IN THE UNIVERSE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/809120010/ Quick Look
12 A2199 OFFSET11 246.6136 39.2216 246.181473 39.33303 232.494915 59.651332 62.4602069 44.10568707 268 55815.9308449074 2011-09-11 22:20:25 55816.4036342593 2011-09-12 09:41:14 806157010 20.6533 20 20.6613 20.6533 0 20.6613 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 20.551 20.551 40.8439 3 PROCESSED 57603.1066898148 2016-08-03 02:33:38 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55865.9405555556 2011-10-31 22:34:24 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806157010/ Quick Look
13 GRXE_E_10 267.9015 -25.9408 267.12546 -25.928719 268.101648 -2.513628 3.25115356 0.4070413 105.0001 56362.3793865741 2013-03-11 09:06:19 56364.8778472222 2013-03-13 21:04:06 507075010 101.3428 100 101.3428 101.3428 0 101.3428 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 88.2422 88.2422 215.806 2 PROCESSED 57610.8450462963 2016-08-10 20:16:52 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56377.5882175926 2013-03-26 14:07:02 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076002 We make high statistics observation of the 6.4-keV line in the region of l= +1.5 ~ +4 deg, which is key to resolve the origin of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission (GRXE). It also clarifies the origin of the 6.7-keV line. The concrete aims are (1) to determine the asymmetry of the GRXE between the east- and the west-sides of the Galactic center, (2) to separate spectral components of the 6.7-keV and 6.4-keV lines, (3) to constrain the origin of the 6.4-keV line (presumably from diffuse origin) and (4) to provide a "Suzaku Legacy" of the Galactic diffuse X-ray emission (the GRXE and GCDX) covering the wide region of l= -4 ~ +4 deg with high statistics and precise spectroscopy, which will be immediately used as best path-finder for Astro-H and standard data set for the multi-band studies. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A TAKESHI TSURU JAP 7 AO7 ORIGIN OF THE 6.4KEV LINE OF THE GALACTIC RIDGE X-RAY EMISSION (GRXE) XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/507075010/ Quick Look
14 MBM16 49.7694 11.5801 49.085806 11.399029 50.444533 -6.508969 170.60605682 -37.27197306 254.9211 56331.4284606482 2013-02-08 10:16:59 56333.553587963 2013-02-10 13:17:10 507076020 80.9506 80 80.9746 80.9506 0 80.9746 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 69.3076 69.3076 183.5839 2 PROCESSED 57610.5874074074 2016-08-10 14:05:52 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56349.5813657407 2013-02-26 13:57:10 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076003 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 7 AO7 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/507076020/ Quick Look
15 A2199 OFFSET2 247.0222 38.9947 246.589024 39.104311 233.2293 59.533721 62.15962406 43.78139177 300.0001 55790.2001851852 2011-08-17 04:48:16 55790.5974884259 2011-08-17 14:20:23 806148010 20.2856 20 20.2856 20.2856 0 20.2856 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 15.074 15.074 34.3199 1 PROCESSED 57602.8518287037 2016-08-02 20:26:38 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55806.1895601852 2011-09-02 04:32:58 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806148010/ Quick Look
16 MBM36 238.3613 -4.7912 237.701072 -4.643799 237.20756 15.120262 4.0047136 35.6981582 275.8793 56894.6980324074 2014-08-25 16:45:10 56896.6598958333 2014-08-27 15:50:15 509074010 83.1887 80 83.1967 83.1887 0 83.1967 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 3.755 3.755 8.94 0 PROCESSED 57616.559525463 2016-08-16 13:25:43 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 56929.2087615741 2014-09-29 05:00:37 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096001 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 9 AO9 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509074010/ Quick Look
17 GB_NORTH_4 264.8998 -28.3109 264.109826 -28.284233 265.484852 -4.949634 359.83607677 1.45248781 106.6967 57110.9717708333 2015-03-29 23:19:21 57113.0203472222 2015-04-01 00:29:18 509080010 88.1941 100 88.1941 95.0455 0 95.0615 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57617.8835648148 2016-08-17 21:12:20 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 57125.4051736111 2015-04-13 09:43:27 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096002 The Galactic Bulge (GB) regions are less contaminated by the strong Galactic X-ray background, and hence are more suitable to extract pure phenomena associated with the Galactic center (GC) activities. However, the covered area of the GB have been limited. We thus propose a new Key project focusing on the GB region. Objectives are (I) a search for an over-ionized plasma north of the GB as a counterpart of GB south, a relic of past Sgr A* activity, and (II) discovering unexpected features with unprecedented sensitivity of Suzaku for diffuse faint emissions. This Key project, together with the previous Key project on the GC, can complete the data set of the extended GC region as the Suzaku legacy. The data set will assist in making an observational strategy for the upcoming ASTRO-H project. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 9 AO9 MAPPING THE GALACTIC BULGE REGION -RELICS OF GC ACTIVITIES AND SUZAKU LEGACY- XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509080010/ Quick Look
18 A2199 OFFSET16 247.7994 39.696 247.372677 39.802115 233.944751 60.385033 63.15474779 43.20527386 235.0008 55840.9241666667 2011-10-06 22:10:48 55841.4308217593 2011-10-07 10:20:23 806162010 28.3158 30 28.3158 28.3158 0 28.3158 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 28.6983 28.6983 43.7679 0 PROCESSED 57603.3467824074 2016-08-03 08:19:22 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55858.377037037 2011-10-24 09:02:56 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806162010/ Quick Look
19 VIRGO E13 191.4157 14.448 190.788981 14.721164 184.610172 17.765771 296.58532586 77.24852866 284.9997 56486.2639351852 2013-07-13 06:20:04 56486.8515856482 2013-07-13 20:26:17 808128010 20.4817 20 20.4897 20.4817 0 20.4897 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 18.787 18.787 50.7599 0 PROCESSED 57611.9056134259 2016-08-11 21:44:05 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56503.6194444444 2013-07-30 14:52:00 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086003 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 8 AO8 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/808128010/ Quick Look
20 ABELL 426 W5.5 47.9127 41.6204 47.090331 41.432362 57.05648 22.874112 149.19418163 -13.99181892 94.0012 55429.9950115741 2010-08-21 23:52:49 55430.3626967593 2010-08-22 08:42:17 805115010 9.8216 10 9.8256 9.8356 0 9.8216 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 6.999 6.999 31.768 0 PROCESSED 57553.1611342593 2016-06-14 03:52:02 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55446.1245023148 2010-09-07 02:59:17 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805115010/ Quick Look
21 SN1006_SE1 225.8641 -42.0384 225.045074 -41.843059 235.594631 -23.72201 327.62177329 14.41744154 286.0629 56883.8521064815 2014-08-14 20:27:02 56887.5210648148 2014-08-18 12:30:20 509082010 201.8322 480 201.8322 202.4881 0 202.5201 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57616.5228240741 2016-08-16 12:32:52 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 56910.6390509259 2014-09-10 15:20:14 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096004 We propose deep XIS observations of SN1006, a Type Ia supernova remnant (SNR) in the Galaxy. Our immediate objective is to detect weak emissions, Cr K-alpha, Mn K-alpha, and Fe K-beta lines, which are key to diagnosing the evolution of the Type Ia SN progenitor and the efficiency of collisionless electron heating at the SNR reverse shock. Although the total requested exposure is quite long, the observation is well worth the risk and will certainly provide a heritage dataset prominent in the legacy of Suzaku. This proposal consists of the two steps. The first science goal requires the 400-ks exposure, while the second goal requires additional 800 ks. Approval of only the first step will be accepted. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A HIROYA YAMAGUCHI USA 9 AO9 THERMAL X-RAYS FROM SN 1006: THE UNIQUE TYPE IA SNR IN THE EXTREMELY LOW-DENSITY AND LOW-METALLICITY ENVIRONMENT XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509082010/ Quick Look
22 SN1006_SE1 225.857 -42.039 225.037992 -41.843634 235.58934 -23.724178 327.61674963 14.4195613 107.6985 57063.4521643518 2015-02-10 10:51:07 57069.9807060185 2015-02-16 23:32:13 509082020 258.382 280 258.382 278.7901 0 278.8541 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57617.6457523148 2016-08-17 15:29:53 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 57080.4416898148 2015-02-27 10:36:02 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096004 We propose deep XIS observations of SN1006, a Type Ia supernova remnant (SNR) in the Galaxy. Our immediate objective is to detect weak emissions, Cr K-alpha, Mn K-alpha, and Fe K-beta lines, which are key to diagnosing the evolution of the Type Ia SN progenitor and the efficiency of collisionless electron heating at the SNR reverse shock. Although the total requested exposure is quite long, the observation is well worth the risk and will certainly provide a heritage dataset prominent in the legacy of Suzaku. This proposal consists of the two steps. The first science goal requires the 400-ks exposure, while the second goal requires additional 800 ks. Approval of only the first step will be accepted. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A HIROYA YAMAGUCHI USA 9 AO9 THERMAL X-RAYS FROM SN 1006: THE UNIQUE TYPE IA SNR IN THE EXTREMELY LOW-DENSITY AND LOW-METALLICITY ENVIRONMENT XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509082020/ Quick Look
23 VIRGO W5 186.3906 11.6158 185.756069 11.892616 181.170087 13.184054 280.29277845 73.33982916 99.9992 56273.927037037 2012-12-12 22:14:56 56274.3467476852 2012-12-13 08:19:19 807098010 16.6144 15 16.6261 16.6224 0 16.6144 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 18.174 18.174 36.256 0 PROCESSED 57608.2663078704 2016-08-08 06:23:29 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56303.5207407407 2013-01-11 12:29:52 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807098010/ Quick Look
24 VIRGO S5 187.6482 10.8577 187.014441 11.133804 182.643107 12.991025 285.16119801 73.00623042 308.4993 56112.5062037037 2012-07-04 12:08:56 56112.7681828704 2012-07-04 18:26:11 807119010 12.7732 10 12.7812 12.7732 0 12.7892 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 12.087 12.087 22.6239 0 PROCESSED 57606.5630439815 2016-08-06 13:30:47 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56141.1590625 2012-08-02 03:49:03 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807119010/ Quick Look
25 VIRGO E6 189.4489 13.3515 188.818836 13.626346 183.257959 15.984737 289.22685608 75.85896695 284.9998 56482.9353935185 2013-07-09 22:26:58 56483.2543171296 2013-07-10 06:06:13 808121010 14.633 14 14.641 14.641 0 14.633 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 11.0441 11.0441 27.5519 0 PROCESSED 57611.7799421296 2016-08-11 18:43:07 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56496.5976157407 2013-07-23 14:20:34 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086003 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 8 AO8 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/808121010/ Quick Look
26 VIRGO E10 190.6018 13.9952 189.973652 14.269099 184.050004 17.029845 293.36819262 76.69896749 284.9995 56484.6167476852 2013-07-11 14:48:07 56485.1960416667 2013-07-12 04:42:18 808125010 21.4435 20 21.4435 21.4435 0 21.4435 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 19.152 19.152 50.044 1 PROCESSED 57611.8325115741 2016-08-11 19:58:49 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56498.6333796296 2013-07-25 15:12:04 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086003 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 8 AO8 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/808125010/ Quick Look
27 GALACTIC_BULGE1 267.2201 -29.3677 266.422949 -29.352259 267.554885 -5.950193 359.99969448 -0.83243485 274.7 55118.4798148148 2009-10-14 11:30:56 55119.6453587963 2009-10-15 15:29:19 504088010 47.23 50 47.23 47.23 0 47.23 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 32.6139 32.6139 100.7 2 PROCESSED 57548.8825231482 2016-06-09 21:10:50 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55134.0688425926 2009-10-30 01:39:08 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 4 AO4 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504088010/ Quick Look
28 GALACTIC_BULGE9 267.6768 -31.2805 266.867115 -31.267244 267.986252 -7.855618 358.55970985 -2.15232996 265.3076 55090.3066550926 2009-09-16 07:21:35 55091.5758564815 2009-09-17 13:49:14 504092010 50.9199 50 50.9439 50.9359 0 50.9199 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 45.5744 45.5744 109.6459 1 PROCESSED 57548.6135069444 2016-06-09 14:43:27 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55109.4315740741 2009-10-05 10:21:28 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 4 AO4 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504092010/ Quick Look
29 ABELL 426 W7 47.3511 41.6379 46.530265 41.447862 56.625896 23.013072 148.81593544 -14.19658633 93.9992 55431.0429398148 2010-08-23 01:01:50 55431.5078356482 2010-08-23 12:11:17 805109010 15.4161 15 15.4481 15.4321 0 15.4161 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 13.2824 13.2824 40.1599 0 PROCESSED 57553.1742824074 2016-06-14 04:10:58 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55449.2612731482 2010-09-10 06:16:14 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805109010/ Quick Look
30 A2199 OFFSET1 247.4695 38.9998 247.037043 39.107408 233.880438 59.644289 62.18539249 43.43422484 299.9971 55789.6293171296 2011-08-16 15:06:13 55790.1995717593 2011-08-17 04:47:23 806147010 20.2965 20 20.2965 20.2965 0 20.2965 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 19.2982 19.2982 49.2599 0 PROCESSED 57602.803287037 2016-08-02 19:16:44 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55806.270150463 2011-09-02 06:29:01 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806147010/ Quick Look
31 A2199 OFFSET15 246.482 39.889 246.05467 40.001004 231.881042 60.252338 63.3872074 44.22195617 255.0003 55823.9923726852 2011-09-19 23:49:01 55824.6403935185 2011-09-20 15:22:10 806161010 28.1669 30 28.1829 28.1669 0 28.1829 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 28.0746 28.0746 55.9819 0 PROCESSED 57603.196412037 2016-08-03 04:42:50 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55851.4457060185 2011-10-17 10:41:49 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806161010/ Quick Look
32 KEPLER_BG_GE 263.5357 -20.2632 262.792974 -20.230061 263.919291 3.041451 5.99779838 6.79710869 273.0028 55072.0030208333 2009-08-29 00:04:21 55072.5002662037 2009-08-29 12:00:23 504101020 24.7227 60 24.7467 24.7387 0 24.7227 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 19.2528 19.2528 42.9559 0 PROCESSED 57548.3891550926 2016-06-09 09:20:23 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55109.4155324074 2009-10-05 09:58:22 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046004 The detailed nature of the progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is elusive. X-ray line emission from low abundant elements (Cr, Mn, and Ni) in young supernova remnants (SNR) provides an excellent opportunity to study the Type Ia SN nucleosynthesis and thus to reveal the metallicity of the progenitor. Suzaku XIS observations are an efficient tool for such an X-ray spectroscopy. We propose a deep Suzaku XIS observation of Kepler's SNR to study the peculiar nature of its Type Ia SN progenitor. Our proposed Suzaku X-ray study of the Cr, Mn, and Ni line emission in Kepler will reveal the progenitor's metallicity in an unprecedented detail, which will be an excellent complementary work to the existing Suzaku Long Program of Tycho's SNR to reveal the nature of Type Ia SN progenitors. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A SANGWOOK PARK USA 4 AO4 A DEEP OBSERVATION OF THE KEPLER SUPERNOVA REMNANT: NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF A TYPE IA SUPERNOVA WITH A PECULIAR PROGENITOR XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504101020/ Quick Look
33 KEPLER_BG_GW 261.806 -22.7684 261.049806 -22.726898 262.438757 0.457902 2.99933771 6.7960859 273.0885 55109.2984143518 2009-10-05 07:09:43 55111.1057175926 2009-10-07 02:32:14 504102010 65.2949 60 65.3029 65.2949 0 65.3029 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 50.7821 50.7821 156.128 1 PROCESSED 57548.8038425926 2016-06-09 19:17:32 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55125.6963888889 2009-10-21 16:42:48 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046004 The detailed nature of the progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is elusive. X-ray line emission from low abundant elements (Cr, Mn, and Ni) in young supernova remnants (SNR) provides an excellent opportunity to study the Type Ia SN nucleosynthesis and thus to reveal the metallicity of the progenitor. Suzaku XIS observations are an efficient tool for such an X-ray spectroscopy. We propose a deep Suzaku XIS observation of Kepler's SNR to study the peculiar nature of its Type Ia SN progenitor. Our proposed Suzaku X-ray study of the Cr, Mn, and Ni line emission in Kepler will reveal the progenitor's metallicity in an unprecedented detail, which will be an excellent complementary work to the existing Suzaku Long Program of Tycho's SNR to reveal the nature of Type Ia SN progenitors. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A SANGWOOK PARK USA 4 AO4 A DEEP OBSERVATION OF THE KEPLER SUPERNOVA REMNANT: NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF A TYPE IA SUPERNOVA WITH A PECULIAR PROGENITOR XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504102010/ Quick Look
34 KEPLER_BG_GS 263.1005 -22.949 262.342899 -22.913725 263.639389 0.339875 3.49961978 5.69692486 272.6396 55107.43 2009-10-03 10:19:12 55109.2973842593 2009-10-05 07:08:14 504104010 67.2508 60 67.2508 67.2805 0 67.2748 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 53.1585 53.1585 161.3298 1 PROCESSED 57548.7538425926 2016-06-09 18:05:32 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55125.3521180556 2009-10-21 08:27:03 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046004 The detailed nature of the progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is elusive. X-ray line emission from low abundant elements (Cr, Mn, and Ni) in young supernova remnants (SNR) provides an excellent opportunity to study the Type Ia SN nucleosynthesis and thus to reveal the metallicity of the progenitor. Suzaku XIS observations are an efficient tool for such an X-ray spectroscopy. We propose a deep Suzaku XIS observation of Kepler's SNR to study the peculiar nature of its Type Ia SN progenitor. Our proposed Suzaku X-ray study of the Cr, Mn, and Ni line emission in Kepler will reveal the progenitor's metallicity in an unprecedented detail, which will be an excellent complementary work to the existing Suzaku Long Program of Tycho's SNR to reveal the nature of Type Ia SN progenitors. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A SANGWOOK PARK USA 4 AO4 A DEEP OBSERVATION OF THE KEPLER SUPERNOVA REMNANT: NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF A TYPE IA SUPERNOVA WITH A PECULIAR PROGENITOR XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504104010/ Quick Look
35 GALACTIC_BULGE3 267.9488 -29.7963 267.148788 -29.784389 268.199437 -6.368042 359.95634845 -1.5962466 107.1729 55624.8013310185 2011-03-04 19:13:55 55626.2292939815 2011-03-06 05:30:11 505078010 51.2756 50 51.2756 51.2756 0 51.2756 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 39.3124 39.3124 123.3618 0 PROCESSED 57601.0957407407 2016-08-01 02:17:52 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55642.1205787037 2011-03-22 02:53:38 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505078010/ Quick Look
36 GALACTIC_BULGE15 265.6963 -32.7784 264.876935 -32.755516 266.323781 -9.39206 356.40742505 -1.49294303 89.8786 55626.2338425926 2011-03-06 05:36:44 55627.5424884259 2011-03-07 13:01:11 505084010 50.3097 50 50.3172 50.3097 0 50.3252 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 37.5095 37.5095 113.0559 0 PROCESSED 57601.1030439815 2016-08-01 02:28:23 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55645.2697222222 2011-03-25 06:28:24 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505084010/ Quick Look
37 GALACTIC_BULGE16 266.5113 -33.2224 265.68867 -33.203457 267.02907 -9.817155 356.38592507 -2.30771737 275.4625 55482.2533217593 2010-10-13 06:04:47 55483.5626967593 2010-10-14 13:30:17 505085010 55.0315 50 55.0315 55.0315 0 55.0315 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 48.6341 48.6341 113.1139 1 PROCESSED 57553.750787037 2016-06-14 18:01:08 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55502.290150463 2010-11-02 06:57:49 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505085010/ Quick Look
38 GALACTIC_BULGE17 267.7467 -33.8391 266.919516 -33.82614 268.087567 -10.412886 356.3863118 -3.50805248 275.261 55483.5637731482 2010-10-14 13:31:50 55485.0627893518 2010-10-16 01:30:25 505086010 53.1266 50 53.1266 54.0895 0 54.0895 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 46.2769 46.2769 129.4938 1 PROCESSED 57553.7652430556 2016-06-14 18:21:57 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55508.2025694444 2010-11-08 04:51:42 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505086010/ Quick Look
39 HESS J1841-55 3 280.1471 -5.609 279.479279 -5.656459 280.581257 17.459575 26.70525302 -0.15199861 87.0298 55647.6397685185 2011-03-27 15:21:16 55648.791875 2011-03-28 19:00:18 505090010 49.549 50 49.581 49.549 0 49.581 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 42.7935 42.7935 99.5239 1 PROCESSED 57601.3633101852 2016-08-01 08:43:10 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55666.2655439815 2011-04-15 06:22:23 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505090010/ Quick Look
40 KES 27 237.1872 -53.7777 236.229597 -53.624833 247.581589 -32.858337 327.32071311 0.47884394 101.6269 55983.5400231482 2012-02-26 12:57:38 55985.4633217593 2012-02-28 11:07:11 506063010 109.3535 120 109.4015 109.3535 0 109.4015 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 115.3321 115.3321 166.148 4 PROCESSED 57604.7717592593 2016-08-04 18:31:20 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55995.1904976852 2012-03-09 04:34:19 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066001 Suzaku found recombining plasma (RP) from the mixed-morphology SNRs (MM-SNRs). Since the standard evolution of SNR does not predict RP, the Suzaku discovery requires a dramatic change on the scenario of SNR dynamics and evolution. Suggestive facts are that all RP detected SNRs have OH masers and all RP-detected SNRs have TeV/GeV emissions. The most important issue at this stage, however, is not model making, but systematic and comprehensive observations to study which kind of SNRs, and/or which circum SN conditions, are responsible to RP. This is our primary objective. The second aim of this proposal is to provide path-finding data for the Astro-H science. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 6 AO6-KP NEW SCENARIO FOR THE THERMAL PLASMA IN SNRS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/506063010/ Quick Look
41 G349.7+0.2 259.4954 -37.4452 258.645482 -37.392398 261.399155 -14.316641 349.72102569 0.17051597 282.4112 55833.4324537037 2011-09-29 10:22:44 55838.1341898148 2011-10-04 03:13:14 506064010 160.4024 160 160.4264 160.4024 0 160.4344 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 144.6151 144.6151 404.22 5 PROCESSED 57603.3931134259 2016-08-03 09:26:05 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55858.5356018518 2011-10-24 12:51:16 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066001 Suzaku found recombining plasma (RP) from the mixed-morphology SNRs (MM-SNRs). Since the standard evolution of SNR does not predict RP, the Suzaku discovery requires a dramatic change on the scenario of SNR dynamics and evolution. Suggestive facts are that all RP detected SNRs have OH masers and all RP-detected SNRs have TeV/GeV emissions. The most important issue at this stage, however, is not model making, but systematic and comprehensive observations to study which kind of SNRs, and/or which circum SN conditions, are responsible to RP. This is our primary objective. The second aim of this proposal is to provide path-finding data for the Astro-H science. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 6 AO6-KP NEW SCENARIO FOR THE THERMAL PLASMA IN SNRS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/506064010/ Quick Look
42 GRXE_E_2 267.6193 -27.2463 266.835371 -27.232829 267.869305 -3.822869 2.00029183 -0.04392641 105.0002 56366.4085532407 2013-03-15 09:48:19 56368.7772569444 2013-03-17 18:39:15 507069010 103.6873 100 103.6873 103.6873 0 103.6873 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 95.5834 95.5834 204.6259 2 PROCESSED 57610.8702314815 2016-08-10 20:53:08 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56379.6047106482 2013-03-28 14:30:47 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076002 We make high statistics observation of the 6.4-keV line in the region of l= +1.5 ~ +4 deg, which is key to resolve the origin of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission (GRXE). It also clarifies the origin of the 6.7-keV line. The concrete aims are (1) to determine the asymmetry of the GRXE between the east- and the west-sides of the Galactic center, (2) to separate spectral components of the 6.7-keV and 6.4-keV lines, (3) to constrain the origin of the 6.4-keV line (presumably from diffuse origin) and (4) to provide a "Suzaku Legacy" of the Galactic diffuse X-ray emission (the GRXE and GCDX) covering the wide region of l= -4 ~ +4 deg with high statistics and precise spectroscopy, which will be immediately used as best path-finder for Astro-H and standard data set for the multi-band studies. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A TAKESHI TSURU JAP 7 AO7 ORIGIN OF THE 6.4KEV LINE OF THE GALACTIC RIDGE X-RAY EMISSION (GRXE) XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/507069010/ Quick Look
43 GRXE_E_3 267.7634 -27.0307 266.980773 -27.017932 267.994323 -3.605243 2.25114568 -0.04369036 105.0001 56368.7777314815 2013-03-17 18:39:56 56371.1111458333 2013-03-20 02:40:03 507070010 101.1726 100 101.1806 101.1726 0 101.1806 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 103.6028 103.6028 201.5898 0 PROCESSED 57610.8916782407 2016-08-10 21:24:01 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56380.5799768518 2013-03-29 13:55:10 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076002 We make high statistics observation of the 6.4-keV line in the region of l= +1.5 ~ +4 deg, which is key to resolve the origin of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission (GRXE). It also clarifies the origin of the 6.7-keV line. The concrete aims are (1) to determine the asymmetry of the GRXE between the east- and the west-sides of the Galactic center, (2) to separate spectral components of the 6.7-keV and 6.4-keV lines, (3) to constrain the origin of the 6.4-keV line (presumably from diffuse origin) and (4) to provide a "Suzaku Legacy" of the Galactic diffuse X-ray emission (the GRXE and GCDX) covering the wide region of l= -4 ~ +4 deg with high statistics and precise spectroscopy, which will be immediately used as best path-finder for Astro-H and standard data set for the multi-band studies. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A TAKESHI TSURU JAP 7 AO7 ORIGIN OF THE 6.4KEV LINE OF THE GALACTIC RIDGE X-RAY EMISSION (GRXE) XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/507070010/ Quick Look
44 MBM36 238.3612 -4.7913 237.700971 -4.643898 237.207481 15.120143 4.00454082 35.69817373 279.4993 56155.0155787037 2012-08-16 00:22:26 56156.7563425926 2012-08-17 18:09:08 507077010 81.0158 80 81.0158 81.0176 0 81.0176 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 80.3301 80.3301 150.3877 4 PROCESSED 57606.8991782407 2016-08-06 21:34:49 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56170.1653240741 2012-08-31 03:58:04 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076003 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 7 AO7 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/507077010/ Quick Look
45 MBM20 68.9377 -14.6308 68.365051 -14.732172 64.468357 -36.225149 211.4041789 -36.56532035 78.376 56164.0544328704 2012-08-25 01:18:23 56166.3530092593 2012-08-27 08:28:20 507079010 82.8814 80 82.8814 82.8814 0 82.8814 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 73.8668 73.8668 198.5577 2 PROCESSED 57606.9726851852 2016-08-06 23:20:40 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56212.7316087963 2012-10-12 17:33:31 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076003 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 7 AO7 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/507079010/ Quick Look
46 GRXE_E_1 267.4747 -27.4596 266.689479 -27.445424 267.744238 -4.038324 1.75131157 -0.04310182 105.3995 56726.0649537037 2014-03-10 01:33:32 56728.6459722222 2014-03-12 15:30:12 508075010 103.5331 100 103.5491 103.5331 0 103.5559 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 85.3446 85.3446 222.9818 2 PROCESSED 57614.0622453704 2016-08-14 01:29:38 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56740.8547453704 2014-03-24 20:30:50 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086001 We make high statistics observation of the 6.4-keV line in the region of l= +1.5 ~ +4 deg, which is key to resolve the origin of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission (GRXE). It also clarifies the origin of the 6.7-keV line. The concrete aims are (1) to determine the asymmetry of the GRXE between the east- and the west-sides of the Galactic center, (2) to separate spectral components of the 6.7-keV and 6.4-keV lines, (3) to constrain the origin of the 6.4-keV line (presumably from diffuse origin) and (4) to provide a "Suzaku Legacy" of the Galactic diffuse X-ray emission (the GRXE and GCDX) covering the wide region of l= -4 ~ +4 deg with high statistics and precise spectroscopy, which will be immediately used as best path-finder for Astro-H and standard data set for the multi-band studies. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A TAKESHI TSURU JAP 8 AO8 ORIGIN OF THE 6.4KEV LINE OF THE GALACTIC RIDGE X-RAY EMISSION (GRXE) XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/508075010/ Quick Look
47 LDN1563 75.5195 13.8744 74.812622 13.803125 75.779261 -8.85474 187.14092451 -16.70693442 81.1182 56523.4274768518 2013-08-19 10:15:34 56525.2535648148 2013-08-21 06:05:08 508080010 83.588 80 83.588 83.596 0 83.604 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 79.6741 79.6741 157.7538 2 PROCESSED 57612.368912037 2016-08-12 08:51:14 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56587.8175694445 2013-10-22 19:37:18 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086002 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 8 AO8 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/508080010/ Quick Look
48 MBM16 49.7701 11.5795 49.086508 11.398432 50.445044 -6.509726 170.60720168 -37.27195697 254.3636 57057.0973726852 2015-02-04 02:20:13 57059.5349421296 2015-02-06 12:50:19 509073020 92.0425 80 92.0425 92.0665 0 92.0665 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57617.6060763889 2016-08-17 14:32:45 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 57107.434224537 2015-03-26 10:25:17 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096001 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 9 AO9 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509073020/ Quick Look
49 NGC3783 174.7201 -37.7846 174.100385 -37.507469 192.672057 -36.228861 287.44066962 22.89477473 305.9228 55022.9100115741 2009-07-10 21:50:25 55027.0016087963 2009-07-15 00:02:19 704063010 209.5034 200 209.5034 210.3114 0 210.3194 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 174.0404 174.0404 353.4535 2 PROCESSED 57547.9411342593 2016-06-08 22:35:14 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55040.5612615741 2009-07-28 13:28:13 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046003 We propose deep Suzaku observations of 6 well-known AGN with the primary aim of studying strong-gravitational physics close to these supermassive black holes (SMBH). We will conduct the first ever census of local SMBH spin, providing a new window on the growth-history of SMBHs. Suzaku's unique combination of high-throughput in the iron-K band and hard-band (>10keV) sensitivity is crucial, permitting a separation of the disk-reflection spectrum (which encodes the relativistic physics) from the effects of the warm absorber and low-velocity emission/reflection. These six datasets will be an important legacy of Suzaku, providing an important resource for AGN researchers for at least the next decade. EXTRAGALACTIC COMPACT SOURCES 7 A CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS USA 4 AO4 A SURVEY OF BLACK HOLE SPIN AND RELATIVISTIC PHYSICS IN AGN HXD Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/704063010/ Quick Look
50 FAIRALL 9 20.848 -58.7784 20.369866 -59.039074 340.553777 -59.094561 295.14856402 -57.86436534 32.7271 55335.1255671296 2010-05-19 03:00:49 55338.764837963 2010-05-22 18:21:22 705063010 229.2963 250 229.302 229.302 0 229.2963 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 174.9412 174.9412 288.656 1 PROCESSED 57551.9874074074 2016-06-12 23:41:52 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55434.4437615741 2010-08-26 10:39:01 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056003 We propose deep Suzaku observations of 6 well-known AGN with the primary aim of studying strong-gravitational physics close to these supermassive black holes (SMBH). We will conduct the first ever census of local SMBH spin, providing a new window on the growth-history of SMBHs. Suzaku's unique combination of high-throughput in the iron-K band and hard-band (>10keV) sensitivity is crucial, permitting a separation of the disk-reflection spectrum (which encodes the relativistic physics) from the effects of the warm absorber and low-velocity emission/reflection. These six datasets will be an important legacy of Suzaku, providing an important resource for AGN researchers for at least the next decade. EXTRAGALACTIC COMPACT SOURCES 7 A CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS USA 5 AO5 A SURVEY OF BLACK HOLE SPIN AND RELATIVISTIC PHYSICS IN AGN HXD Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/705063010/ Quick Look
51 3C120 68.2984 5.3496 67.633882 5.245152 67.432526 -16.407924 190.37864439 -27.39774516 260.9996 55966.4234143518 2012-02-09 10:09:43 55970.8752083333 2012-02-13 21:00:18 706042010 183.0015 300 183.0255 183.0015 0 183.0255 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 158.0306 158.0306 384.5957 3 PROCESSED 57604.7163310185 2016-08-04 17:11:31 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55992.4178819444 2012-03-06 10:01:45 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066003 We propose deep Suzaku observations of 6 well-known AGN with the primary aim of studying strong-gravitational physics close to these supermassive black holes (SMBH). We will conduct the first ever census of local SMBH spin, providing a new window on the growth-history of SMBHs. Suzaku's unique combination of high-throughput in the iron-K band and hard-band (>10keV) sensitivity is crucial, permitting a separation of the disk-reflection spectrum (which encodes the relativistic physics) from the effects of the warm absorber and low-velocity emission/reflection. These six datasets will be an important legacy of Suzaku, providing an important resource for AGN researchers for at least the next decade. EXTRAGALACTIC COMPACT SOURCES 7 A CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS USA 6 AO6-KP A SURVEY OF BLACK HOLE SPIN AND RELATIVISTIC PHYSICS IN AGN XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/706042010/ Quick Look
52 3C120 68.2996 5.3511 67.635075 5.246657 67.433996 -16.406625 190.37800916 -27.39591229 261.0003 55971.7483564815 2012-02-14 17:57:38 55974.8819907407 2012-02-17 21:10:04 706042020 118.0689 120 118.0689 118.0689 0 118.0689 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 103.5365 103.5365 270.7359 2 PROCESSED 57604.7019791667 2016-08-04 16:50:51 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55992.3150694444 2012-03-06 07:33:42 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066003 We propose deep Suzaku observations of 6 well-known AGN with the primary aim of studying strong-gravitational physics close to these supermassive black holes (SMBH). We will conduct the first ever census of local SMBH spin, providing a new window on the growth-history of SMBHs. Suzaku's unique combination of high-throughput in the iron-K band and hard-band (>10keV) sensitivity is crucial, permitting a separation of the disk-reflection spectrum (which encodes the relativistic physics) from the effects of the warm absorber and low-velocity emission/reflection. These six datasets will be an important legacy of Suzaku, providing an important resource for AGN researchers for at least the next decade. EXTRAGALACTIC COMPACT SOURCES 7 A CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS USA 6 AO6-KP A SURVEY OF BLACK HOLE SPIN AND RELATIVISTIC PHYSICS IN AGN XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/706042020/ Quick Look
53 GALACTIC_BULGE11 269.3164 -32.1646 268.50059 -32.159293 269.404915 -8.724949 358.50010375 -3.80248777 271.7893 55093.1531365741 2009-09-19 03:40:31 55095.6064699074 2009-09-21 14:33:19 504094010 93.1403 50 93.1403 93.1403 0 93.1403 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 82.9543 82.9543 211.9538 1 PROCESSED 57548.674224537 2016-06-09 16:10:53 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55110.4114236111 2009-10-06 09:52:27 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 4 AO4 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504094010/ Quick Look
54 ABELL 426 S4 49.6689 40.4337 48.849146 40.252043 58.065773 21.361001 151.00436531 -14.27811504 87.9984 55425.804849537 2010-08-17 19:18:59 55426.0731018518 2010-08-18 01:45:16 805099010 12.3072 10 12.3072 12.3072 0 12.3072 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 9.95 9.95 23.1699 0 PROCESSED 57553.1090277778 2016-06-14 02:37:00 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55439.1353009259 2010-08-31 03:14:50 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805099010/ Quick Look
55 ABELL 426 W4 48.4696 41.6016 47.645739 41.415563 57.483228 22.736303 149.56812051 -13.78700029 86.9981 55429.3049884259 2010-08-21 07:19:11 55429.5696527778 2010-08-21 13:40:18 805106010 10.3652 10 10.3652 10.3732 0 10.3732 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 9.68 9.68 22.8559 0 PROCESSED 57553.1536111111 2016-06-14 03:41:12 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55445.2490509259 2010-09-06 05:58:38 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805106010/ Quick Look
56 ABELL 426 SW2 49.3858 41.1787 48.562066 40.995997 58.067168 22.136253 150.39892317 -13.77223683 94.9997 55800.6450115741 2011-08-27 15:28:49 55800.8411111111 2011-08-27 20:11:12 806100010 9.0043 10 9.0043 9.0123 0 9.0203 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 8.933 8.933 16.934 0 PROCESSED 57602.9794791667 2016-08-02 23:30:27 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55818.1552083333 2011-09-14 03:43:30 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806100010/ Quick Look
57 ABELL 426 SW4 48.8197 40.8139 47.99987 40.629138 57.514249 21.906179 150.23286022 -14.31045471 88.4993 55801.606724537 2011-08-28 14:33:41 55801.8501388889 2011-08-28 20:24:12 806104010 13.203 10 13.203 13.203 0 13.203 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 13.335 13.335 21.0079 0 PROCESSED 57602.9897685185 2016-08-02 23:45:16 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55826.0785763889 2011-09-22 01:53:09 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806104010/ Quick Look
58 ABELL 426 SW5.5 48.3936 40.5388 47.576679 40.352499 57.096428 21.733914 150.10390207 -14.71606913 88.4991 55802.4900694445 2011-08-29 11:45:42 55802.8161458333 2011-08-29 19:35:15 806107010 15.1951 15 15.1951 15.1991 0 15.2121 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 14.8247 14.8247 28.17 0 PROCESSED 57603.0002083333 2016-08-03 00:00:18 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55826.144224537 2011-09-22 03:27:41 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806107010/ Quick Look
59 ABELL 426 SW7 47.984 40.268 47.169889 40.080231 56.691635 21.563368 149.97996332 -15.11138755 88.498 55803.3012037037 2011-08-30 07:13:44 55803.5903935185 2011-08-30 14:10:10 806110010 10.409 10 10.409 10.409 0 10.409 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 9.72 9.72 24.9599 0 PROCESSED 57603.007662037 2016-08-03 00:11:02 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55826.1493287037 2011-09-22 03:35:02 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806110010/ Quick Look
60 ABELL 426 SE3 50.6611 40.9157 49.835576 40.737712 58.985501 21.618486 151.37300481 -13.45928131 89.561 55798.1679398148 2011-08-25 04:01:50 55798.4321990741 2011-08-25 10:22:22 806114010 11.7919 10 11.7999 11.7919 0 11.7999 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 9.2468 9.2468 22.8239 1 PROCESSED 57602.9457407407 2016-08-02 22:41:52 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55855.1445949074 2011-10-21 03:28:13 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806114010/ Quick Look
61 ABELL 426 SE3.5 50.7904 40.8069 49.965238 40.629396 59.055043 21.487263 151.51904657 -13.49435734 89.5614 55798.4325347222 2011-08-25 10:22:51 55798.7085763889 2011-08-25 17:00:21 806115010 11.9045 10 11.9125 11.9045 0 11.9205 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 11.3326 11.3326 23.8479 0 PROCESSED 57602.9521643518 2016-08-02 22:51:07 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55855.1551157407 2011-10-21 03:43:22 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806115010/ Quick Look
62 ABELL 426 NNE1 50.001 41.7793 49.17162 41.598852 58.726624 22.584898 150.45648036 -13.01724466 60.4921 55803.8286805556 2011-08-30 19:53:18 55804.0543171296 2011-08-31 01:18:13 806135010 11.392 10 11.392 11.392 0 11.392 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 9.824 9.824 19.4879 0 PROCESSED 57603.0136574074 2016-08-03 00:19:40 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55830.2051273148 2011-09-26 04:55:23 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806135010/ Quick Look
63 ABELL 426 NNE4 50.2584 42.5938 49.422813 42.414295 59.170643 23.314758 150.15840734 -12.23290919 60.4999 55805.0005902778 2011-09-01 00:00:51 55805.2398263889 2011-09-01 05:45:21 806140010 11.8082 10 11.8082 11.8082 0 11.8082 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 7.2361 7.2361 20.656 1 PROCESSED 57603.0290509259 2016-08-03 00:41:50 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55871.8764583333 2011-11-06 21:02:06 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806140010/ Quick Look
64 ABELL 426 NNE4.5 50.2947 42.7325 49.458059 42.553128 59.240445 23.440644 150.10266361 -12.10259839 60.4962 55806.265 2011-09-02 06:21:36 55806.5613078704 2011-09-02 13:28:17 806141010 11.085 10 11.085 11.085 0 11.085 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 11.0954 11.0954 25.5959 1 PROCESSED 57603.0357060185 2016-08-03 00:51:25 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55845.2700578704 2011-10-11 06:28:53 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806141010/ Quick Look
65 ABELL 426 NNE5 50.3399 42.8692 49.502189 42.689995 59.316492 23.562815 150.05355099 -11.97038799 60.497 55806.5616898148 2011-09-02 13:28:50 55806.8931944444 2011-09-02 21:26:12 806142010 16.3359 15 16.3471 16.3359 0 16.3359 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 17.0342 17.0342 28.638 0 PROCESSED 57603.0391898148 2016-08-03 00:56:26 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55845.258900463 2011-10-11 06:12:49 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806142010/ Quick Look
