HINODE Instruments - Solar Optical Telescope (SOT)

SOT has an unprecedented 0.2 arcsec resolution for the observation of solar magnetic fields. It would resolve a feature with the size of 50cm, if it observed the Earth.

Its aperture is 50cm and angular resolution achieved will be 0.2arcsec (175km on the Sun) covering a wavelength range of 388-668nm. SOT also includes the Focal Plane Package (FPP) vector magnetograph and spectrograph. SOT FPP contains three CCD cameras: Filtergraph (FG), Spectro-polarimeter (SP) and Correlation Tracker (CT).

For more details on SOT, check the following links:


SOT-FG was an imaging instrument that created images of the solar photosphere and chromosphere in various wavelengths of light, however, due to a camera anomaly in February 2016, SOT-FG no longer operates. The two primary imaging modes of SOT-FG, The Broadband Filter Imager (BFI) and The Narrowband Filter Imager (NFI), sampled different fields of view, passbands, and spectral regimes.

The BFI consisted of six interference filters mounted in a user-controlled filter wheel. The filters have bandpasses of between 3 Å and 8 Å and produce high-resolution, low-exposure-time filtergrams.

BFI specifications

  • Field of view : 218"×109"
  • CCD detector size : 4,096×2,048 pixels (shared with NFI)
  • Spatial samplingas : high as 0.0541" per pixel
  • Typical exposure timeas : short as 0.03–0.8 s, but longer if desired
  • On-board summing options : 1×1, 2×2, or 4×4
  • Readout time : 3.4 s, 1.7 s, or 0.9 s, depending on summing (faster for partial-frame readouts)
  • Reconfigure time : < 2.5 s (e.g., to change filters)

The NFI provides intensity, Dopplergram, magnetogram, and full Stokes polarimetric imaging at high spatial resolution in any one of 10 spectral lines. The NFI consists of a tunable Lyot filter with selectable bandpasses in six key solar spectral regions, which are determined by wide-band interference filters preceding the Lyot filter. The bandpass of the Lyot filter is narrow enough for taking magnetogram and Dopplergram measurements in a number of the available spectral lines. Additionally, the NFI can be operated synchronously with the polarization modulator of SOT in order to take Stokes I, Q, U, and V images.

NFI specifications

  • Field of view : 328"×164" (unvignetted 264"×164")
  • CCD detector size : 4,096×2,048 pixels (shared with BFI)
  • Spatial sampling : as high as 0.08" per pixel
  • Spectral resolution: 90 mÅ (0.009nm) at 6300 Å (630nm)
  • