Active Seismic Observation Data

The active seismic observation data archived in this retrieval system consists of the seismic data of ASE (Active Seismic Experiment) performed at the Apollo 14 and 16 sites and those of LSPE (Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment) performed at the Apollo 17 site. These active seismic observation data are copies of the SEG-Y format data reformatted by Dr. Matthew Brzostowski and Mr. Adam Brzostowski. Details of archived data in this system are listed in 'ASE_Data_Catalog'. The artificial impact events data can be also downloaded from this page. These artificial impact data are copies of the SAC format data archived generated at The University of Texas at Austin. Please see the document of 'The Description of Apollo Seismic Experiments' to lean the details of the artificial impact events.

The general description and the operation status of ASE and active LSPE are also described in 'The_Description_of_Apollo_Seismic_Experiments.' The characteristics of seismometers used in the active seismic observations are described in 'The_Apollo_Seismometer_Responses.' Please see the documents.

Data Acquisition

You can obtain the ASE and LSPE data in SEG-Y or ASCII format.

The ASE and LSPE Files

You can also obtain the artificial impact event data in SAC format. All these impact data were recorded by with PSE seismometers, and the original data are also archived in the PSE Tape files and are in our database in Exabyte or ASCII format.

The artificial impact event files

The 'Event Type', 'Origin Times' and 'Distances between sensors and active sources' are listed in 'ASE Data Catalog'

ASE Data Catalog


The general description and the operation status of ASE
The Description of Apollo Seismic Experiments

The frequency responses of the ASE seismometers

Last Modified: 26 March 2019