66 VIRGO W2 187.236 12.0886 186.602607 12.36495 181.750104 13.952177 282.50975725 74.06175724 285.4993 56110.9396180556 2012-07-02 22:33:03 56111.2640509259 2012-07-03 06:20:14 807095010 12.4847 10 12.4927 12.4847 0 12.5007 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 12.3335 12.3335 28.0259 1 PROCESSED 57606.5414583333 2016-08-06 12:59:42 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56139.0870717593 2012-07-31 02:05:23 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807095010/ Quick Look
67 VIRGO W10 185.0059 10.7782 184.369631 11.055649 180.246148 11.867747 277.10217205 72.05623626 99.9987 56276.4098263889 2012-12-15 09:50:09 56276.9828935185 2012-12-15 23:35:22 807103010 27.9677 24 27.9677 27.9677 0 27.9677 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 25.7604 25.7604 49.5039 0 PROCESSED 57608.287974537 2016-08-08 06:54:41 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56315.5187037037 2013-01-23 12:26:56 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807103010/ Quick Look
68 VIRGO N3 187.7014 13.8904 187.06968 14.166465 181.417647 15.781989 281.91864672 75.91344863 313.997 56098.2612037037 2012-06-20 06:16:08 56098.5176388889 2012-06-20 12:25:24 807108010 12.266 10 12.266 12.266 0 12.266 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 12.6997 12.6997 22.1399 1 PROCESSED 57605.7217013889 2016-08-05 17:19:15 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56214.9569907407 2012-10-14 22:58:04 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807108010/ Quick Look
69 VIRGO S11 187.5325 8.9432 186.897427 9.219378 183.326019 11.193327 286.45864166 71.13028831 122.0016 56269.7576851852 2012-12-08 18:11:04 56270.1612384259 2012-12-09 03:52:11 807125010 17.2823 16 17.2823 17.2823 0 17.2823 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 18.5627 18.5627 34.82 0 PROCESSED 57608.2142013889 2016-08-08 05:08:27 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56336.4686111111 2013-02-13 11:14:48 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807125010/ Quick Look
70 VIRGO S16 187.3813 7.0531 186.744958 7.329373 183.956748 9.401927 287.41240339 69.26194594 122.0008 56271.6277314815 2012-12-10 15:03:56 56272.0709722222 2012-12-11 01:42:12 807130010 21.6482 18 21.6482 21.6482 0 21.6482 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 21.3081 21.3081 38.2679 1 PROCESSED 57608.2349652778 2016-08-08 05:38:21 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56330.5084837963 2013-02-07 12:12:13 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807130010/ Quick Look
71 VIRGO E12 191.1366 14.3009 190.509391 14.574322 184.414539 17.520905 295.44935056 77.07241976 285.0012 56485.8160185185 2013-07-12 19:35:04 56486.2634143518 2013-07-13 06:19:19 808127010 20.5979 20 20.6139 20.5979 0 20.6139 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 17.42 17.42 38.6479 0 PROCESSED 57611.9024768518 2016-08-11 21:39:34 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56498.6479976852 2013-07-25 15:33:07 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086003 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 8 AO8 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/808127010/ Quick Look
72 MBM16 49.752 11.6015 49.068335 11.420365 50.433531 -6.483887 170.57212752 -37.26756171 73.5786 56139.0841666667 2012-07-31 02:01:12 56140.9710416667 2012-08-01 23:18:18 507076010 24.9499 80 24.9499 24.9499 0 24.9499 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 18.2376 18.2376 162.962 1 PROCESSED 57606.7578703704 2016-08-06 18:11:20 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56260.533125 2012-11-29 12:47:42 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076003 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 7 AO7 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/507076010/ Quick Look
73 1E 2259+586 345.2716 58.9493 344.749816 58.680435 23.84389 56.952455 109.11022544 -0.92895504 86.3239 54976.8335300926 2009-05-25 20:00:17 54978.6446064815 2009-05-27 15:28:14 404076010 122.5791 120 122.5809 122.5809 0 122.5791 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 103.4462 103.4462 156.4638 1 PROCESSED 57546.7298726852 2016-06-07 17:31:01 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 54992.6935069444 2009-06-10 16:38:39 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046002 We propose a comprehensive study of magnetars and associated objects in order to resolve strong magnetism of neutron stars. Magnetars are estimated to have an ultra strong magnetic filed as 1E+15 Gauss, and have been attracted growing wide attention recent years. These classes are extreme case of magnetars and have excellent clues to complete our scientific goal, including magnetism and ultrahigh magnetic-field physics. This proposal carries a sense of future potential to become "Suzaku Legacy" Key Project and to break the new ground of "Magnetar Physics". GALACTIC POINT SOURCES 4 A KAZUO MAKISHIMA JAP 4 AO4 A SUZAKU STUDY OF MAGNETARS AND THE NEUTRON-STAR MAGNETISM HXD Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/404076010/ Quick Look
74 1RXS J1708-4009 257.2038 -40.2142 256.334135 -40.15046 259.790997 -17.224743 346.43162325 -0.00870489 267.1357 55466.6124074074 2010-09-27 14:41:52 55467.7738425926 2010-09-28 18:34:20 405076010 62.8109 60 62.8189 62.8226 0 62.8109 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 59.5114 59.5114 100.3239 1 PROCESSED 57553.5661342593 2016-06-14 13:35:14 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55477.2762268518 2010-10-08 06:37:46 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056002 We propose a comprehensive study of magnetars and associated objects in order to resolve strong magnetism of neutron stars. Magnetars are estimated to have an ultra strong magnetic filed as 1E+15 Gauss, and have been attracted growing wide attention recent years. These classes are extreme case of magnetars and have excellent clues to complete our scientific goal, including magnetism and ultrahigh magnetic-field physics. This proposal carries a sense of future potential to become "Suzaku Legacy" Key Project and to break the new ground of "Magnetar Physics". GALACTIC POINT SOURCES 4 A KAZUO MAKISHIMA JAP 5 AO5 A SUZAKU STUDY OF MAGNETARS AND THE NEUTRON-STAR MAGNETISM HXD Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/405076010/ Quick Look
75 GALACTIC_BULGE2 267.5552 -29.599 266.756514 -29.585181 267.852413 -6.176134 359.95115697 -1.20153587 277.9812 55113.1708217593 2009-10-09 04:05:59 55114.5903472222 2009-10-10 14:10:06 504089010 55.2601 50 55.2671 55.2601 0 55.2736 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 40.226 40.226 122.6338 1 PROCESSED 57548.8316666667 2016-06-09 19:57:36 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55131.3309953704 2009-10-27 07:56:38 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 4 AO4 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504089010/ Quick Look
76 KEPLER_BG_GE 263.5353 -20.2634 262.792573 -20.230259 263.918925 3.041235 5.99742641 6.79731937 272.7609 55087.1593171296 2009-09-13 03:49:25 55088.3606365741 2009-09-14 08:39:19 504101010 46.9895 60 46.9895 46.9895 0 46.9895 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 40.8993 40.8993 103.786 0 PROCESSED 57548.5758564815 2016-06-09 13:49:14 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55099.2516782407 2009-09-25 06:02:25 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046004 The detailed nature of the progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is elusive. X-ray line emission from low abundant elements (Cr, Mn, and Ni) in young supernova remnants (SNR) provides an excellent opportunity to study the Type Ia SN nucleosynthesis and thus to reveal the metallicity of the progenitor. Suzaku XIS observations are an efficient tool for such an X-ray spectroscopy. We propose a deep Suzaku XIS observation of Kepler's SNR to study the peculiar nature of its Type Ia SN progenitor. Our proposed Suzaku X-ray study of the Cr, Mn, and Ni line emission in Kepler will reveal the progenitor's metallicity in an unprecedented detail, which will be an excellent complementary work to the existing Suzaku Long Program of Tycho's SNR to reveal the nature of Type Ia SN progenitors. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A SANGWOOK PARK USA 4 AO4 A DEEP OBSERVATION OF THE KEPLER SUPERNOVA REMNANT: NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF A TYPE IA SUPERNOVA WITH A PECULIAR PROGENITOR XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504101010/ Quick Look
77 THE KEPLER SNR 262.6737 -21.5073 261.92432 -21.469989 263.173689 1.760317 4.50532186 6.80830692 272.2663 55475.6914583333 2010-10-06 16:35:42 55478.2863194445 2010-10-09 06:52:18 505092020 111.1941 620 111.1941 111.2021 0 111.2021 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 99.8413 99.8413 224.1437 2 PROCESSED 57553.7268402778 2016-06-14 17:26:39 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55488.3311689815 2010-10-19 07:56:53 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056004 The detailed nature of the progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is elusive. X-ray line emission from low abundant elements (Cr, Mn, and Ni) in young supernova remnants (SNR) provides an excellent opportunity to study the Type Ia SN nucleosynthesis and thus to reveal the metallicity of the progenitor. Suzaku XIS observations are an efficient tool for such an X-ray spectroscopy. We propose a deep Suzaku XIS observation of Kepler's SNR to study the peculiar nature of its Type Ia SN progenitor. Our proposed Suzaku X-ray study of the Cr, Mn, and Ni line emission in Kepler will reveal the progenitor's metallicity in an unprecedented detail, which will be an excellent complementary work to the existing Suzaku Long Program of Tycho's SNR to reveal the nature of Type Ia SN progenitors. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A SANGWOOK PARK USA 5 AO5 A DEEP OBSERVATION OF THE KEPLER SUPERNOVA REMNANT: NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF A TYPE IA SUPERNOVA WITH A PECULIAR PROGENITOR XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505092020/ Quick Look
78 THE KEPLER SNR 262.671 -21.4826 261.921758 -21.445276 263.169925 1.784856 4.5248811 6.82377384 98.1034 55628.0376736111 2011-03-08 00:54:15 55632.2696643518 2011-03-12 06:28:19 505092050 84.5913 100 84.5913 85.6632 0 85.7192 4 3 0 3 1 0 0 122.4881 122.4881 365.616 3 PROCESSED 57601.284537037 2016-08-01 06:49:44 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55648.4964699074 2011-03-28 11:54:55 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056004 The detailed nature of the progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is elusive. X-ray line emission from low abundant elements (Cr, Mn, and Ni) in young supernova remnants (SNR) provides an excellent opportunity to study the Type Ia SN nucleosynthesis and thus to reveal the metallicity of the progenitor. Suzaku XIS observations are an efficient tool for such an X-ray spectroscopy. We propose a deep Suzaku XIS observation of Kepler's SNR to study the peculiar nature of its Type Ia SN progenitor. Our proposed Suzaku X-ray study of the Cr, Mn, and Ni line emission in Kepler will reveal the progenitor's metallicity in an unprecedented detail, which will be an excellent complementary work to the existing Suzaku Long Program of Tycho's SNR to reveal the nature of Type Ia SN progenitors. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A SANGWOOK PARK USA 5 AO5 A DEEP OBSERVATION OF THE KEPLER SUPERNOVA REMNANT: NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF A TYPE IA SUPERNOVA WITH A PECULIAR PROGENITOR XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505092050/ Quick Look
79 G272.2-3.2 136.7067 -52.1223 136.311595 -51.920282 170.81242 -63.078479 272.22054405 -3.18534238 101.7643 55877.9477777778 2011-11-12 22:44:48 55878.6272916667 2011-11-13 15:03:18 506060020 25.5265 20 25.5345 25.5345 0 25.5265 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 27.028 27.028 58.706 0 PROCESSED 57603.7829282407 2016-08-03 18:47:25 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55895.0737962963 2011-11-30 01:46:16 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066001 Suzaku found recombining plasma (RP) from the mixed-morphology SNRs (MM-SNRs). Since the standard evolution of SNR does not predict RP, the Suzaku discovery requires a dramatic change on the scenario of SNR dynamics and evolution. Suggestive facts are that all RP detected SNRs have OH masers and all RP-detected SNRs have TeV/GeV emissions. The most important issue at this stage, however, is not model making, but systematic and comprehensive observations to study which kind of SNRs, and/or which circum SN conditions, are responsible to RP. This is our primary objective. The second aim of this proposal is to provide path-finding data for the Astro-H science. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 6 AO6-KP NEW SCENARIO FOR THE THERMAL PLASMA IN SNRS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/506060020/ Quick Look
80 G290.1-0.8 165.7447 -60.8884 165.228717 -60.618807 206.73964 -58.122992 290.11957377 -0.7436408 293.2659 55737.4551388889 2011-06-25 10:55:24 55740.5883333333 2011-06-28 14:07:12 506061010 110.5931 110 110.6091 110.5931 0 110.6011 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 99.3596 99.3596 270.6596 4 PROCESSED 57602.4993634259 2016-08-02 11:59:05 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55775.3693287037 2011-08-02 08:51:50 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066001 Suzaku found recombining plasma (RP) from the mixed-morphology SNRs (MM-SNRs). Since the standard evolution of SNR does not predict RP, the Suzaku discovery requires a dramatic change on the scenario of SNR dynamics and evolution. Suggestive facts are that all RP detected SNRs have OH masers and all RP-detected SNRs have TeV/GeV emissions. The most important issue at this stage, however, is not model making, but systematic and comprehensive observations to study which kind of SNRs, and/or which circum SN conditions, are responsible to RP. This is our primary objective. The second aim of this proposal is to provide path-finding data for the Astro-H science. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 6 AO6-KP NEW SCENARIO FOR THE THERMAL PLASMA IN SNRS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/506061010/ Quick Look
81 GRXE_E_4 267.9068 -26.8159 267.125467 -26.803832 268.119163 -3.388548 2.50111874 -0.04382328 104.4995 56371.1118518518 2013-03-20 02:41:04 56373.3049421296 2013-03-22 07:19:07 507071010 101.2086 100 101.2166 101.2086 0 101.2166 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 105.6491 105.6491 189.4519 1 PROCESSED 57610.9065625 2016-08-10 21:45:27 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56384.6094560185 2013-04-02 14:37:37 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076002 We make high statistics observation of the 6.4-keV line in the region of l= +1.5 ~ +4 deg, which is key to resolve the origin of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission (GRXE). It also clarifies the origin of the 6.7-keV line. The concrete aims are (1) to determine the asymmetry of the GRXE between the east- and the west-sides of the Galactic center, (2) to separate spectral components of the 6.7-keV and 6.4-keV lines, (3) to constrain the origin of the 6.4-keV line (presumably from diffuse origin) and (4) to provide a "Suzaku Legacy" of the Galactic diffuse X-ray emission (the GRXE and GCDX) covering the wide region of l= -4 ~ +4 deg with high statistics and precise spectroscopy, which will be immediately used as best path-finder for Astro-H and standard data set for the multi-band studies. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A TAKESHI TSURU JAP 7 AO7 ORIGIN OF THE 6.4KEV LINE OF THE GALACTIC RIDGE X-RAY EMISSION (GRXE) XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/507071010/ Quick Look
82 G355.6-0.0 263.7798 -32.6083 262.962219 -32.576152 264.68406 -9.281685 355.69106204 -0.03789327 90.0013 55246.5249074074 2010-02-19 12:35:52 55247.6293287037 2010-02-20 15:06:14 504098010 52.5044 50 52.5275 52.5204 0 52.5044 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 43.7346 43.7346 95.4118 0 PROCESSED 57550.6569560185 2016-06-11 15:46:01 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55257.1119444444 2010-03-02 02:41:12 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 4 AO4 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504098010/ Quick Look
83 MBM36 238.3604 -4.7951 237.700156 -4.647695 237.207526 15.116261 4.00027103 35.69642682 294.5973 56525.2685300926 2013-08-21 06:26:41 56526.5655092593 2013-08-22 13:34:20 508079010 49.6555 80 49.6555 49.6555 0 49.6555 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 42.8799 42.8799 112.0458 2 PROCESSED 57612.3808912037 2016-08-12 09:08:29 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56587.6359027778 2013-10-22 15:15:42 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086002 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 8 AO8 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/508079010/ Quick Look
84 MBM20 68.9307 -14.6229 68.358009 -14.724304 64.461829 -36.216174 211.39181931 -36.56844204 64.9904 56520.8174074074 2013-08-16 19:37:04 56522.5001967593 2013-08-18 12:00:17 508081010 56.4905 80 56.4905 56.4905 0 56.4905 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 55.086 55.086 145.38 1 PROCESSED 57612.3311111111 2016-08-12 07:56:48 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56587.6432291667 2013-10-22 15:26:15 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086002 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 8 AO8 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/508081010/ Quick Look
85 MBM16 49.7641 11.5835 49.080496 11.40241 50.44037 -6.504342 170.59835317 -37.27294118 77.8263 56867.2632638889 2014-07-29 06:19:06 56869.0606018518 2014-07-31 01:27:16 509073010 78.81 80 78.818 78.818 0 78.81 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57616.4583449074 2016-08-16 11:00:01 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 56902.6996180556 2014-09-02 16:47:27 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096001 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 9 AO9 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509073010/ Quick Look
86 GB_NORTH_1 266.1004 -28.3619 265.30982 -28.341045 266.546613 -4.967513 0.35022505 0.52781175 106.0661 57104.6393981482 2015-03-23 15:20:44 57106.6752777778 2015-03-25 16:12:24 509077010 98.2407 100 98.2407 98.4407 0 98.4407 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57617.8715277778 2016-08-17 20:55:00 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 57120.4153125 2015-04-08 09:58:03 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096002 The Galactic Bulge (GB) regions are less contaminated by the strong Galactic X-ray background, and hence are more suitable to extract pure phenomena associated with the Galactic center (GC) activities. However, the covered area of the GB have been limited. We thus propose a new Key project focusing on the GB region. Objectives are (I) a search for an over-ionized plasma north of the GB as a counterpart of GB south, a relic of past Sgr A* activity, and (II) discovering unexpected features with unprecedented sensitivity of Suzaku for diffuse faint emissions. This Key project, together with the previous Key project on the GC, can complete the data set of the extended GC region as the Suzaku legacy. The data set will assist in making an observational strategy for the upcoming ASTRO-H project. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 9 AO9 MAPPING THE GALACTIC BULGE REGION -RELICS OF GC ACTIVITIES AND SUZAKU LEGACY- XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509077010/ Quick Look
87 GALACTIC_BULGE7 266.6764 -30.8281 265.869887 -30.809998 267.112733 -7.42025 358.50617228 -1.18471698 274.4326 55117.1787037037 2009-10-13 04:17:20 55118.4785416667 2009-10-14 11:29:06 504090010 41.2607 50 41.2607 52.9033 0 52.9033 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 34.964 34.964 112.2938 2 PROCESSED 57548.8825694444 2016-06-09 21:10:54 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55133.2421643518 2009-10-29 05:48:43 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 4 AO4 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504090010/ Quick Look
88 GALACTIC_BULGE4 269.1417 -30.4015 268.337633 -30.395373 269.244618 -6.962713 359.95546853 -2.79264334 69.3552 55632.2752314815 2011-03-12 06:36:20 55633.4287152778 2011-03-13 10:17:21 505079010 50.2193 50 50.2273 50.2193 0 50.2273 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 43.375 43.375 99.648 1 PROCESSED 57601.1540277778 2016-08-01 03:41:48 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55645.5706134259 2011-03-25 13:41:41 3 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505079010/ Quick Look
89 GALACTIC_BULGE5 270.1525 -30.903 269.345086 -30.901777 270.122341 -7.462063 359.95222621 -3.79644913 86.7823 55293.7188657407 2010-04-07 17:15:10 55295.8849074074 2010-04-09 21:14:16 505080010 56.1396 50 56.1396 56.1396 0 56.1396 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 55.1498 55.1498 185.0058 1 PROCESSED 57553.0630439815 2016-06-14 01:30:47 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55441.4355555556 2010-09-02 10:27:12 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505080010/ Quick Look
