Nov. 2024
Due to maintenance, data and some apps will be unavailable. We apologize for your inconvenience. Please wait until the maintenance is complete. [Maintenance]
[Period] 2024-11-23 midnight-- 2024-11-24 midnight (JST)Aug. 2024
Due to website updates and maintenance of the data publication routes, there will be changes in paths, and some applications may become unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. [Maintenance]
2024-08-20 12:00 -- 2024-08-23 12:00 (JST)Mar. 2024
For maintenance activities, web service becomes unavailable in the following periods.We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2024-03-26 10:00 -- 2024-03-26 13:00 (JST)Mar. 2024
For maintenance activities, web service becomes unavailable in the following periods.We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2024-03-15 18:00 -- 2024-03-18 13:00 (JST)Feb. 2024
For maintenance activities, web service becomes unavailable for several minutes in the following periods.We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2024-02-28 15:30 -- 16:00 (JST)Nov. 2023
For maintenance activities, web service becomes unavailable for several minutes in the following periods.We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2023-11-01 15:30 -- 16:00 (JST)Oct. 2023
For maintenance activities, web service becomes unavailable for several minutes in the following periods.We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2023-10-02 15:00 -- 16:00 (JST)Aug. 2023
For maintenance activities, web service becomes unavailable for several minutes in the following periods.We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2023-08-12 13:30 -- 13:40, 14:10 -- 14:50 (JST)Aug. 2023
An interview with a researcher opens in new window(Japanese version only) has been posted.
Jun. 2023
The solar modulation cosmic-ray data obseved with CALET are released.
May. 2023
CALET/CAL data of helium spectra are open to public.
Apr. 2023
The DARTS top page has been renewed. If you have any comments about the web page, please contact "darts-admin AT".
Apr. 2023
For maintenance activities, web service becomes unavailable for several minutes in the following periods. We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2023-04-25 10:00 - - 2023-04-25 13:00 (JST)Mar. 2023
For maintenance activities, web service becomes unavailable for several minutes in the following periods. We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2023-03-28 10:00 - - 2023-03-28 12:00 (JST)Feb. 2023
The Bisei Spaceguard Center(BSGC) and Suzaku WAM data are now searchable on the DARTS/Astro Query System.
Jan. 2023
The MAXI team has reprocessed the public data from the beginning (MJD55046) to MJD59369 with the latestprocessing version (v. introduced after MJD59370.
Oct. 2022
For maintenance activities, web service becomes unavailable for several minutes in the following periods.
We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2022-10-12 10:00 -- 2022-10-12 13:00 (JST)Sep. 2022
Observation data obtained with the 1m telescope at the Bisei Spaceguard Center(BSGC) are open to public.
Sep. 2022
For maintenance activities, service becomes unavailable in the following periods. We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2022-09-30 18:00 -- 2022-10-03 13:30 (JST)Jul. 2022
Currently, sometimes it can be difficult to access DARTS. If you lose your connection while browsing the screen or downloading data, please try again. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Apr. 2022
For maintenance activities, service becomes unavailable in the following periods. We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2022-05-11 10:00 -- 13:00 (JST)Apr. 2022
CALET/CAL data of iron and nickel spectra are open to public.
Mar. 2022
For maintenance activities, some web service becomes unavailable for several minutes in the following periods.
We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2022-04-05 10:00 -- 2022-04-05 12:00 (JST)Mar. 2022
For maintenance activities, some services of will be unavailable during the following period.
We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2022-03-22 14:00 -- 2022-03-22 16:30 (JST)Mar. 2022
For maintenance activities, some web service becomes unavailable for several minutes in the following periods. We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2022-03-18 09:00 -- 2022-03-18 10:30 (JST)Mar. 2022
The following service maintenance was completed.[maintenance]
(service) 2022
For service maintenance, the following services become unavailable as for several days periods. We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
(service) 2022
For maintenance activities, service becomes unavailable in the following periods. We are sorry for your inconvenience.[maintenance]
[period] 2022-01-21 18:00(Partly, 2022-01-20 18:00) -- 2022-01-23 13:30 (JST)Jan. 2022
Ryugu Sample Database System and Hayabusa2 Curation Data has been released.
Dec. 2021
For maintenance, "Web Geocalc" service will be stopped. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please wait for a while until the service resumes.
Dec. 2021
We will maintain at December 15-16, 2021. If you can't brows the data, please wait a few minutes and try again . [Related to orbits, rawdata, and rocket]
Dec. 2021
We will maintain at December 1-2, 2021. If you can't brows the data, please wait a few minutes and try again . [Related to Infrared Astronomy]
Oct. 2021
Some of the data URLs related to Solar Physics have been changed. Please check for details.
Aug. 2021
We will maintain at August 19, 2021. If you can't brows the data, please wait a few minutes and try again.
Jul. 2021
From July 12, only URLs starting with [https] will be available. Please note that [http] cannot be used.
If it is registered as a bookmark or favorite, please re-register it with the new URL (https: //).Mar. 2021
Data download URL has been changed from to
If the automatic redirect does not work properly, please try the latter URL directly.Dec. 2020
"Moon Seismic Monitor" service has been stopped. Thank you for using the service for a long time.
Dec. 2020
We'er sorry that we have plans to stop "Moon Seismic Monitor" service in a few days.
Dec. 2020
Akatsuki's page and data have been updated.
Jul. 2020
SEDA-AP's page and data have been added.
Jul. 2020
Rockets's page and data have been added.
Mar. 2020
We have begun "WebGeocalc" service newly.Because of this, We suspended "Kaguya ODDS" service. Thank you very much for using it.
Feb. 2020
"AKARI All-Sky Map Data Archive Server" service has been stopped. Thank you for using the service for a long time. Please wait for the provision of new services.
Nov. 2019
Akatsuki's page and data have been updated.
Nov. 2019
We have updated the Ginga analysis tool.
Nov. 2019
"Kaguya 3D Moon Navi" service has been stopped. Thank you for using the service for a long time.
Oct. 2019
Added "Nozomi" to "Raw Telemetry and Orbit Data" page.
Oct. 2019
Added Group Combustion Experiment and Soret-Facet Experiment to Kibo data.
Oct. 2019
We're sorry it has become difficult to maintain the service, so we will stop the "Kaguya 3D Moon Navi" service within a few weeks.
Jun. 2019
The pds data of Kaguya (SELENE) data archive have been updated.
Jun. 2019
Akatsuki's page and data have been updated.
May. 2019
We made a page of ARASE.
Mar. 2019
The page of JUDO2 has been updated.
Mar. 2019
Kaguya FAQ and Apollo FAQ page are added.
Mar. 2019
Akatsuki's page has been updated.
Feb. 2019
Orbit data has been added.
Feb. 2019
Yohkoh Data has been added.
Jan. 2019
aintenance had been completed. Applications that had been stopped temporaly was restarted.
May. 2018.21
Due to maintenance, DARTS applications are stopped temporarily. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Apr. 2018
DARTS top page is redesigned.
Mar. 2018
Data were added to Kibo.
Mar. 2018
Ginga directory structure is changed by adding ASM data.
Feb. 2018
Feb. 2018
Rawdata page and data were added.