
The archive data of Bisei Spaceguard Center at DARTS are mainly astronomical data such as asteroids approaching to the Earth.

The data are taken by:

  • the 25 cm telescope from Jun 2000 through Sep 2002

  • the 1 m telescope from Mar 2007 through Mar 2017
Please see the data despcription of the 25 cm telescope and the 1 m telescope for more details.


The data are divided into directories for each year, 20YY/. Under each directory, there are directories for each day, 20YYMMDD/ (Year, Month, and Day) with mpNN/ or mpNN_[String]/ directories. NN is a number put in numerical order of the day, and [String] is an arbitrary character string that could be a celestial object name, a provisional designation, an asteroid name, a comet name, a spacecraft name, or celestial coordinates, etc. Most of them indicate a personal name of a near-earth object candidate discovered at other observatories in the world on that day or the few days before. These data were taken while tracking the concerned object.


  2007/ -- 20070322/ --- mp01/  mp02/  mp03/  mp04/ mp05/  mp06/  mp07/  mp08/
  2017/ -- 20170328/ --- mp01_YFA3BDA/ mp02_YF9EE67/


Each mpNN/ or mpNN_[String]/ directory stores:
  [m]_[HHMMSS][n,s][DDMM]_[YYMMDD]_####.fits    for the 25 cm telescope data
  [X,A]_[HHMMSS][n,s][DDMM]_[YYMMDD]_####_[b1,b2,b3,g1,g2,g3,g4].fits  for the 1 m telescope data
  • [m,X,A] indicates the telescope tracking method. But they are not strictly different.
  • [HHMMSS][n,s][DDMM] shows equatorial coordinates of the telescope pointing position. n and s mean the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, respectively.
  • [YYMMDD] is the date with year, month, and day.
  • #### is a number in numerical order of continuous observations with the same pointing position.
  • [b1,b2,b3,g1,g2,g3,g4] shows the CCD camera chip number.
    • CCDs by Pixel Vision (b1~b3) were used until Jan 2009.
    • The new-type mosaic camera (g1~g4) was used after Jan 2009.
    • The pointing coordinate is positioned at the center of the b2 or g3 chip.
    • The CCD of the 25 cm telectope has only 1 chip with no chip number.

  = The data pointing at (8h40m50s, 33d21m) using b1 chip of the Pixel Vision's camera on March 22, 2007.

Last Modified: 07 June 2023