90 THE KEPLER SNR 262.6707 -21.4823 261.92146 -21.444975 263.169631 1.785142 4.52498329 6.82417088 98.3356 55620.8079166667 2011-02-28 19:23:24 55624.797337963 2011-03-04 19:08:10 505092040 146.2337 250 146.2337 146.2541 0 146.2577 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 113.8022 113.8022 344.6577 6 PROCESSED 57601.192337963 2016-08-01 04:36:58 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55642.4090046296 2011-03-22 09:48:58 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056004 The detailed nature of the progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is elusive. X-ray line emission from low abundant elements (Cr, Mn, and Ni) in young supernova remnants (SNR) provides an excellent opportunity to study the Type Ia SN nucleosynthesis and thus to reveal the metallicity of the progenitor. Suzaku XIS observations are an efficient tool for such an X-ray spectroscopy. We propose a deep Suzaku XIS observation of Kepler's SNR to study the peculiar nature of its Type Ia SN progenitor. Our proposed Suzaku X-ray study of the Cr, Mn, and Ni line emission in Kepler will reveal the progenitor's metallicity in an unprecedented detail, which will be an excellent complementary work to the existing Suzaku Long Program of Tycho's SNR to reveal the nature of Type Ia SN progenitors. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A SANGWOOK PARK USA 5 AO5 A DEEP OBSERVATION OF THE KEPLER SUPERNOVA REMNANT: NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF A TYPE IA SUPERNOVA WITH A PECULIAR PROGENITOR XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505092040/ Quick Look
91 G350.1-0.3 260.2697 -37.4549 259.419167 -37.405796 262.032562 -14.282003 350.06545974 -0.33871818 266.4234 55821.2580787037 2011-09-17 06:11:38 55822.9126388889 2011-09-18 21:54:12 506065010 70.1813 70 70.1973 70.1813 0 70.1973 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 60.0704 60.0704 142.9159 0 PROCESSED 57603.2088541667 2016-08-03 05:00:45 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55865.2679282407 2011-10-31 06:25:49 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066001 Suzaku found recombining plasma (RP) from the mixed-morphology SNRs (MM-SNRs). Since the standard evolution of SNR does not predict RP, the Suzaku discovery requires a dramatic change on the scenario of SNR dynamics and evolution. Suggestive facts are that all RP detected SNRs have OH masers and all RP-detected SNRs have TeV/GeV emissions. The most important issue at this stage, however, is not model making, but systematic and comprehensive observations to study which kind of SNRs, and/or which circum SN conditions, are responsible to RP. This is our primary objective. The second aim of this proposal is to provide path-finding data for the Astro-H science. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 6 AO6-KP NEW SCENARIO FOR THE THERMAL PLASMA IN SNRS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/506065010/ Quick Look
92 G337.2-0.7 249.8782 -47.8314 248.950154 -47.733478 255.175293 -25.419144 337.20769447 -0.7291284 280.8005 56172.5530439815 2012-09-02 13:16:23 56181.2598263889 2012-09-11 06:14:09 507068010 304.1484 300 304.1564 304.1484 0 304.1484 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 275.8448 275.8448 461.2638 9 PROCESSED 57607.2211111111 2016-08-07 05:18:24 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56271.4641203704 2012-12-10 11:08:20 3 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076001 Suzaku found recombining plasma (RP) from the mixed-morphology SNRs (MM-SNRs). Since the standard evolution of SNR does not predict RP, the Suzaku discovery requires a dramatic change on the scenario of SNR dynamics and evolution. Suggestive facts are that all RP detected SNRs have OH masers and all RP-detected SNRs have TeV/GeV emissions. The most important issue at this stage, however, is not model making, but systematic and comprehensive observations to study which kind of SNRs, and/or which circum SN conditions, are responsible to RP. This is our primary objective. The second aim of this proposal is to provide path-finding data for the Astro-H science. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 7 Ao7 NEW SCENARIO FOR THE THERMAL PLASMA IN SNRS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/507068010/ Quick Look
93 GRXE_E_6 268.1913 -26.3855 267.412548 -26.37482 268.368065 -2.954748 3.00107417 -0.0433749 104.9996 56375.3653125 2013-03-24 08:46:03 56377.4119444445 2013-03-26 09:53:12 507073010 101.6745 100 101.6745 101.6745 0 101.6745 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 100.2473 100.2473 176.8078 1 PROCESSED 57610.9396296296 2016-08-10 22:33:04 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56387.5561574074 2013-04-05 13:20:52 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076002 We make high statistics observation of the 6.4-keV line in the region of l= +1.5 ~ +4 deg, which is key to resolve the origin of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission (GRXE). It also clarifies the origin of the 6.7-keV line. The concrete aims are (1) to determine the asymmetry of the GRXE between the east- and the west-sides of the Galactic center, (2) to separate spectral components of the 6.7-keV and 6.4-keV lines, (3) to constrain the origin of the 6.4-keV line (presumably from diffuse origin) and (4) to provide a "Suzaku Legacy" of the Galactic diffuse X-ray emission (the GRXE and GCDX) covering the wide region of l= -4 ~ +4 deg with high statistics and precise spectroscopy, which will be immediately used as best path-finder for Astro-H and standard data set for the multi-band studies. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A TAKESHI TSURU JAP 7 AO7 ORIGIN OF THE 6.4KEV LINE OF THE GALACTIC RIDGE X-RAY EMISSION (GRXE) XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/507073010/ Quick Look
94 NGC3516 166.8656 72.6213 166.014761 72.891861 123.359499 58.056735 133.14023939 42.38468378 135.8338 55132.2328125 2009-10-28 05:35:15 55137.5272453704 2009-11-02 12:39:14 704062010 251.3555 250 251.3795 251.3715 0 251.3555 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 190.8372 190.8372 333.01 5 PROCESSED 57549.2037268518 2016-06-10 04:53:22 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55152.2729398148 2009-11-17 06:33:02 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046003 We propose deep Suzaku observations of 6 well-known AGN with the primary aim of studying strong-gravitational physics close to these supermassive black holes (SMBH). We will conduct the first ever census of local SMBH spin, providing a new window on the growth-history of SMBHs. Suzaku's unique combination of high-throughput in the iron-K band and hard-band (>10keV) sensitivity is crucial, permitting a separation of the disk-reflection spectrum (which encodes the relativistic physics) from the effects of the warm absorber and low-velocity emission/reflection. These six datasets will be an important legacy of Suzaku, providing an important resource for AGN researchers for at least the next decade. EXTRAGALACTIC COMPACT SOURCES 7 A CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS USA 4 AO4 A SURVEY OF BLACK HOLE SPIN AND RELATIVISTIC PHYSICS IN AGN HXD Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/704062010/ Quick Look
95 GRXE_E_8 268.4708 -25.9492 267.69465 -25.939883 268.614118 -2.515578 3.50431952 -0.037979 86.7223 56718.7089236111 2014-03-02 17:00:51 56720.9585069445 2014-03-04 23:00:15 508077010 103.132 100 103.14 103.132 0 103.14 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 94.8538 94.8538 194.3449 2 PROCESSED 57613.971712963 2016-08-13 23:19:16 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56775.6980787037 2014-04-28 16:45:14 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086001 We make high statistics observation of the 6.4-keV line in the region of l= +1.5 ~ +4 deg, which is key to resolve the origin of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission (GRXE). It also clarifies the origin of the 6.7-keV line. The concrete aims are (1) to determine the asymmetry of the GRXE between the east- and the west-sides of the Galactic center, (2) to separate spectral components of the 6.7-keV and 6.4-keV lines, (3) to constrain the origin of the 6.4-keV line (presumably from diffuse origin) and (4) to provide a "Suzaku Legacy" of the Galactic diffuse X-ray emission (the GRXE and GCDX) covering the wide region of l= -4 ~ +4 deg with high statistics and precise spectroscopy, which will be immediately used as best path-finder for Astro-H and standard data set for the multi-band studies. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A TAKESHI TSURU JAP 8 AO8 ORIGIN OF THE 6.4KEV LINE OF THE GALACTIC RIDGE X-RAY EMISSION (GRXE) XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/508077010/ Quick Look
96 GB_NORTH_2 265.5401 -28.4005 264.749404 -28.376931 266.05313 -5.020438 0.05846164 0.92703829 108.0199 57106.6765856482 2015-03-25 16:14:17 57108.7243634259 2015-03-27 17:23:05 509078010 95.3893 100 95.3893 99.8284 0 99.8124 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57617.8717361111 2016-08-17 20:55:18 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 57119.4143981482 2015-04-07 09:56:44 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096002 The Galactic Bulge (GB) regions are less contaminated by the strong Galactic X-ray background, and hence are more suitable to extract pure phenomena associated with the Galactic center (GC) activities. However, the covered area of the GB have been limited. We thus propose a new Key project focusing on the GB region. Objectives are (I) a search for an over-ionized plasma north of the GB as a counterpart of GB south, a relic of past Sgr A* activity, and (II) discovering unexpected features with unprecedented sensitivity of Suzaku for diffuse faint emissions. This Key project, together with the previous Key project on the GC, can complete the data set of the extended GC region as the Suzaku legacy. The data set will assist in making an observational strategy for the upcoming ASTRO-H project. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 9 AO9 MAPPING THE GALACTIC BULGE REGION -RELICS OF GC ACTIVITIES AND SUZAKU LEGACY- XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509078010/ Quick Look
97 GB_NORTH_3 265.8335 -28.3716 265.042917 -28.349452 266.311245 -4.983802 0.21886292 0.72273612 108.0564 57108.7249074074 2015-03-27 17:23:52 57110.9703703704 2015-03-29 23:17:20 509079010 106.9674 100 106.9674 108.1889 0 108.1889 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57617.8792939815 2016-08-17 21:06:11 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 57119.4192708333 2015-04-07 10:03:45 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096002 The Galactic Bulge (GB) regions are less contaminated by the strong Galactic X-ray background, and hence are more suitable to extract pure phenomena associated with the Galactic center (GC) activities. However, the covered area of the GB have been limited. We thus propose a new Key project focusing on the GB region. Objectives are (I) a search for an over-ionized plasma north of the GB as a counterpart of GB south, a relic of past Sgr A* activity, and (II) discovering unexpected features with unprecedented sensitivity of Suzaku for diffuse faint emissions. This Key project, together with the previous Key project on the GC, can complete the data set of the extended GC region as the Suzaku legacy. The data set will assist in making an observational strategy for the upcoming ASTRO-H project. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 9 AO9 MAPPING THE GALACTIC BULGE REGION -RELICS OF GC ACTIVITIES AND SUZAKU LEGACY- XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509079010/ Quick Look
98 SN1006_BGD4 226.2633 -42.7499 225.438524 -42.555935 236.137627 -24.311137 327.5160888 13.6541367 286.3809 56889.2090740741 2014-08-20 05:01:04 56889.7793865741 2014-08-20 18:42:19 509086010 33.5116 30 33.5156 33.5116 0 33.5196 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57616.5076851852 2016-08-16 12:11:04 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 56910.6440162037 2014-09-10 15:27:23 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096004 We propose deep XIS observations of SN1006, a Type Ia supernova remnant (SNR) in the Galaxy. Our immediate objective is to detect weak emissions, Cr K-alpha, Mn K-alpha, and Fe K-beta lines, which are key to diagnosing the evolution of the Type Ia SN progenitor and the efficiency of collisionless electron heating at the SNR reverse shock. Although the total requested exposure is quite long, the observation is well worth the risk and will certainly provide a heritage dataset prominent in the legacy of Suzaku. This proposal consists of the two steps. The first science goal requires the 400-ks exposure, while the second goal requires additional 800 ks. Approval of only the first step will be accepted. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A HIROYA YAMAGUCHI USA 9 AO9 THERMAL X-RAYS FROM SN 1006: THE UNIQUE TYPE IA SNR IN THE EXTREMELY LOW-DENSITY AND LOW-METALLICITY ENVIRONMENT XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509086010/ Quick Look
99 ABELL 426 SW1 49.6666 41.3604 48.840906 41.178725 58.340814 22.251887 150.47849352 -13.50469455 88.4985 55803.5918402778 2011-08-30 14:12:15 55803.8230671296 2011-08-30 19:45:13 806099010 11.5592 10 11.5752 11.5592 0 11.5752 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 11.5421 11.5421 19.9701 0 PROCESSED 57603.0124189815 2016-08-03 00:17:53 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55826.1721875 2011-09-22 04:07:57 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806099010/ Quick Look
100 ABELL 426 SE4.5 51.0328 40.5957 50.208366 40.419106 59.183999 21.234356 151.7976658 -13.56504097 89.5625 55798.9213657407 2011-08-25 22:06:46 55799.1758912037 2011-08-26 04:13:17 806117010 12.0196 10 12.0196 12.0196 0 12.0356 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10.4959 10.4959 21.9839 0 PROCESSED 57602.9577893518 2016-08-02 22:59:13 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55855.1616435185 2011-10-21 03:52:46 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806117010/ Quick Look
101 ABELL 426 NE2.5 50.6676 41.9537 49.835188 41.775725 59.295588 22.616024 150.78054856 -12.59654862 89.499 55808.8756134259 2011-09-04 21:00:53 55809.0717592593 2011-09-05 01:43:20 806125010 9.7394 10 9.7554 9.7394 0 9.7634 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 7.3671 7.3671 16.9439 0 PROCESSED 57603.064224537 2016-08-03 01:32:29 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55865.9792361111 2011-10-31 23:30:06 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806125010/ Quick Look
102 ABELL 426 NE4.5 51.271 42.2915 50.434611 42.115781 59.862037 22.81958 150.96498821 -12.06556882 89.4971 55809.84625 2011-09-05 20:18:36 55810.0452662037 2011-09-06 01:05:11 806129010 10.381 10 10.381 10.381 0 10.381 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 8.933 8.933 17.184 0 PROCESSED 57603.0777777778 2016-08-03 01:52:00 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55866.1125462963 2011-11-01 02:42:04 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806129010/ Quick Look
103 ABELL 426 NE5.5 51.5754 42.4541 50.737042 42.279527 60.14462 22.915633 151.06006994 -11.8041168 89.4991 55810.5422569444 2011-09-06 13:00:51 55810.8217361111 2011-09-06 19:43:18 806131010 14.8458 15 14.8618 14.8618 0 14.8458 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 16.2198 16.2198 24.1439 0 PROCESSED 57603.0838310185 2016-08-03 02:00:43 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55866.1408101852 2011-11-01 03:22:46 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806131010/ Quick Look
104 ABELL 426 NNE3.5 50.2092 42.4612 49.374656 42.281515 59.092741 23.197382 150.20252687 -12.36344342 60.4978 55804.7853125 2011-08-31 18:50:51 55805.0002546296 2011-09-01 00:00:22 806139010 10.02 10 10.02 10.02 0 10.02 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 9.507 9.507 18.5599 0 PROCESSED 57603.0247916667 2016-08-03 00:35:42 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55830.1973958333 2011-09-26 04:44:15 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806139010/ Quick Look
105 A2199 OFFSET10 245.7785 38.4489 245.339389 38.564051 231.762092 58.713673 61.35085602 44.73212253 143.0073 55922.3113541667 2011-12-27 07:28:21 55923.0174074074 2011-12-28 00:25:04 806156010 32.686 30 32.686 32.686 0 32.686 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 30.452 30.452 60.9959 1 PROCESSED 57604.2399074074 2016-08-04 05:45:28 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55972.658599537 2012-02-15 15:48:23 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806156010/ Quick Look
106 A2199 OFFSET13 247.4008 39.9951 246.975742 40.102999 233.166969 60.575403 63.55387948 43.51978117 252.5011 55815.2934375 2011-09-11 07:02:33 55815.9266203704 2011-09-11 22:14:20 806159010 28.648 20 28.648 29.3429 0 29.3589 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 26.7831 26.7831 54.6959 0 PROCESSED 57603.1066087963 2016-08-03 02:33:31 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55851.4378703704 2011-10-17 10:30:32 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806159010/ Quick Look
107 ABELL 426 S2 49.8015 40.983 48.977877 40.801825 58.333099 21.861106 150.77920085 -13.76419767 87.9994 55425.2999884259 2010-08-17 07:11:59 55425.5946527778 2010-08-17 14:16:18 805097010 10.9046 10 10.9347 10.9286 0 10.9046 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 8.2387 8.2387 25.4559 0 PROCESSED 57553.0977546296 2016-06-14 02:20:46 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55439.1113888889 2010-08-31 02:40:24 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805097010/ Quick Look
108 ABELL 426 S7 49.4762 39.609 48.662108 39.426644 57.669776 20.609139 151.34578769 -15.04805542 88.0004 55427.7102430556 2010-08-19 17:02:45 55428.0731481482 2010-08-20 01:45:20 805102010 17.2093 15 17.2093 17.2333 0 17.2173 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 13.7954 13.7954 31.3479 0 PROCESSED 57553.1341550926 2016-06-14 03:13:11 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55439.2187847222 2010-08-31 05:15:03 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805102010/ Quick Look
109 ABELL 426 W2 49.2188 41.5721 48.392989 41.388782 58.056414 22.549036 150.07049245 -13.51031958 93.9951 55428.7403240741 2010-08-20 17:46:04 55428.9654513889 2010-08-20 23:10:15 805104010 9.9892 10 9.9972 9.9972 0 9.9892 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 7.2787 7.2787 19.4479 1 PROCESSED 57553.1453240741 2016-06-14 03:29:16 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55460.9467708333 2010-09-21 22:43:21 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805104010/ Quick Look
110 ABELL 426 S6.5 49.508 39.7472 48.692971 39.56496 57.735719 20.735211 151.28830519 -14.91915669 87.9995 55427.3325115741 2010-08-19 07:58:49 55427.7099537037 2010-08-19 17:02:20 805112010 15.7046 15 15.7126 15.7046 0 15.7205 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 14.4033 14.4033 32.6079 0 PROCESSED 57553.1322222222 2016-06-14 03:10:24 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55439.1853587963 2010-08-31 04:26:55 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805112010/ Quick Look
111 A2199 OFFSET9 246.619 38.9138 246.184603 39.025211 232.691568 59.360139 62.03199075 44.09189055 267.0002 55816.7374652778 2011-09-12 17:41:57 55817.4077546296 2011-09-13 09:47:10 806155010 28.1304 30 28.1304 28.1304 0 28.1304 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 27.0303 27.0303 57.8979 0 PROCESSED 57603.128287037 2016-08-03 03:04:44 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55851.4428356482 2011-10-17 10:37:41 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806155010/ Quick Look
112 ABELL 426 W4.5 48.2846 41.6054 47.461248 41.418696 57.340677 22.779589 149.44545041 -13.85744176 86.9992 55429.5700347222 2010-08-21 13:40:51 55429.7800694444 2010-08-21 18:43:18 805114010 10.8576 10 10.8796 10.8656 0 10.8576 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 7.7343 7.7343 18.1439 0 PROCESSED 57553.1551388889 2016-06-14 03:43:24 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55445.224224537 2010-09-06 05:22:53 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805114010/ Quick Look
113 ABELL 426 W6.5 47.5391 41.63 46.717762 41.440629 56.769366 22.964447 148.94387316 -14.13011853 94.0011 55430.6970601852 2010-08-22 16:43:46 55431.0425578704 2010-08-23 01:01:17 805116010 15.4086 15 16.0162 15.4086 0 16.0482 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 12.5812 12.5812 29.8399 0 PROCESSED 57553.1669560185 2016-06-14 04:00:25 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55449.2772916667 2010-09-10 06:39:18 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805116010/ Quick Look
114 ABELL 426 SW2.5 49.2375 41.0889 48.414756 40.905656 57.924284 22.08131 150.35281041 -13.90838125 95.0009 55800.8414467593 2011-08-27 20:11:41 55801.0598611111 2011-08-28 01:26:12 806101010 10.6344 10 10.6584 10.6504 0 10.6344 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10.3417 10.3417 18.8559 0 PROCESSED 57602.9850925926 2016-08-02 23:38:32 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55818.1410069444 2011-09-14 03:23:03 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806101010/ Quick Look
115 ABELL 426 SW5 48.5394 40.6338 47.721481 40.448025 57.239803 21.793555 150.14795961 -14.57654163 88.4979 55802.0865856482 2011-08-29 02:04:41 55802.4896875 2011-08-29 11:45:09 806106010 16.7241 15 16.7401 16.7241 0 16.7481 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 13.0406 13.0406 34.8239 0 PROCESSED 57602.9971990741 2016-08-02 23:55:58 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55826.1207638889 2011-09-22 02:53:54 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806106010/ Quick Look
116 ABELL 426 SE2.5 50.5437 41.0145 49.717849 40.836073 58.92258 21.737665 151.24059841 -13.42708975 89.5612 55797.9346180556 2011-08-24 22:25:51 55798.1676041667 2011-08-25 04:01:21 806113010 11.0423 10 11.0503 11.0583 0 11.0423 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 9.6711 9.6711 20.1199 0 PROCESSED 57602.9433217593 2016-08-02 22:38:23 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55855.134849537 2011-10-21 03:14:11 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806113010/ Quick Look
117 ABELL 426 NE3.5 50.9699 42.1175 50.135538 41.940653 59.578071 22.712479 150.87690614 -12.33503289 89.4979 55809.4033333333 2011-09-05 09:40:48 55809.6251273148 2011-09-05 15:00:11 806127010 10.32 10 10.332 10.32 0 10.336 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 9.379 9.379 19.156 0 PROCESSED 57603.0714583333 2016-08-03 01:42:54 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55866.0295833333 2011-11-01 00:42:36 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806127010/ Quick Look
