HINODE SOT-SP Level-1 data

SOT-SP Level-1 data by HAO is the calibrated 3D (spectral x spatial x 4 Stokes parameters) polarization spectra ready for scientific analysis. They are produced from the Level-0 FITS files by applying the sp_prep.pro routine (written in IDL, publicly available through SolarSoft), which applies the set of calibration algorithms that are described in detail in Lites & Ichimoto (2013).

These data are stored as individual FITS files for each SP integration, grouped into directories for each commanded SP operation. The unit of the file is one slit position. All fits files in the same directory make one raster data.

  • yyyy:Year , mo:Month , dd:Day , hh:Hour , mm:Minutes , ss or ss.s:Seconds
  • <DataCode> is SP3D in the SOT-SP Level-1 data.
  • "C" is character "C".

Please see also the general description of Level-1 data and more detailed description at HAO and LMSAL.

Data archives

  • DARTS (mirror from HAO)
  • LMSAL (mirror from HAO)
  • SDAC NASA/GSFC (mirror from HAO)

    Last Modified: 04 July 2022