HINODE SOT-SP Level-0 data

SOT-SP Level-0 data is the reformatted "raw" 4D data (spectral x spatial x 2 CCDSIDES x 4 Stokes parameters). The unit of the file is one slit position, not one raster.

These data are stored in each observation date directory, like

  • yyyy:Year , mo:Month , dd:Day , hh:Hour , mm:Minutes , ss or ss.s:Seconds
  • <DataCode> is SP4D in the SOT-SP Level-0 data.
  • "H" is character "H", and "00" is charactor "00".

Please see also the general description of Level-0 data and the Hinode Level-0 FITS file page on NAOJ including data formats, FITS header keywards.

These data are searchable on HNODE Data Center on DARTS. This system searches for the map files, and output the path of Level-0 data files in a script to download data. You also can look the PNG format images of the map files. The map files (FITS format) and its PNG images are created by DARTS, using one raster of Level-0 data files, only for quick reference.

Data archives

Last Modified: 04 July 2022