118 ABELL 426 NE4 51.1184 42.2072 50.283013 42.030909 59.719337 22.768966 150.91831547 -12.19892536 89.4976 55808.4229282407 2011-09-04 10:09:01 55808.6738425926 2011-09-04 16:10:20 806128010 10.3385 10 10.3385 10.3465 0 10.3465 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 9.7761 9.7761 21.6719 0 PROCESSED 57603.0579282407 2016-08-03 01:23:25 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55865.1235069444 2011-10-31 02:57:51 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806128010/ Quick Look
119 ABELL 426 NNE7 50.5088 43.4191 49.666767 43.240516 59.612457 24.057079 149.84713218 -11.44434377 60.4957 55807.8394560185 2011-09-03 20:08:49 55808.0773148148 2011-09-04 01:51:20 806146010 11.0932 10 11.0932 11.0932 0 11.0932 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 8.9534 8.9534 20.5199 0 PROCESSED 57603.0508217593 2016-08-03 01:13:11 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55845.2850578704 2011-10-11 06:50:29 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806146010/ Quick Look
120 A2199 OFFSET4 247.7662 39.3698 247.336958 39.47607 234.094682 60.066425 62.70620415 43.21916708 270.0003 55791.1922337963 2011-08-18 04:36:49 55791.5912037037 2011-08-18 14:11:20 806150010 18.7116 20 18.7116 18.7116 0 18.7116 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 13.643 13.643 34.4639 0 PROCESSED 57602.8546064815 2016-08-02 20:30:38 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55806.2666087963 2011-09-02 06:23:55 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806150010/ Quick Look
121 A2199 OFFSET5 248.9722 38.6569 248.539372 38.75774 236.294551 59.658507 61.80111812 42.24739511 272.0003 55791.5924652778 2011-08-18 14:13:09 55792.1787152778 2011-08-19 04:17:21 806151010 21.084 20 21.092 21.092 0 21.084 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 18.9536 18.9536 50.6459 0 PROCESSED 57602.8747916667 2016-08-02 20:59:42 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55806.2354050926 2011-09-02 05:38:59 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806151010/ Quick Look
122 VIRGO N5 187.7004 14.5243 187.069101 14.800365 181.146119 16.359636 281.02135681 76.51020537 313.9964 56098.5183449074 2012-06-20 12:26:25 56098.9203125 2012-06-20 22:05:15 807110010 15.7789 13 15.7789 15.7894 0 15.7829 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 16.0728 16.0728 34.728 0 PROCESSED 57605.7329166667 2016-08-05 17:35:24 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56214.963587963 2012-10-14 23:07:34 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807110010/ Quick Look
123 VIRGO S1 187.7666 12.1106 187.133775 12.386627 182.229484 14.183198 284.29495534 74.24059367 308.501 56111.2691087963 2012-07-03 06:27:31 56111.5314583333 2012-07-03 12:45:18 807115010 12.5216 10 12.5336 12.5216 0 12.5366 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 13.182 13.182 22.642 0 PROCESSED 57606.5476736111 2016-08-06 13:08:39 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56226.6475 2012-10-26 15:32:24 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807115010/ Quick Look
124 A2199 OFFSET3 246.6242 39.5648 246.194654 39.676177 232.295962 59.97972 62.9383018 44.10633033 299.9982 55790.598287037 2011-08-17 14:21:32 55791.1863425926 2011-08-18 04:28:20 806149010 21.366 20 21.374 21.374 0 21.366 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 20.2743 20.2743 50.8019 1 PROCESSED 57602.8605787037 2016-08-02 20:39:14 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55806.2156365741 2011-09-02 05:10:31 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806149010/ Quick Look
125 VIRGO S12 187.4953 8.619 186.859997 8.895202 183.424434 10.881709 286.60241823 70.80739613 122.0035 56270.1617592593 2012-12-09 03:52:56 56270.5772106482 2012-12-09 13:51:11 807126010 16.4275 16 16.4275 16.4275 0 16.4275 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 16.1837 16.1837 35.8639 0 PROCESSED 57608.2146527778 2016-08-08 05:09:06 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56338.4929166667 2013-02-15 11:49:48 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807126010/ Quick Look
126 VIRGO S17 187.3614 6.7452 186.724859 7.021486 184.063087 9.111826 287.56473465 68.95823146 122.4996 56272.071724537 2012-12-11 01:43:17 56272.5258796296 2012-12-11 12:37:16 807131010 18.9432 18 18.9512 18.9432 0 18.9512 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 18.6145 18.6145 39.2319 1 PROCESSED 57608.241712963 2016-08-08 05:48:04 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56291.7338773148 2012-12-30 17:36:47 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807131010/ Quick Look
127 VIRGO E1 188.0634 12.5322 187.431175 12.808036 182.325865 14.686251 284.88156742 74.72763223 285 56481.2981828704 2013-07-08 07:09:23 56481.5626736111 2013-07-08 13:30:15 808116010 10.3353 10 10.3353 10.3353 0 10.3353 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 8.8323 8.8323 22.8459 0 PROCESSED 57611.7060416667 2016-08-11 16:56:42 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56524.6432407407 2013-08-20 15:26:16 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086003 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 8 AO8 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/808116010/ Quick Look
128 VIRGO E5 189.1714 13.1819 188.540883 13.456957 183.073594 15.719707 288.31179147 75.63323247 284.9999 56482.4931365741 2013-07-09 11:50:07 56482.9348726852 2013-07-09 22:26:13 808120010 12.2986 12 12.2986 12.2986 0 12.2986 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 12.2671 12.2671 38.1619 0 PROCESSED 57611.7660300926 2016-08-11 18:23:05 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56496.6035416667 2013-07-23 14:29:06 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086003 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 8 AO8 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/808120010/ Quick Look
129 ABELL 426 SW3 49.102 40.9982 48.280214 40.814462 57.790981 22.022932 150.31514223 -14.0400409 94.9993 55801.0601967593 2011-08-28 01:26:41 55801.3084722222 2011-08-28 07:24:12 806102010 11.955 10 11.955 11.955 0 11.955 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 7.864 7.864 21.4239 1 PROCESSED 57602.9856134259 2016-08-02 23:39:17 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55818.1485185185 2011-09-14 03:33:52 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806102010/ Quick Look
130 ABELL 426 SW6 48.2625 40.4485 47.446504 40.261728 56.965884 21.67573 150.06660907 -14.84565948 88.4982 55802.8164814815 2011-08-29 19:35:44 55803.0348958333 2011-08-30 00:50:15 806108010 11.5336 10 11.5656 11.5576 0 11.5336 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10.7551 10.7551 18.8561 0 PROCESSED 57603.0017476852 2016-08-03 00:02:31 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55826.1269444444 2011-09-22 03:02:48 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806108010/ Quick Look
131 ABELL 426 NE6 51.7255 42.539 50.886134 42.364994 60.28512 22.967764 151.10360581 -11.67130403 89.4994 55810.8220717593 2011-09-06 19:43:47 55811.0314583333 2011-09-07 00:45:18 806132010 11.4246 10 11.4406 11.4246 0 11.4486 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10.0645 10.0645 18.0879 0 PROCESSED 57603.0828703704 2016-08-03 01:59:20 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55866.2046759259 2011-11-01 04:54:44 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806132010/ Quick Look
132 ABELL 426 NNE6 50.4234 43.1429 49.58355 42.964001 59.463368 23.808902 149.95061465 -11.70868128 60.4955 55807.3026967593 2011-09-03 07:15:53 55807.5834375 2011-09-03 14:00:09 806144010 10.4306 10 10.4306 10.4306 0 10.4306 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 10.723 10.723 24.2539 0 PROCESSED 57603.0471990741 2016-08-03 01:07:58 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55845.2864467593 2011-10-11 06:52:29 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806144010/ Quick Look
133 ABELL2345EAST 321.8675 -12.1557 321.189104 -12.37369 320.327375 2.690486 39.92441578 -40.06382879 77.2002 56777.6418402778 2014-04-30 15:24:15 56780.1466550926 2014-05-03 03:31:11 809119010 101.3009 100 101.3169 101.3009 0 101.3169 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 88.0885 88.0885 216.38 1 PROCESSED 57615.0703935185 2016-08-15 01:41:22 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 56790.7271759259 2014-05-13 17:27:08 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096003 Radio relics in merging galaxy clusters trace low-Mach number shocks where particles are accelerated to extreme energies. Suzaku revealed temperature jumps at several relics. However the Mach numbers derived by X-ray observations are significantly lower than those from the radio spectra, and simple shock acceleration models need to be re-examined. We propose Suzaku key project observations of 12 radio relics to establish the shock properties, by combining with new radio data. These data will advance our understanding of (i) particle acceleration at the shocks and (ii) spatial distribution of the thermal and non-thermal components. We will make a breakthrough shocks and (ii) spatial distribution of the thermal and non-thermal components. We will make a breakthrough in our understand. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A HIROKI AKAMATSU EUR 9 AO9 EXPLORING ENERGETICS AT THE LARGEST SHOCK STRUCTURES IN THE UNIVERSE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/809119010/ Quick Look
134 VIRGO W4 186.6838 11.7876 186.04966 12.064261 181.367978 13.457626 281.0321598 73.60000956 100.001 56273.6409143518 2012-12-12 15:22:55 56273.9264699074 2012-12-12 22:14:07 807097010 14.512 11 14.512 14.536 0 14.52 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 13.7379 13.7379 24.6659 0 PROCESSED 57608.2576388889 2016-08-08 06:11:00 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56342.5158680556 2013-02-19 12:22:51 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807097010/ Quick Look
135 VIRGO W9 185.2783 10.9356 184.642354 11.212937 180.431009 12.119991 277.70610968 72.30561596 99.9989 56275.8085763889 2012-12-14 19:24:21 56276.4093055556 2012-12-15 09:49:24 807102010 27.1057 23 27.1057 27.1057 0 27.1057 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 28.4791 28.4791 51.896 0 PROCESSED 57608.2880092593 2016-08-08 06:54:44 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56315.5260300926 2013-01-23 12:37:29 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807102010/ Quick Look
136 VIRGO N4 187.7041 14.2061 187.072593 14.482163 181.285557 16.070988 281.49354158 76.21209693 310.9981 56104.178900463 2012-06-26 04:17:37 56104.463275463 2012-06-26 11:07:07 807109010 12.7577 12 12.7577 12.7577 0 12.7577 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 13.291 13.291 24.5619 0 PROCESSED 57606.4838541667 2016-08-06 11:36:45 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56219.6559953704 2012-10-19 15:44:38 3 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807109010/ Quick Look
137 VIRGO S4 187.668 11.1668 187.034459 11.442891 182.532865 13.281501 284.92853674 73.30851588 308.5011 56112.2229861111 2012-07-04 05:21:06 56112.5056828704 2012-07-04 12:08:11 807118010 12.852 10 12.852 12.852 0 12.852 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 13.8622 13.8622 24.4179 0 PROCESSED 57606.5554282407 2016-08-06 13:19:49 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56141.1138194445 2012-08-02 02:43:54 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807118010/ Quick Look
138 VIRGO S13 187.4758 8.312 186.840292 8.588214 183.531882 10.592818 286.77930619 70.50542211 122.0007 56270.5777314815 2012-12-09 13:51:56 56270.8459606482 2012-12-09 20:18:11 807127010 13.0666 12 13.0984 13.0906 0 13.0666 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 11.5411 11.5411 23.1679 0 PROCESSED 57608.2217824074 2016-08-08 05:19:22 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56291.6901273148 2012-12-30 16:33:47 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807127010/ Quick Look
139 ABELL 426 S5 49.6049 40.1572 48.78706 39.975311 57.933438 21.108752 151.11933243 -14.5358666 87.9995 55426.4039930556 2010-08-18 09:41:45 55426.6474537037 2010-08-18 15:32:20 805100010 10.6209 10 10.6289 10.6209 0 10.6289 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10.3257 10.3257 21.0319 0 PROCESSED 57553.1198148148 2016-06-14 02:52:32 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55439.1414699074 2010-08-31 03:23:43 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805100010/ Quick Look
140 VIRGO S19 187.324 6.1182 186.687061 6.394509 184.281915 8.522189 287.8702994 68.34005974 122.7988 56272.9313310185 2012-12-11 22:21:07 56273.403587963 2012-12-12 09:41:10 807133010 19.3484 19 19.3601 19.3564 0 19.3484 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 20.7099 20.7099 40.798 0 PROCESSED 57608.2512384259 2016-08-08 06:01:47 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56338.5094907407 2013-02-15 12:13:40 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807133010/ Quick Look
141 ABELL 426 S5.5 49.5719 40.0219 48.754994 39.839891 57.867374 20.985689 151.17444164 -14.66274998 88.0005 55426.6477430556 2010-08-18 15:32:45 55426.8585648148 2010-08-18 20:36:20 805111010 11.1329 10 11.1569 11.1409 0 11.1329 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 7.1518 7.1518 18.2079 0 PROCESSED 57553.1273032407 2016-06-14 03:03:19 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55439.1544212963 2010-08-31 03:42:22 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805111010/ Quick Look
142 LDN1563 75.5225 13.8674 74.815655 13.796139 75.781481 -8.861998 187.1486738 -16.70848186 83.2339 56902.1301041667 2014-09-02 03:07:21 56904.0071643518 2014-09-04 00:10:19 509075010 41.1155 80 41.1396 41.1395 0 41.1155 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57616.5646296296 2016-08-16 13:33:04 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 56926.5705439815 2014-09-26 13:41:35 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096001 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 9 AO9 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509075010/ Quick Look
143 SN1006_BGD1 225.9444 -42.5002 225.122216 -42.305131 235.809577 -24.144105 327.43636425 13.98792654 286.4314 56887.5218171296 2014-08-18 12:31:25 56888.0141203704 2014-08-19 00:20:20 509083010 32.1009 30 32.1089 32.1089 0 32.1009 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57616.5011111111 2016-08-16 12:01:36 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 56910.6401736111 2014-09-10 15:21:51 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096004 We propose deep XIS observations of SN1006, a Type Ia supernova remnant (SNR) in the Galaxy. Our immediate objective is to detect weak emissions, Cr K-alpha, Mn K-alpha, and Fe K-beta lines, which are key to diagnosing the evolution of the Type Ia SN progenitor and the efficiency of collisionless electron heating at the SNR reverse shock. Although the total requested exposure is quite long, the observation is well worth the risk and will certainly provide a heritage dataset prominent in the legacy of Suzaku. This proposal consists of the two steps. The first science goal requires the 400-ks exposure, while the second goal requires additional 800 ks. Approval of only the first step will be accepted. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A HIROYA YAMAGUCHI USA 9 AO9 THERMAL X-RAYS FROM SN 1006: THE UNIQUE TYPE IA SNR IN THE EXTREMELY LOW-DENSITY AND LOW-METALLICITY ENVIRONMENT XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509083010/ Quick Look
144 VIRGO E8 190.0457 13.6937 189.416619 13.968069 183.664073 16.534019 291.30515449 76.31072684 284.9998 56483.6999768518 2013-07-10 16:47:58 56484.1918634259 2013-07-11 04:36:17 808123010 18.4482 18 18.4482 18.4482 0 18.4482 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 16.2122 16.2122 42.492 0 PROCESSED 57611.7962268518 2016-08-11 19:06:34 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56498.6264351852 2013-07-25 15:02:04 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086003 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 8 AO8 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/808123010/ Quick Look
145 G25.5+0.0 279.4506 -6.6057 278.777895 -6.649808 279.78518 16.514382 25.50196825 0.00652115 74.2354 54927.1234490741 2009-04-06 02:57:46 54928.7446064815 2009-04-07 17:52:14 504099010 52.7375 50 52.7375 52.7375 0 52.7375 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 44.5703 44.5703 140.042 3 PROCESSED 57546.0819675926 2016-06-07 01:58:02 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 54949.4845023148 2009-04-28 11:37:41 3 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 4 AO4 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504099010/ Quick Look
146 SN1006_BGD2 226.2226 -42.2202 225.40133 -42.0261 235.931519 -23.815123 327.76465581 14.12663913 286.4366 56888.0146875 2014-08-19 00:21:09 56888.6460416667 2014-08-19 15:30:18 509084010 34.8497 30 34.8793 34.8817 0 34.8497 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57616.5054050926 2016-08-16 12:07:47 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 56910.6406365741 2014-09-10 15:22:31 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096004 We propose deep XIS observations of SN1006, a Type Ia supernova remnant (SNR) in the Galaxy. Our immediate objective is to detect weak emissions, Cr K-alpha, Mn K-alpha, and Fe K-beta lines, which are key to diagnosing the evolution of the Type Ia SN progenitor and the efficiency of collisionless electron heating at the SNR reverse shock. Although the total requested exposure is quite long, the observation is well worth the risk and will certainly provide a heritage dataset prominent in the legacy of Suzaku. This proposal consists of the two steps. The first science goal requires the 400-ks exposure, while the second goal requires additional 800 ks. Approval of only the first step will be accepted. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A HIROYA YAMAGUCHI USA 9 AO9 THERMAL X-RAYS FROM SN 1006: THE UNIQUE TYPE IA SNR IN THE EXTREMELY LOW-DENSITY AND LOW-METALLICITY ENVIRONMENT XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509084010/ Quick Look
147 HESS J1841-55 1 279.8307 -5.8897 279.161498 -5.93564 280.231092 17.202355 26.31151486 -0.00077944 87.7391 55645.2916782407 2011-03-25 07:00:01 55646.4446180556 2011-03-26 10:40:15 505088010 49.652 50 49.652 49.652 0 49.652 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 39.8604 39.8604 99.5978 0 PROCESSED 57601.3329976852 2016-08-01 07:59:31 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55658.1566087963 2011-04-07 03:45:31 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505088010/ Quick Look
148 SGR 0501+4516 75.2795 45.3414 74.367379 45.268539 78.857896 22.469212 161.49568149 1.98976538 93.3341 55060.8485069445 2009-08-17 20:21:51 55061.8348842593 2009-08-18 20:02:14 404078010 42.6753 40 42.6753 42.9553 0 42.8913 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 27.4878 27.4878 85.1858 0 PROCESSED 57548.1780092593 2016-06-09 04:16:20 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55071.2594328704 2009-08-28 06:13:35 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046002 We propose a comprehensive study of magnetars and associated objects in order to resolve strong magnetism of neutron stars. Magnetars are estimated to have an ultra strong magnetic filed as 1E+15 Gauss, and have been attracted growing wide attention recent years. These classes are extreme case of magnetars and have excellent clues to complete our scientific goal, including magnetism and ultrahigh magnetic-field physics. This proposal carries a sense of future potential to become "Suzaku Legacy" Key Project and to break the new ground of "Magnetar Physics". GALACTIC POINT SOURCES 4 A KAZUO MAKISHIMA JAP 4 AO4 A SUZAKU STUDY OF MAGNETARS AND THE NEUTRON-STAR MAGNETISM HXD Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/404078010/ Quick Look
149 GALACTIC_BULGE12 270.5539 -32.7559 269.734001 -32.756597 270.462385 -9.315774 358.50046577 -5.00243267 271.4834 55119.6475462963 2009-10-15 15:32:28 55120.7502199074 2009-10-16 18:00:19 504095010 48.2622 50 48.2622 48.2622 0 48.2622 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 38.358 38.358 95.2619 1 PROCESSED 57548.9040856482 2016-06-09 21:41:53 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55133.2742824074 2009-10-29 06:34:58 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 4 AO4 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504095010/ Quick Look
150 G346.6-0.2 257.5822 -40.1827 256.712432 -40.120751 260.089291 -17.167114 346.62898747 -0.22219097 278.7363 55111.704525463 2009-10-07 16:54:31 55113.1668287037 2009-10-09 04:00:14 504096010 56.7543 50 56.7543 56.7623 0 56.7703 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 42.4121 42.4121 126.3239 0 PROCESSED 57548.806724537 2016-06-09 19:21:41 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55127.3766898148 2009-10-23 09:02:26 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 4 AO4 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504096010/ Quick Look
151 HESS J1841-55 4 280.4555 -5.2917 279.789233 -5.340638 280.927287 17.753088 27.12788601 -0.27973073 86.6744 55648.7926273148 2011-03-28 19:01:23 55649.9633449074 2011-03-29 23:07:13 505091010 51.2539 50 51.2539 51.2539 0 51.2539 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 45.0078 45.0078 101.142 1 PROCESSED 57601.3663310185 2016-08-01 08:47:31 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55666.3000115741 2011-04-15 07:12:01 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505091010/ Quick Look
152 THE KEPLER SNR 262.671 -21.485 261.921744 -21.447676 263.170047 1.78246 4.52284766 6.82247636 99.4153 55649.9685416667 2011-03-29 23:14:42 55653.0828356482 2011-04-02 01:59:17 505092070 133.3906 90 133.3986 133.3986 0 133.3906 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 112.2172 112.2172 269.0278 1 PROCESSED 57601.4459490741 2016-08-01 10:42:10 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55666.5226736111 2011-04-15 12:32:39 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056004 The detailed nature of the progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is elusive. X-ray line emission from low abundant elements (Cr, Mn, and Ni) in young supernova remnants (SNR) provides an excellent opportunity to study the Type Ia SN nucleosynthesis and thus to reveal the metallicity of the progenitor. Suzaku XIS observations are an efficient tool for such an X-ray spectroscopy. We propose a deep Suzaku XIS observation of Kepler's SNR to study the peculiar nature of its Type Ia SN progenitor. Our proposed Suzaku X-ray study of the Cr, Mn, and Ni line emission in Kepler will reveal the progenitor's metallicity in an unprecedented detail, which will be an excellent complementary work to the existing Suzaku Long Program of Tycho's SNR to reveal the nature of Type Ia SN progenitors. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A SANGWOOK PARK USA 5 AO5 A DEEP OBSERVATION OF THE KEPLER SUPERNOVA REMNANT: NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF A TYPE IA SUPERNOVA WITH A PECULIAR PROGENITOR XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505092070/ Quick Look
153 G292.0+1.8 171.1489 -59.2723 170.582246 -58.997353 208.114622 -55.074076 292.03159099 1.74911685 309.5957 55764.9604050926 2011-07-22 23:02:59 55765.6883449074 2011-07-23 16:31:13 506062010 43.6592 40 43.6592 43.6592 0 43.6592 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 40.2364 40.2364 62.8859 1 PROCESSED 57602.6430902778 2016-08-02 15:26:03 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55785.0141782407 2011-08-12 00:20:25 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066001 Suzaku found recombining plasma (RP) from the mixed-morphology SNRs (MM-SNRs). Since the standard evolution of SNR does not predict RP, the Suzaku discovery requires a dramatic change on the scenario of SNR dynamics and evolution. Suggestive facts are that all RP detected SNRs have OH masers and all RP-detected SNRs have TeV/GeV emissions. The most important issue at this stage, however, is not model making, but systematic and comprehensive observations to study which kind of SNRs, and/or which circum SN conditions, are responsible to RP. This is our primary objective. The second aim of this proposal is to provide path-finding data for the Astro-H science. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 6 AO6-KP NEW SCENARIO FOR THE THERMAL PLASMA IN SNRS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/506062010/ Quick Look
154 MBM20 68.9408 -14.6235 68.368117 -14.724858 64.47362 -36.218496 211.39729046 -36.55969232 255.8156 57069.9923842593 2015-02-16 23:49:02 57071.9654050926 2015-02-18 23:10:11 509076010 81.154 80 81.154 81.162 0 81.162 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57617.624537037 2016-08-17 14:59:20 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 57083.4173032407 2015-03-02 10:00:55 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096001 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 9 AO9 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509076010/ Quick Look
155 A2199 OFFSET14 246.2604 39.5212 245.829944 39.634196 231.792856 59.849359 62.86911341 44.38588157 254.9999 55825.6665625 2011-09-21 15:59:51 55826.3946527778 2011-09-22 09:28:18 806160010 27.4413 30 27.4414 27.4413 0 27.4413 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 26.9491 26.9491 62.9019 0 PROCESSED 57603.222962963 2016-08-03 05:21:04 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55851.4517361111 2011-10-17 10:50:30 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806160010/ Quick Look
156 GALACTIC_BULGE13 264.5912 -32.1955 263.77613 -32.167278 265.360141 -8.841295 356.40747371 -0.39354159 92.0351 55635.5794907407 2011-03-15 13:54:28 55636.621099537 2011-03-16 14:54:23 505082010 48.4969 50 48.5129 48.5129 0 48.4969 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 41.255 41.255 89.9798 0 PROCESSED 57601.201412037 2016-08-01 04:50:02 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55648.3385763889 2011-03-28 08:07:33 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505082010/ Quick Look
157 ABELL 426 W1 49.5928 41.5523 48.766062 41.370352 58.34119 22.451611 150.3228425 -13.37443973 94.0008 55428.5346759259 2010-08-20 12:49:56 55428.7397569445 2010-08-20 17:45:15 805103010 10.068 10 10.068 10.068 0 10.068 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 7.3213 7.3213 17.7119 0 PROCESSED 57553.1427777778 2016-06-14 03:25:36 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55439.2175 2010-08-31 05:13:12 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805103010/ Quick Look
158 HESS J1841-55 2 280.1473 -5.9564 279.477798 -6.003856 280.554771 17.113097 26.39650339 -0.31125339 87.3564 55646.4452777778 2011-03-26 10:41:12 55647.6391550926 2011-03-27 15:20:23 505089010 50.0053 50 50.0304 50.0053 0 50.0304 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 43.1789 43.1789 103.1139 0 PROCESSED 57601.3264236111 2016-08-01 07:50:03 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55658.2084606482 2011-04-07 05:00:11 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505089010/ Quick Look
159 LDN1563 75.5223 13.867 74.815457 13.795738 75.781245 -8.862376 187.14890409 -16.70886793 81.7388 56161.9528356482 2012-08-22 22:52:05 56164.0488194444 2012-08-25 01:10:18 507078010 78.6693 80 78.6693 78.6693 0 78.6693 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 69.6801 69.6801 181.0619 0 PROCESSED 57606.963275463 2016-08-06 23:07:07 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56212.8492476852 2012-10-12 20:22:55 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076003 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 7 AO7 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/507078010/ Quick Look
160 SGR 0501+4516 75.2625 45.3425 74.350391 45.26956 78.845173 22.471613 161.48747118 1.98100999 82.3996 55459.7272569444 2010-09-20 17:27:15 55460.9897337963 2010-09-21 23:45:13 405075010 59.7205 50 59.8085 59.8123 0 59.7205 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 52.9357 52.9357 109.0658 0 PROCESSED 57553.4903935185 2016-06-14 11:46:10 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55470.1458449074 2010-10-01 03:30:01 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056002 We propose a comprehensive study of magnetars and associated objects in order to resolve strong magnetism of neutron stars. Magnetars are estimated to have an ultra strong magnetic filed as 1E+15 Gauss, and have been attracted growing wide attention recent years. These classes are extreme case of magnetars and have excellent clues to complete our scientific goal, including magnetism and ultrahigh magnetic-field physics. This proposal carries a sense of future potential to become "Suzaku Legacy" Key Project and to break the new ground of "Magnetar Physics". GALACTIC POINT SOURCES 4 A KAZUO MAKISHIMA JAP 5 AO5 A SUZAKU STUDY OF MAGNETARS AND THE NEUTRON-STAR MAGNETISM HXD Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/405075010/ Quick Look
161 ABELL 426 SW3.5 48.9544 40.9043 48.133622 40.720026 57.647111 21.964183 150.27094965 -14.17935173 88.4992 55801.3110763889 2011-08-28 07:27:57 55801.6063888889 2011-08-28 14:33:12 806103010 10.2636 10 10.2636 10.2636 0 10.2636 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 9.5689 9.5689 25.4719 1 PROCESSED 57602.9865046296 2016-08-02 23:40:34 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55825.0922337963 2011-09-21 02:12:49 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806103010/ Quick Look
162 ABELL 426 SW4.5 48.6726 40.7228 47.853753 40.537505 57.371332 21.850286 150.18660509 -14.44721412 88.498 55801.850474537 2011-08-28 20:24:41 55802.08625 2011-08-29 02:04:12 806105010 10.7494 10 10.7574 10.7574 0 10.7494 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 8.915 8.915 20.3679 0 PROCESSED 57602.9947337963 2016-08-02 23:52:25 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55826.0978935185 2011-09-22 02:20:58 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806105010/ Quick Look
163 ABELL 426 SW6.5 48.1163 40.3561 47.301281 40.168804 56.822706 21.618937 150.02002462 -14.98316021 88.4979 55803.0352314815 2011-08-30 00:50:44 55803.3008680556 2011-08-30 07:13:15 806109010 11.5806 10 11.5886 11.5806 0 11.5966 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 7.0679 7.0679 22.9359 0 PROCESSED 57603.0076041667 2016-08-03 00:10:57 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55826.1781481482 2011-09-22 04:16:32 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806109010/ Quick Look
164 ABELL 426 SE5.5 51.277 40.3868 50.453278 40.211126 59.315931 20.983376 152.07695425 -13.63166747 96.5598 55799.6056828704 2011-08-26 14:32:11 55799.9189351852 2011-08-26 22:03:16 806119010 16.2703 15 16.2783 16.2703 0 16.2783 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 16.209 16.209 27.058 0 PROCESSED 57602.9656597222 2016-08-02 23:10:33 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55865.074224537 2011-10-31 01:46:53 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806119010/ Quick Look
165 ABELL 426 NE1 50.2177 41.6975 49.388255 41.517855 58.870415 22.461609 150.64118254 -12.9960031 89.2472 55809.6259259259 2011-09-05 15:01:20 55809.8452662037 2011-09-05 20:17:11 806123010 10.9325 10 10.9325 10.9533 0 10.9405 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 12.2451 12.2451 18.9361 0 PROCESSED 57603.0729398148 2016-08-03 01:45:02 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55866.0873842593 2011-11-01 02:05:50 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806123010/ Quick Look
166 ABELL 426 NNE6.5 50.4676 43.2769 49.626686 43.098164 59.537818 23.928739 149.90216136 -11.57929144 60.499 55807.5838194445 2011-09-03 14:00:42 55807.8391203704 2011-09-03 20:08:20 806145010 13.3332 10 13.3332 13.3332 0 13.3332 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 14.1621 14.1621 22.052 0 PROCESSED 57603.0507060185 2016-08-03 01:13:01 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55845.2486226852 2011-10-11 05:58:01 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806145010/ Quick Look
167 GALACTIC_BULGE6 271.3758 -31.4828 270.564538 -31.487512 271.175264 -8.047458 359.95693453 -4.99276165 88.0304 55639.361087963 2011-03-19 08:39:58 55640.3565162037 2011-03-20 08:33:23 505081010 50.1669 50 50.1714 50.1669 0 50.1795 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 43.6357 43.6357 85.9898 0 PROCESSED 57601.2415277778 2016-08-01 05:47:48 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55649.2186574074 2011-03-29 05:14:52 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505081010/ Quick Look
168 GALACTIC_BULGE14 264.9946 -32.433 264.177795 -32.406725 265.713815 -9.066176 356.38820164 -0.80858885 270.5244 55479.5865509259 2010-10-10 14:04:38 55480.8980671296 2010-10-11 21:33:13 505083010 52.9383 50 52.9383 52.9383 0 52.9383 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 42.4073 42.4073 113.3039 1 PROCESSED 57553.7064236111 2016-06-14 16:57:15 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55491.0402893518 2010-10-22 00:58:01 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505083010/ Quick Look
169 THE KEPLER SNR 262.6745 -21.5044 261.925136 -21.467093 263.174286 1.76325 4.50818409 6.8092486 272.4561 55469.9826736111 2010-09-30 23:35:03 55470.368287037 2010-10-01 08:50:20 505092010 17.7141 620 17.7221 17.7301 0 17.7141 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 17.8694 17.8694 33.3079 0 PROCESSED 57553.595 2016-06-14 14:16:48 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55482.4747453704 2010-10-13 11:23:38 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056004 The detailed nature of the progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is elusive. X-ray line emission from low abundant elements (Cr, Mn, and Ni) in young supernova remnants (SNR) provides an excellent opportunity to study the Type Ia SN nucleosynthesis and thus to reveal the metallicity of the progenitor. Suzaku XIS observations are an efficient tool for such an X-ray spectroscopy. We propose a deep Suzaku XIS observation of Kepler's SNR to study the peculiar nature of its Type Ia SN progenitor. Our proposed Suzaku X-ray study of the Cr, Mn, and Ni line emission in Kepler will reveal the progenitor's metallicity in an unprecedented detail, which will be an excellent complementary work to the existing Suzaku Long Program of Tycho's SNR to reveal the nature of Type Ia SN progenitors. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A SANGWOOK PARK USA 5 AO5 A DEEP OBSERVATION OF THE KEPLER SUPERNOVA REMNANT: NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF A TYPE IA SUPERNOVA WITH A PECULIAR PROGENITOR XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505092010/ Quick Look
170 G272.2-3.2 136.7114 -52.1231 136.316281 -51.921066 170.818449 -63.077248 272.22308022 -3.18374401 297.1287 55709.5476041667 2011-05-28 13:08:33 55711.9009490741 2011-05-30 21:37:22 506060010 130.0782 150 130.0862 130.0942 0 130.0782 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 121.8303 121.8303 203.3058 3 PROCESSED 57602.216087963 2016-08-02 05:11:10 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55735.3493171296 2011-06-23 08:23:01 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066001 Suzaku found recombining plasma (RP) from the mixed-morphology SNRs (MM-SNRs). Since the standard evolution of SNR does not predict RP, the Suzaku discovery requires a dramatic change on the scenario of SNR dynamics and evolution. Suggestive facts are that all RP detected SNRs have OH masers and all RP-detected SNRs have TeV/GeV emissions. The most important issue at this stage, however, is not model making, but systematic and comprehensive observations to study which kind of SNRs, and/or which circum SN conditions, are responsible to RP. This is our primary objective. The second aim of this proposal is to provide path-finding data for the Astro-H science. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 6 AO6-KP NEW SCENARIO FOR THE THERMAL PLASMA IN SNRS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/506060010/ Quick Look
171 GRXE_E_5 268.0495 -26.6011 267.269457 -26.589728 268.243808 -3.171982 2.75089625 -0.04390767 105.4995 56373.3059722222 2013-03-22 07:20:36 56375.3646990741 2013-03-24 08:45:10 507072010 101.2435 100 101.2435 101.2435 0 101.2435 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 102.6676 102.6676 177.8658 1 PROCESSED 57610.9241087963 2016-08-10 22:10:43 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56384.595787037 2013-04-02 14:17:56 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076002 We make high statistics observation of the 6.4-keV line in the region of l= +1.5 ~ +4 deg, which is key to resolve the origin of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission (GRXE). It also clarifies the origin of the 6.7-keV line. The concrete aims are (1) to determine the asymmetry of the GRXE between the east- and the west-sides of the Galactic center, (2) to separate spectral components of the 6.7-keV and 6.4-keV lines, (3) to constrain the origin of the 6.4-keV line (presumably from diffuse origin) and (4) to provide a "Suzaku Legacy" of the Galactic diffuse X-ray emission (the GRXE and GCDX) covering the wide region of l= -4 ~ +4 deg with high statistics and precise spectroscopy, which will be immediately used as best path-finder for Astro-H and standard data set for the multi-band studies. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A TAKESHI TSURU JAP 7 AO7 ORIGIN OF THE 6.4KEV LINE OF THE GALACTIC RIDGE X-RAY EMISSION (GRXE) XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/507072010/ Quick Look
172 VIRGO W6 186.0979 11.4464 185.462989 11.723363 180.971644 12.912849 279.57270772 73.07967034 99.9988 56274.3472685185 2012-12-13 08:20:04 56274.8098726852 2012-12-13 19:26:13 807099010 22.4217 19 22.4217 22.4217 0 22.4217 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 19.182 19.182 39.9499 1 PROCESSED 57608.269224537 2016-08-08 06:27:41 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56342.6277893518 2013-02-19 15:04:01 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807099010/ Quick Look
173 VIRGO W11 184.734 10.623 184.097417 10.900554 180.060818 11.617697 276.51178499 71.80735655 99.9988 56276.9834143518 2012-12-15 23:36:07 56277.5397337963 2012-12-16 12:57:13 807104010 24.3087 24 24.3087 24.311 0 24.3127 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 23.5095 23.5095 48.0381 0 PROCESSED 57608.2867361111 2016-08-08 06:52:54 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56338.5029050926 2013-02-15 12:04:11 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807104010/ Quick Look
174 VIRGO N6 187.706 14.8589 187.074932 15.134961 181.007785 16.666841 280.53999282 76.82590701 310.9995 56104.4640740741 2012-06-26 11:08:16 56104.8946296296 2012-06-26 21:28:16 807111010 20.488 15 20.488 20.496 0 20.496 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 19.9025 19.9025 37.198 1 PROCESSED 57606.4880555556 2016-08-06 11:42:48 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56117.9917361111 2012-07-09 23:48:06 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807111010/ Quick Look
175 VIRGO S2 187.7262 11.7827 187.093118 12.058753 182.329563 13.867553 284.50264567 73.91527115 308.5008 56111.5319791667 2012-07-03 12:46:03 56111.8286805556 2012-07-03 19:53:18 807116010 14.0408 10 14.0488 14.0408 0 14.0568 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 13.1631 13.1631 25.6319 0 PROCESSED 57606.5448611111 2016-08-06 13:04:36 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56139.1771180556 2012-07-31 04:15:03 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807116010/ Quick Look
176 VIRGO S3 187.7051 11.4733 187.071794 11.749367 182.439346 13.576413 284.74763768 73.61284119 308.498 56111.8292013889 2012-07-03 19:54:03 56112.2224189815 2012-07-04 05:20:17 807117010 15.063 10 15.063 15.063 0 15.063 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 13.396 13.396 33.9619 0 PROCESSED 57606.5537384259 2016-08-06 13:17:23 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56139.230787037 2012-07-31 05:32:20 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807117010/ Quick Look
177 VIRGO S9 187.5697 9.5888 186.935063 9.864954 183.095212 11.799058 286.04491696 71.76339412 306.8996 56115.2917361111 2012-07-07 07:00:06 56115.6641319444 2012-07-07 15:56:21 807123010 18.9179 14 18.9339 18.9179 0 18.9339 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 18.6185 18.6185 32.168 0 PROCESSED 57606.5741087963 2016-08-06 13:46:43 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56142.0874884259 2012-08-03 02:05:59 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807123010/ Quick Look
178 VIRGO S14 187.4376 7.6823 186.801678 7.958538 183.753215 10.000828 287.13089499 69.88593318 122 56270.8466666667 2012-12-09 20:19:12 56271.2320717593 2012-12-10 05:34:11 807128010 15.4204 12 15.4364 15.4204 0 15.4444 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 16.7417 16.7417 33.2879 0 PROCESSED 57608.2246643518 2016-08-08 05:23:31 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56291.692349537 2012-12-30 16:36:59 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807128010/ Quick Look
179 VIRGO S15 187.3986 7.3548 186.762452 7.631062 183.850325 9.685273 287.25281516 69.55887671 122.0016 56271.2325925926 2012-12-10 05:34:56 56271.6272106482 2012-12-10 15:03:11 807129010 18.2136 16 18.2296 18.2136 0 18.2296 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 17.3218 17.3218 34.056 0 PROCESSED 57608.2302430556 2016-08-08 05:31:33 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56291.7069328704 2012-12-30 16:57:59 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807129010/ Quick Look
180 ABELL 426 W7.5 47.1647 41.6449 46.344371 41.454202 56.483409 23.060639 148.68932505 -14.26285782 94.0006 55431.5082175926 2010-08-23 12:11:50 55431.8251967593 2010-08-23 19:48:17 805117010 15.0656 15 15.0896 15.0656 0 15.0896 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10.992 10.992 27.3839 0 PROCESSED 57553.174525463 2016-06-14 04:11:19 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55446.2098263889 2010-09-07 05:02:09 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805117010/ Quick Look
181 ABELL 426 SE5 51.1493 40.4958 50.325207 40.319644 59.246759 21.114379 151.9309414 -13.59719782 89.5614 55799.1762268518 2011-08-26 04:13:46 55799.6029861111 2011-08-26 14:28:18 806118010 16.4382 15 16.4462 16.4382 0 16.4538 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 13.2539 13.2539 36.8699 0 PROCESSED 57602.9664814815 2016-08-02 23:11:44 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55855.1847685185 2011-10-21 04:26:04 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806118010/ Quick Look
182 VIRGO E7 189.7478 13.5221 189.118223 13.796711 183.461681 16.259141 290.25286309 76.08652265 285.0003 56483.2548842593 2013-07-10 06:07:02 56483.6994560185 2013-07-10 16:47:13 808122010 18.1665 17 18.1665 18.1905 0 18.1745 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 15.6917 15.6917 38.4039 2 PROCESSED 57611.7926273148 2016-08-11 19:01:23 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56496.6013657407 2013-07-23 14:25:58 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086003 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 8 AO8 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/808122010/ Quick Look
183 VIRGO N7 187.7068 15.1871 187.075953 15.46316 180.867336 16.966208 280.02627988 77.13302603 311 56104.895150463 2012-06-26 21:29:01 56105.2924768518 2012-06-27 07:01:10 807112010 18.1828 16 18.1828 18.2059 0 18.1908 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 16.604 16.604 34.3279 0 PROCESSED 57606.4965393518 2016-08-06 11:55:01 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56117.9967013889 2012-07-09 23:55:15 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807112010/ Quick Look
184 A2199 OFFSET8 247.7871 40.0108 247.362763 40.116965 233.730787 60.681855 63.58609445 43.22438175 270.3665 55796.7271180556 2011-08-23 17:27:03 55797.4578703704 2011-08-24 10:59:20 806154010 30.7084 30 30.7084 30.7084 0 30.7084 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 25.6487 25.6487 63.134 2 PROCESSED 57602.9315046296 2016-08-02 22:21:22 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55806.3170138889 2011-09-02 07:36:30 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806154010/ Quick Look
185 ABELL 426 SE6 51.3915 40.2857 50.568134 40.110458 59.377203 20.862689 152.21004388 -13.66501615 96.5621 55799.9192708333 2011-08-26 22:03:45 55800.1515856482 2011-08-27 03:38:17 806120010 10.1455 10 10.1455 10.1695 0 10.1535 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 8.8587 8.8587 20.0639 0 PROCESSED 57602.969212963 2016-08-02 23:15:40 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55865.0772569444 2011-10-31 01:51:15 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806120010/ Quick Look
186 ABELL 426 NE2 50.5182 41.8628 49.686815 41.684269 59.152818 22.559001 150.73800989 -12.73403508 89.4986 55808.6745949074 2011-09-04 16:11:25 55808.8752314815 2011-09-04 21:00:20 806124010 10.2106 10 10.2426 10.2346 0 10.2106 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 11.6835 11.6835 17.3279 0 PROCESSED 57603.0596412037 2016-08-03 01:25:53 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55865.9664467593 2011-10-31 23:11:41 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806124010/ Quick Look
187 ABELL 426 NE3 50.8162 42.0347 49.982827 41.857279 59.43466 22.663828 150.82784183 -12.4676031 89.4977 55809.0721412037 2011-09-05 01:43:53 55809.4029513889 2011-09-05 09:40:15 806126010 10.5666 10 10.5666 10.5906 0 10.5746 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 10.704 10.704 28.5759 0 PROCESSED 57603.0680902778 2016-08-03 01:38:03 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55866.0158333333 2011-11-01 00:22:48 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806126010/ Quick Look
188 ABELL 426 NE7 52.033 42.7019 51.191639 42.529059 60.569296 23.064384 151.19797458 -11.40826829 89.5003 55811.3970486111 2011-09-07 09:31:45 55811.6487384259 2011-09-07 15:34:11 806134010 11.079 10 11.0908 11.087 0 11.079 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 10.7886 10.7886 21.7361 0 PROCESSED 57603.0933449074 2016-08-03 02:14:25 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55868.9251967593 2011-11-03 22:12:17 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806134010/ Quick Look
189 ABELL 426 NNE2 50.087 42.0498 49.255577 41.869667 58.874503 22.827107 150.35811431 -12.75634017 60.4956 55804.0547916667 2011-08-31 01:18:54 55804.3098726852 2011-08-31 07:26:13 806136010 10.686 10 10.686 10.686 0 10.686 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 6.899 6.899 22.0319 1 PROCESSED 57603.0180208333 2016-08-03 00:25:57 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55830.1908333333 2011-09-26 04:34:48 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806136010/ Quick Look
190 ABELL 426 NNE3 50.1707 42.3226 49.337205 42.142774 59.021278 23.072073 150.2566965 -12.4946686 60.4975 55804.5824189815 2011-08-31 13:58:41 55804.7849768518 2011-08-31 18:50:22 806138010 9.859 10 9.859 9.859 0 9.859 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 10.125 10.125 17.4719 0 PROCESSED 57603.0234606482 2016-08-03 00:33:47 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55871.8708680556 2011-11-06 20:54:03 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806138010/ Quick Look
191 VIRGO W1 187.5107 12.2426 186.877692 12.518786 181.938422 14.202058 283.26919479 74.29186005 291.9999 56110.6712847222 2012-07-02 16:06:39 56110.9370138889 2012-07-02 22:29:18 807094010 12.7859 10 12.7939 12.7939 0 12.7859 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10.5429 10.5429 22.9519 0 PROCESSED 57606.5451157407 2016-08-06 13:04:58 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56127.137662037 2012-07-19 03:18:14 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807094010/ Quick Look
192 VIRGO W7 185.8245 11.2655 185.18923 11.542594 180.795697 12.638786 278.94638045 72.81351487 99.9999 56274.8104398148 2012-12-13 19:27:02 56275.3217013889 2012-12-14 07:43:15 807100010 23.4449 20 23.4529 23.4529 0 23.4449 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 25.0353 25.0353 44.1699 0 PROCESSED 57608.2724652778 2016-08-08 06:32:21 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56338.5069560185 2013-02-15 12:10:01 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807100010/ Quick Look
193 VIRGO W8 185.551 11.0911 184.915383 11.368319 180.616918 12.370601 278.32881118 72.55156974 99.4998 56275.3224074074 2012-12-14 07:44:16 56275.8078240741 2012-12-14 19:23:16 807101010 22.1703 21 22.1783 22.1703 0 22.1863 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 18.8585 18.8585 41.918 0 PROCESSED 57608.2782291667 2016-08-08 06:40:39 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56315.5145023148 2013-01-23 12:20:53 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807101010/ Quick Look
194 VIRGO N1 187.7027 13.2607 187.070564 13.536766 181.686135 15.207962 282.74012713 75.31771863 314.0012 56097.8290740741 2012-06-19 19:53:52 56098.0419328704 2012-06-20 01:00:23 807106010 9.9319 10 9.9319 9.9399 0 9.9399 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 9.542 9.542 18.3839 0 PROCESSED 57605.7042592593 2016-08-05 16:54:08 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56225.4789699074 2012-10-25 11:29:43 4 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807106010/ Quick Look
195 VIRGO N2 187.703 13.5671 187.071067 13.843165 181.556537 15.487683 282.35217615 75.60823465 313.9984 56098.0424074074 2012-06-20 01:01:04 56098.2606828704 2012-06-20 06:15:23 807107010 10.7068 10 10.7068 10.7308 0 10.7148 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 8.659 8.659 18.848 1 PROCESSED 57605.7127777778 2016-08-05 17:06:24 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56214.9560763889 2012-10-14 22:56:45 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807107010/ Quick Look
196 VIRGO N8 187.7075 15.4944 187.076861 15.770459 180.735378 17.246403 279.52276063 77.41962086 310.9997 56105.2930439815 2012-06-27 07:01:59 56105.7028703704 2012-06-27 16:52:08 807113010 18.7018 18 18.7057 18.7018 0 18.7097 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 18.7504 18.7504 35.4 0 PROCESSED 57606.4979050926 2016-08-06 11:56:59 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56118.0144097222 2012-07-10 00:20:45 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807113010/ Quick Look
197 VIRGO N9 187.7056 15.8164 187.075176 16.092459 180.594255 17.538861 278.95935226 77.71791573 310.4995 56106.6618171296 2012-06-28 15:53:01 56107.1398611111 2012-06-29 03:21:24 807114010 22.9788 19 22.9788 23.0059 0 22.9788 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 20.6819 20.6819 41.2959 1 PROCESSED 57606.5125578704 2016-08-06 12:18:05 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56118.0912037037 2012-07-10 02:11:20 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807114010/ Quick Look
198 VIRGO S6 187.6479 10.5513 187.013944 10.827404 182.769907 12.710704 285.44540552 72.71150131 308.4999 56112.7686574074 2012-07-04 18:26:52 56113.0799421296 2012-07-05 01:55:07 807120010 12.7014 10 12.7014 12.7014 0 12.7014 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10.5005 10.5005 26.8879 1 PROCESSED 57606.5642361111 2016-08-06 13:32:30 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56141.2151388889 2012-08-02 05:09:48 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807120010/ Quick Look
199 VIRGO S10 187.554 9.2735 186.919151 9.549665 183.210349 11.504238 286.25782629 71.4549429 121.999 56269.421712963 2012-12-08 10:07:16 56269.7570717593 2012-12-08 18:10:11 807124010 16.098 16 16.098 16.098 0 16.098 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 13.413 13.413 28.952 0 PROCESSED 57608.2049074074 2016-08-08 04:55:04 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56336.4667824074 2013-02-13 11:12:10 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807124010/ Quick Look
200 VIRGO E2 188.3405 12.688 187.708685 12.963651 182.515676 14.938652 285.71074231 74.9520878 284.9998 56481.5631944444 2013-07-08 13:31:00 56481.9592824074 2013-07-08 23:01:22 808117010 10.6598 10 10.6598 10.6598 0 10.6598 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 10.6982 10.6982 34.22 0 PROCESSED 57611.7227199074 2016-08-11 17:20:43 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56524.654212963 2013-08-20 15:42:04 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086003 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 8 AO8 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/808117010/ Quick Look
201 VIRGO E4 188.894 12.9933 188.263024 13.268562 182.897357 15.437334 287.44169131 75.38588793 285.0007 56482.2160069445 2013-07-09 05:11:03 56482.4926157407 2013-07-09 11:49:22 808119010 12.9687 11 12.9927 12.9847 0 12.9687 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 9.283 9.283 23.8959 0 PROCESSED 57611.7741319444 2016-08-11 18:34:45 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56496.5935185185 2013-07-23 14:14:40 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086003 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 8 AO8 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/808119010/ Quick Look
202 VIRGO E9 190.3236 13.8446 189.694982 14.118738 183.856818 16.782028 292.32223865 76.50695206 284.9995 56484.1924305556 2013-07-11 04:37:06 56484.6162268518 2013-07-11 14:47:22 808124010 18.8719 18 18.8951 18.8879 0 18.8719 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 15.3674 15.3674 36.6119 0 PROCESSED 57611.8197106482 2016-08-11 19:40:23 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56498.6214930556 2013-07-25 14:54:57 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086003 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 8 AO8 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/808124010/ Quick Look
203 VIRGO E11 190.8574 14.15 190.229706 14.423674 184.22049 17.272492 294.34392528 76.88802661 285 56485.1965162037 2013-07-12 04:42:59 56485.8154513889 2013-07-12 19:34:15 808126010 23.3591 21 23.3671 23.3591 0 23.3737 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 19.9937 19.9937 53.4699 1 PROCESSED 57611.8143171296 2016-08-11 19:32:37 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56498.6447106482 2013-07-25 15:28:23 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086003 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 8 AO8 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/808126010/ Quick Look
204 1RXS J1708-4009 257.2032 -40.2034 256.333623 -40.139657 259.789477 -17.214031 346.44001394 -0.00188973 266.4021 55066.6841203704 2009-08-23 16:25:08 55067.9466898148 2009-08-24 22:43:14 404080010 60.8869 60 60.8869 60.8949 0 60.9046 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 51.5313 51.5313 109.0758 1 PROCESSED 57548.350150463 2016-06-09 08:24:13 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55078.1751851852 2009-09-04 04:12:16 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046002 We propose a comprehensive study of magnetars and associated objects in order to resolve strong magnetism of neutron stars. Magnetars are estimated to have an ultra strong magnetic filed as 1E+15 Gauss, and have been attracted growing wide attention recent years. These classes are extreme case of magnetars and have excellent clues to complete our scientific goal, including magnetism and ultrahigh magnetic-field physics. This proposal carries a sense of future potential to become "Suzaku Legacy" Key Project and to break the new ground of "Magnetar Physics". GALACTIC POINT SOURCES 4 A KAZUO MAKISHIMA JAP 4 AO4 A SUZAKU STUDY OF MAGNETARS AND THE NEUTRON-STAR MAGNETISM HXD Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/404080010/ Quick Look
205 GX 1+4 263.0071 -24.816 262.238766 -24.780248 263.643916 -1.529018 1.87675865 4.75818757 273.1727 55471.2801273148 2010-10-02 06:43:23 55473.5140509259 2010-10-04 12:20:14 405077010 99.67 100 99.6704 99.67 0 99.6704 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 96.5259 96.5259 192.6091 0 PROCESSED 57553.6626967593 2016-06-14 15:54:17 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55487.4199537037 2010-10-18 10:04:44 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056002 We propose a comprehensive study of magnetars and associated objects in order to resolve strong magnetism of neutron stars. Magnetars are estimated to have an ultra strong magnetic filed as 1E+15 Gauss, and have been attracted growing wide attention recent years. These classes are extreme case of magnetars and have excellent clues to complete our scientific goal, including magnetism and ultrahigh magnetic-field physics. This proposal carries a sense of future potential to become "Suzaku Legacy" Key Project and to break the new ground of "Magnetar Physics". GALACTIC POINT SOURCES 4 A KAZUO MAKISHIMA JAP 5 AO5 A SUZAKU STUDY OF MAGNETARS AND THE NEUTRON-STAR MAGNETISM HXD Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/405077010/ Quick Look
206 ABELL 426 S4.5 49.6359 40.2959 48.817105 40.114123 57.998946 21.235515 151.06094801 -14.4070178 87.9989 55426.0734375 2010-08-18 01:45:45 55426.4037037037 2010-08-18 09:41:20 805110010 9.1793 10 9.1793 9.1793 0 9.1793 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 6.7459 6.7459 28.53 0 PROCESSED 57553.1162384259 2016-06-14 02:47:23 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55439.1536342593 2010-08-31 03:41:14 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805110010/ Quick Look
207 THE KEPLER SNR 262.6706 -21.4823 261.92136 -21.444974 263.169538 1.785137 4.52493262 6.82424916 102.5027 55615.8474421296 2011-02-23 20:20:19 55616.8174768518 2011-02-24 19:37:10 505092030 34.2015 150 34.2095 34.2015 0 34.2095 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 29.1199 29.1199 83.7958 0 PROCESSED 57601.0436342593 2016-08-01 01:02:50 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55628.1747569444 2011-03-08 04:11:39 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056004 The detailed nature of the progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is elusive. X-ray line emission from low abundant elements (Cr, Mn, and Ni) in young supernova remnants (SNR) provides an excellent opportunity to study the Type Ia SN nucleosynthesis and thus to reveal the metallicity of the progenitor. Suzaku XIS observations are an efficient tool for such an X-ray spectroscopy. We propose a deep Suzaku XIS observation of Kepler's SNR to study the peculiar nature of its Type Ia SN progenitor. Our proposed Suzaku X-ray study of the Cr, Mn, and Ni line emission in Kepler will reveal the progenitor's metallicity in an unprecedented detail, which will be an excellent complementary work to the existing Suzaku Long Program of Tycho's SNR to reveal the nature of Type Ia SN progenitors. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A SANGWOOK PARK USA 5 AO5 A DEEP OBSERVATION OF THE KEPLER SUPERNOVA REMNANT: NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF A TYPE IA SUPERNOVA WITH A PECULIAR PROGENITOR XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505092030/ Quick Look
208 MBM16 49.7645 11.5821 49.080902 11.401011 50.440387 -6.505796 170.59989958 -37.2737153 77.5997 56511.9409027778 2013-08-07 22:34:54 56513.916875 2013-08-09 22:00:18 508078010 82.3246 80 82.3246 82.3246 0 82.3246 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 79.0718 79.0718 170.6898 2 PROCESSED 57612.2763541667 2016-08-12 06:37:57 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56587.6759490741 2013-10-22 16:13:22 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086002 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 8 AO8 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/508078010/ Quick Look
209 MBM36 238.3853 -4.8926 237.724645 -4.745297 237.254427 15.02643 3.92555744 35.61619893 279.5456 56531.6987268518 2013-08-27 16:46:10 56533.8883333333 2013-08-29 21:19:12 508079020 79.6067 80 79.6067 79.6067 0 79.6067 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 67.717 67.717 189.166 2 PROCESSED 57612.4621064815 2016-08-12 11:05:26 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56603.7246875 2013-11-07 17:23:33 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086002 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 8 AO8 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/508079020/ Quick Look
210 SN1006_BGD3 226.4731 -42.5186 225.649158 -42.32537 236.222692 -24.044133 327.77356316 13.77561257 286.5156 56888.6466550926 2014-08-19 15:31:11 56889.2084606482 2014-08-20 05:00:11 509085010 31.65 30 31.65 31.65 0 31.65 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57616.5050115741 2016-08-16 12:07:13 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 56910.6423611111 2014-09-10 15:25:00 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096004 We propose deep XIS observations of SN1006, a Type Ia supernova remnant (SNR) in the Galaxy. Our immediate objective is to detect weak emissions, Cr K-alpha, Mn K-alpha, and Fe K-beta lines, which are key to diagnosing the evolution of the Type Ia SN progenitor and the efficiency of collisionless electron heating at the SNR reverse shock. Although the total requested exposure is quite long, the observation is well worth the risk and will certainly provide a heritage dataset prominent in the legacy of Suzaku. This proposal consists of the two steps. The first science goal requires the 400-ks exposure, while the second goal requires additional 800 ks. Approval of only the first step will be accepted. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A HIROYA YAMAGUCHI USA 9 AO9 THERMAL X-RAYS FROM SN 1006: THE UNIQUE TYPE IA SNR IN THE EXTREMELY LOW-DENSITY AND LOW-METALLICITY ENVIRONMENT XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/509085010/ Quick Look
211 ABELL 426 S1 49.8666 41.2611 49.040997 41.080162 58.466927 22.114789 150.66369426 -13.50507569 88 55424.9920601852 2010-08-16 23:48:34 55425.2995138889 2010-08-17 07:11:18 805096010 8.4343 10 8.4423 8.4503 0 8.4343 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 7.8611 7.8611 26.5499 0 PROCESSED 57553.0919675926 2016-06-14 02:12:26 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55439.0952662037 2010-08-31 02:17:11 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805096010/ Quick Look
212 ABELL 426 S6 49.5399 39.884 48.723938 39.701875 57.801339 20.859927 151.23166434 -14.79141746 87.9993 55426.858900463 2010-08-18 20:36:49 55427.3321759259 2010-08-19 07:58:20 805101010 16.4888 15 16.5048 16.5048 0 16.4888 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 13.4845 13.4845 40.8879 1 PROCESSED 57553.1336342593 2016-06-14 03:12:26 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55439.1815625 2010-08-31 04:21:27 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805101010/ Quick Look
213 ABELL 426 W3 48.8462 41.5856 48.021362 41.400926 57.770933 22.640736 149.82172461 -13.64958161 93.9989 55428.9659722222 2010-08-20 23:11:00 55429.3022916667 2010-08-21 07:15:18 805105010 11.1661 10 11.1901 11.1821 0 11.1661 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 9.1647 9.1647 29.036 0 PROCESSED 57553.1487962963 2016-06-14 03:34:16 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55445.2284143518 2010-09-06 05:28:55 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805105010/ Quick Look
214 ABELL 426 W5 48.1001 41.6131 47.277233 41.425733 57.199753 22.826654 149.32075885 -13.92405492 94.0016 55429.7828125 2010-08-21 18:47:15 55429.9946296296 2010-08-21 23:52:16 805107010 9.2192 10 9.2192 9.2192 0 9.2192 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 7.8166 7.8166 18.2979 0 PROCESSED 57553.1586689815 2016-06-14 03:48:29 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55445.231087963 2010-09-06 05:32:46 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805107010/ Quick Look
215 THE KEPLER SNR 262.6712 -21.4826 261.921958 -21.445277 263.170111 1.784866 4.52498243 6.82361728 97.9009 55634.5331712963 2011-03-14 12:47:46 55635.5759606482 2011-03-15 13:49:23 505092060 46.4961 100 46.6401 46.4961 0 46.6401 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 38.6118 38.6118 90.05 1 PROCESSED 57601.1934143518 2016-08-01 04:38:31 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55648.2987731482 2011-03-28 07:10:14 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056004 The detailed nature of the progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is elusive. X-ray line emission from low abundant elements (Cr, Mn, and Ni) in young supernova remnants (SNR) provides an excellent opportunity to study the Type Ia SN nucleosynthesis and thus to reveal the metallicity of the progenitor. Suzaku XIS observations are an efficient tool for such an X-ray spectroscopy. We propose a deep Suzaku XIS observation of Kepler's SNR to study the peculiar nature of its Type Ia SN progenitor. Our proposed Suzaku X-ray study of the Cr, Mn, and Ni line emission in Kepler will reveal the progenitor's metallicity in an unprecedented detail, which will be an excellent complementary work to the existing Suzaku Long Program of Tycho's SNR to reveal the nature of Type Ia SN progenitors. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A SANGWOOK PARK USA 5 AO5 A DEEP OBSERVATION OF THE KEPLER SUPERNOVA REMNANT: NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF A TYPE IA SUPERNOVA WITH A PECULIAR PROGENITOR XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505092060/ Quick Look
216 MBM16 49.7705 11.5801 49.086905 11.399033 50.445581 -6.509248 170.60706006 -37.27124926 254.3335 56691.5957175926 2014-02-03 14:17:50 56693.5209953704 2014-02-05 12:30:14 508078020 87.8509 80 87.8509 87.8589 0 87.8589 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57613.7866782407 2016-08-13 18:52:49 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56706.5234375 2014-02-18 12:33:45 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086002 Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) contributes a significant background to X-ray observations of extended objects, and separate background observations may produce incorrect results, as the emission strength and spectrum are temporally variable. Characterizing and modeling SWCX emission requires understanding the distribution of neutral material in the magnetosheath and heliosphere, the properties and distribution of the solar wind, and the interaction cross-sections. We propose a multi-year monitoring campaign to measure and characterize the SWCX properties. The results will be used to verify and improve models of SWCX emission, an invaluable tool for the proper analysis and interpretation of data from current and future X-ray missions. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A MASSIMILIANO GALEAZZI USA 8 AO8 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR WIND CHARGE EXCHANGE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/508078020/ Quick Look
217 ABELL 426 SE7 51.6308 40.0717 50.808198 39.897364 59.505151 20.607904 152.49041219 -13.73591885 87.5626 55800.376875 2011-08-27 09:02:42 55800.6418055556 2011-08-27 15:24:12 806122010 10.3288 10 10.3288 10.3288 0 10.3288 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 9.822 9.822 22.8839 0 PROCESSED 57602.977337963 2016-08-02 23:27:22 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55865.0862731482 2011-10-31 02:04:14 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806122010/ Quick Look
218 ABELL 426 NE5 51.4212 42.371 50.583845 42.195846 60.001331 22.866197 151.01253218 -11.93716766 89.4976 55810.0456481482 2011-09-06 01:05:44 55810.5418287037 2011-09-06 13:00:14 806130010 17.5276 15 17.5276 17.5356 0 17.5356 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 17.7802 17.7802 42.862 0 PROCESSED 57603.0838888889 2016-08-03 02:00:48 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55866.1625925926 2011-11-01 03:54:08 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806130010/ Quick Look
219 ABELL 426 NE6.5 51.8822 42.6245 51.041802 42.451087 60.430729 23.019323 151.15044966 -11.53522591 89.4983 55811.0317939815 2011-09-07 00:45:47 55811.396712963 2011-09-07 09:31:16 806133010 10.2804 10 10.2959 10.2879 0 10.2804 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 13.7277 13.7277 31.5259 0 PROCESSED 57603.0893634259 2016-08-03 02:08:41 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55866.233587963 2011-11-01 05:36:22 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806133010/ Quick Look
220 VIRGO W3 186.9593 11.946 186.325534 12.222509 181.555181 13.711892 281.75004157 73.83934761 99.9993 56273.4086921296 2012-12-12 09:48:31 56273.6403472222 2012-12-12 15:22:06 807096010 10.8424 10 10.8504 10.8504 0 10.8424 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 9.0921 9.0921 20.0079 0 PROCESSED 57608.2529282407 2016-08-08 06:04:13 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56342.4989699074 2013-02-19 11:58:31 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807096010/ Quick Look
221 VIRGO S7 187.6096 10.2244 186.9754 10.500529 182.869873 12.396474 285.61941254 72.38660135 308.5009 56113.0805092593 2012-07-05 01:55:56 56113.4293518518 2012-07-05 10:18:16 807121010 14.9979 13 14.9979 14.9979 0 14.9979 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 15.746 15.746 30.1359 0 PROCESSED 57606.5659606482 2016-08-06 13:34:59 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56141.9783101852 2012-08-02 23:28:46 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807121010/ Quick Look
222 VIRGO E3 188.6166 12.8387 187.985199 13.11416 182.706731 15.185969 286.56417369 75.16845975 284.999 56481.9598032407 2013-07-08 23:02:07 56482.2154861111 2013-07-09 05:10:18 808118010 12.3275 10 12.3355 12.3355 0 12.3275 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10.334 10.334 22.0879 0 PROCESSED 57611.7501851852 2016-08-11 18:00:16 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56495.6160185185 2013-07-22 14:47:04 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086003 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 8 AO8 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/808118010/ Quick Look
223 ZWCL0008.8+5215 EAST 3.1134 52.6387 2.455083 52.360692 29.755774 45.738765 116.94843434 -9.77955026 65.9987 56844.7667939815 2014-07-06 18:24:11 56847.5876273148 2014-07-09 14:06:11 809118010 117.8473 120 117.8473 119.9094 0 119.9334 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROCESSED 57615.3793518518 2016-08-15 09:06:16 56748 2014-04-01 00:00:00 56859.7336111111 2014-07-21 17:36:24 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 096003 Radio relics in merging galaxy clusters trace low-Mach number shocks where particles are accelerated to extreme energies. Suzaku revealed temperature jumps at several relics. However the Mach numbers derived by X-ray observations are significantly lower than those from the radio spectra, and simple shock acceleration models need to be re-examined. We propose Suzaku key project observations of 12 radio relics to establish the shock properties, by combining with new radio data. These data will advance our understanding of (i) particle acceleration at the shocks and (ii) spatial distribution of the thermal and non-thermal components. We will make a breakthrough shocks and (ii) spatial distribution of the thermal and non-thermal components. We will make a breakthrough in our understand. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A HIROKI AKAMATSU EUR 9 AO9 EXPLORING ENERGETICS AT THE LARGEST SHOCK STRUCTURES IN THE UNIVERSE XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/809118010/ Quick Look
224 KES 79 283.1953 0.6959 282.557686 0.633849 284.399792 23.479242 33.70438491 0.01846016 73.5801 55674.9437152778 2011-04-23 22:38:57 55676.4716782407 2011-04-25 11:19:13 506059010 50.897 50 50.897 50.897 0 50.897 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 40.8978 40.8978 131.96 2 PROCESSED 57601.597025463 2016-08-01 14:19:43 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55697.1427083333 2011-05-16 03:25:30 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066001 Suzaku found recombining plasma (RP) from the mixed-morphology SNRs (MM-SNRs). Since the standard evolution of SNR does not predict RP, the Suzaku discovery requires a dramatic change on the scenario of SNR dynamics and evolution. Suggestive facts are that all RP detected SNRs have OH masers and all RP-detected SNRs have TeV/GeV emissions. The most important issue at this stage, however, is not model making, but systematic and comprehensive observations to study which kind of SNRs, and/or which circum SN conditions, are responsible to RP. This is our primary objective. The second aim of this proposal is to provide path-finding data for the Astro-H science. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 6 AO6-KP NEW SCENARIO FOR THE THERMAL PLASMA IN SNRS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/506059010/ Quick Look
225 KEPLER_BG_GN 261.9141 -20.2308 261.17196 -20.189852 262.396131 2.997058 5.199252 8.09662946 270.3619 55105.4689699074 2009-10-01 11:15:19 55107.4279976852 2009-10-03 10:16:19 504103010 68.6043 60 68.6043 68.6043 0 68.6123 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 55.8014 55.8014 169.2279 1 PROCESSED 57548.7547800926 2016-06-09 18:06:53 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55125.6331828704 2009-10-21 15:11:47 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046004 The detailed nature of the progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe) is elusive. X-ray line emission from low abundant elements (Cr, Mn, and Ni) in young supernova remnants (SNR) provides an excellent opportunity to study the Type Ia SN nucleosynthesis and thus to reveal the metallicity of the progenitor. Suzaku XIS observations are an efficient tool for such an X-ray spectroscopy. We propose a deep Suzaku XIS observation of Kepler's SNR to study the peculiar nature of its Type Ia SN progenitor. Our proposed Suzaku X-ray study of the Cr, Mn, and Ni line emission in Kepler will reveal the progenitor's metallicity in an unprecedented detail, which will be an excellent complementary work to the existing Suzaku Long Program of Tycho's SNR to reveal the nature of Type Ia SN progenitors. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A SANGWOOK PARK USA 4 AO4 A DEEP OBSERVATION OF THE KEPLER SUPERNOVA REMNANT: NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF A TYPE IA SUPERNOVA WITH A PECULIAR PROGENITOR XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504103010/ Quick Look
226 ABELL 426 SE1 50.1688 41.3334 49.341889 41.153578 58.72404 22.121633 150.81714435 -13.31934713 89.5646 55797.4683912037 2011-08-24 11:14:29 55797.7113194444 2011-08-24 17:04:18 806111010 10.8099 10 10.8099 10.8099 0 10.8099 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10.3733 10.3733 20.9879 0 PROCESSED 57602.9312268518 2016-08-02 22:20:58 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55855.1291550926 2011-10-21 03:05:59 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806111010/ Quick Look
227 ABELL 426 NNE2.5 50.1251 42.1872 49.292647 42.007206 58.945293 22.951312 150.30450115 -12.62617945 60.4949 55804.3102083333 2011-08-31 07:26:42 55804.5820833333 2011-08-31 13:58:12 806137010 10.5444 10 10.5444 10.5444 0 10.5444 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 9.962 9.962 23.4721 0 PROCESSED 57603.0188773148 2016-08-03 00:27:11 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55830.2163888889 2011-09-26 05:11:36 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806137010/ Quick Look
228 ABELL 426 NNE5.5 50.3796 43.0058 49.54083 42.82674 59.388281 23.686025 150.00098645 -11.84054635 60.4963 55806.8935300926 2011-09-02 21:26:41 55807.3024074074 2011-09-03 07:15:28 806143010 16.4506 15 16.4727 16.4666 0 16.4506 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 11.6975 11.6975 35.3199 1 PROCESSED 57603.0430208333 2016-08-03 01:01:57 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55845.2820486111 2011-10-11 06:46:09 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806143010/ Quick Look
229 ABELL 426 SE2 50.4145 41.1258 49.588274 40.946892 58.854329 21.871316 151.09363465 -13.389164 89.5623 55797.7118402778 2011-08-24 17:05:03 55797.9342824074 2011-08-24 22:25:22 806112010 10.8343 10 10.8383 10.8343 0 10.8423 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 10.6496 10.6496 19.21 0 PROCESSED 57602.9407175926 2016-08-02 22:34:38 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55855.1191782407 2011-10-21 02:51:37 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806112010/ Quick Look
230 A2199 OFFSET12 246.9232 39.9293 246.496885 40.039337 232.503258 60.398142 63.45171294 43.88430519 267.9996 55820.7013657407 2011-09-16 16:49:58 55821.2488078704 2011-09-17 05:58:17 806158010 23.5902 20 23.5902 23.5902 0 23.5902 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 22.1544 22.1544 47.2919 0 PROCESSED 57603.1801851852 2016-08-03 04:19:28 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55865.2446412037 2011-10-31 05:52:17 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066024 Clusters of galaxies are thought to form from accretion and merging of smaller systems among large-scale filaments. X-ray observations of cluster outskirts give us valuable information about the structure formation, gas heating and cooling, and metal enrichment of clusters of galaxies. Here, we propose deep surveys of two representative regular clusters with redshift of 0.03-0.04 (Abell 2199 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A KYOKO MATSUSHITA AURORA SIMIONESCU JAP 6 AO6-KP DISTRIBUTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND ENTROPY OF INTRACLUSTER MEDIUM OF NEARBY CLUSTERS UP TO VIRIAL RADIUS XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806158010/ Quick Look
231 ABELL 426 S3 49.7347 40.7118 48.913 40.530382 58.200048 21.614452 150.88956259 -14.01841244 87.9998 55425.5951273148 2010-08-17 14:16:59 55425.804375 2010-08-17 19:18:18 805098010 11.0308 10 11.0548 11.0468 0 11.0308 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 7.7896 7.7896 18.0719 0 PROCESSED 57553.1040162037 2016-06-14 02:29:47 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55439.0928935185 2010-08-31 02:13:46 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805098010/ Quick Look
232 G348.5+0.1 258.6301 -38.5295 257.772536 -38.472556 260.783274 -15.450832 348.44223752 0.09652262 91.401 55247.6321180556 2010-02-20 15:10:15 55248.7592476852 2010-02-21 18:13:19 504097010 53.8106 50 53.8106 53.8106 0 53.8106 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 46.3929 46.3929 97.3598 1 PROCESSED 57550.6723842593 2016-06-11 16:08:14 54922 2009-04-01 00:00:00 55257.0343287037 2010-03-02 00:49:26 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 046001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 4 AO4 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/504097010/ Quick Look
233 GALACTIC_BULGE18 269.3126 -34.5716 268.480017 -34.566233 269.41346 -11.131891 356.40349802 -4.99577293 70.9023 55633.4308101852 2011-03-13 10:20:22 55634.5273263889 2011-03-14 12:39:21 505087010 51.4284 50 51.4684 51.4284 0 51.4755 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 44.2072 44.2072 94.7279 1 PROCESSED 57601.1565046296 2016-08-01 03:45:22 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55649.0417824074 2011-03-29 01:00:10 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056001 We propose to observe three classes of objects, which seem independent subjects, but are closely related with each others. These subjects are the Galactic center and the ridge diffuse X-rays (GCDX & GRDX), Unidentified sources (UIDHESS) found with HESS and the hard X-rays from radio faint supernova remnants (Hard SNR) found with ASCA. Our objectives are to study individual science on each subject, combined the results, and to finally approach to a unified picture on the diffuse high energy aspects in our Galaxy. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A KATSUJI KOYAMA JAP 5 AO5 SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DIFFUSE HIGH ENERGY OBJECTS IN OUR GALAXY XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/505087010/ Quick Look
234 ABELL 426 SE6.5 51.5164 40.175 50.693426 40.000231 59.444153 20.730657 152.35568667 -13.7013792 87.5613 55800.1546990741 2011-08-27 03:42:46 55800.3765856482 2011-08-27 09:02:17 806121010 10.1899 10 10.1979 10.1899 0 10.2055 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 7.353 7.353 19.1679 0 PROCESSED 57602.9755324074 2016-08-02 23:24:46 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55865.0897569444 2011-10-31 02:09:15 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806121010/ Quick Look
235 VIRGO S8 187.5886 9.916 186.954186 10.192142 182.977842 12.105979 285.82444468 72.08390522 307.999 56113.4301041667 2012-07-05 10:19:21 56113.7523148148 2012-07-05 18:03:20 807122010 16.053 13 16.053 16.053 0 16.053 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 15.15 15.15 27.8319 1 PROCESSED 57606.5675578704 2016-08-06 13:37:17 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56226.5896296296 2012-10-26 14:09:04 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807122010/ Quick Look
236 ABELL 426 W6 47.7251 41.6255 46.903246 41.436792 56.912386 22.919663 149.06845077 -14.06119334 94.0002 55430.3630324074 2010-08-22 08:42:46 55430.696724537 2010-08-22 16:43:17 805108010 15.3996 15 15.4076 15.3996 0 15.4076 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 13.6106 13.6106 28.8239 0 PROCESSED 57553.1647569444 2016-06-14 03:57:15 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55446.1712384259 2010-09-07 04:06:35 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805108010/ Quick Look
237 ABELL 426 SE4 50.9063 40.7039 50.081498 40.526831 59.116004 21.364386 151.65332772 -13.52999243 89.5612 55798.708912037 2011-08-25 17:00:50 55798.9210300926 2011-08-25 22:06:17 806116010 10.8357 10 10.8406 10.8446 0 10.8357 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 10.8394 10.8394 18.32 0 PROCESSED 57602.9537615741 2016-08-02 22:53:25 55652 2011-04-01 00:00:00 55855.1658449074 2011-10-21 03:58:49 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 066005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 6 AO6-KP TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/806116010/ Quick Look
238 ABELL 426 S7.5 49.4444 39.4701 48.631245 39.287629 57.603638 20.482404 151.40364882 -15.177571 87.9989 55428.0734375 2010-08-20 01:45:45 55428.5321180556 2010-08-20 12:46:15 805113010 14.87 15 14.87 14.87 0 14.87 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 13.0723 13.0723 39.628 0 PROCESSED 57553.1466898148 2016-06-14 03:31:14 55287 2010-04-01 00:00:00 55439.2152546296 2010-08-31 05:09:58 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 056005 We propose to exploit Suzaku's unique capabilities to carry out a legacy-class observation of the X-ray emitting gas to beyond the virial radius in the brightest and best cluster target: the Perseus Cluster. Our ultra-deep observation will provide unparalleled insight into the physics of the outer regions of clusters, and the tightest possible control of systematic uncertainties. We will obtain new understanding of the distributions of gas mass and total mass at large radii, as required for cosmological studies. Our study will shed new light on the thermodynamics of cluster outskirts and how large-scale filaments channel matter into clusters. This work is only possible due to Suzaku's low orbit and the low background of its detectors. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A STEVEN ALLEN USA 5 AO5 TO BEYOND THE VIRIAL RADIUS OF THE X-RAY BRIGHTEST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/805113010/ Quick Look
239 GRXE_E_9 268.0849 -26.1545 267.307554 -26.143306 268.269555 -2.725006 3.15134991 0.15632851 103.0998 56385.8984490741 2013-04-03 21:33:46 56388.2085648148 2013-04-06 05:00:20 507074010 98.6516 100 98.6596 98.6596 0 98.6516 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 83.0269 83.0269 199.5757 2 PROCESSED 57611.012650463 2016-08-11 00:18:13 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56401.6405092593 2013-04-19 15:22:20 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076002 We make high statistics observation of the 6.4-keV line in the region of l= +1.5 ~ +4 deg, which is key to resolve the origin of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission (GRXE). It also clarifies the origin of the 6.7-keV line. The concrete aims are (1) to determine the asymmetry of the GRXE between the east- and the west-sides of the Galactic center, (2) to separate spectral components of the 6.7-keV and 6.4-keV lines, (3) to constrain the origin of the 6.4-keV line (presumably from diffuse origin) and (4) to provide a "Suzaku Legacy" of the Galactic diffuse X-ray emission (the GRXE and GCDX) covering the wide region of l= -4 ~ +4 deg with high statistics and precise spectroscopy, which will be immediately used as best path-finder for Astro-H and standard data set for the multi-band studies. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A TAKESHI TSURU JAP 7 AO7 ORIGIN OF THE 6.4KEV LINE OF THE GALACTIC RIDGE X-RAY EMISSION (GRXE) XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/507074010/ Quick Look
240 GRXE_E_7 268.3325 -26.1696 267.555037 -26.159608 268.492207 -2.737339 3.2513581 -0.04270444 86.7249 56716.5321296296 2014-02-28 12:46:16 56718.7084953704 2014-03-02 17:00:14 508076010 102.6848 100 102.6978 102.6868 0 102.6848 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 96.4539 96.4539 188.0198 3 PROCESSED 57613.9520486111 2016-08-13 22:50:57 56383 2013-04-01 00:00:00 56727.7217013889 2014-03-11 17:19:15 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 086001 We make high statistics observation of the 6.4-keV line in the region of l= +1.5 ~ +4 deg, which is key to resolve the origin of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission (GRXE). It also clarifies the origin of the 6.7-keV line. The concrete aims are (1) to determine the asymmetry of the GRXE between the east- and the west-sides of the Galactic center, (2) to separate spectral components of the 6.7-keV and 6.4-keV lines, (3) to constrain the origin of the 6.4-keV line (presumably from diffuse origin) and (4) to provide a "Suzaku Legacy" of the Galactic diffuse X-ray emission (the GRXE and GCDX) covering the wide region of l= -4 ~ +4 deg with high statistics and precise spectroscopy, which will be immediately used as best path-finder for Astro-H and standard data set for the multi-band studies. GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION 5 A TAKESHI TSURU JAP 8 AO8 ORIGIN OF THE 6.4KEV LINE OF THE GALACTIC RIDGE X-RAY EMISSION (GRXE) XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/508076010/ Quick Look
241 VIRGO S18 187.3413 6.4206 186.704552 6.696898 184.175793 8.806296 287.72310531 68.63810092 122.5021 56272.526400463 2012-12-11 12:38:01 56272.9307175926 2012-12-11 22:20:14 807132010 19.8676 18 19.8756 19.8676 0 19.8836 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 18.8251 18.8251 34.9319 0 PROCESSED 57608.2443055556 2016-08-08 05:51:48 56018 2012-04-01 00:00:00 56291.7121296296 2012-12-30 17:05:28 2 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 076004 We propose a legacy-class study of the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest, second brightest galaxy cluster in the X-ray sky. This will provide the first detailed study of the outer parts of a low-mass system, with unparalleled signal-to-noise and spatial resolution. We will observe along four distinct directions which will provide unique insight into the ongoing virialization and equilibration processes that occur during large-scale structure formation. The Virgo Cluster is dynamically complex, with clear differences in its X-ray and optical properties along the chosen axes. This, its proximity and brightness, and the unrivaled multi-wavelength follow-up data make it the ideal system for studying the effects that different accretion rates have in shaping the ICM at large radii. EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE SOURCES 8 A AURORA SIMIONESCU USA 7 AO7 WITNESSING THE GROWTH OF THE NEAREST GALAXY CLUSTER XIS Y https://data.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/suzaku/ver3.0/807132010/ Quick Look

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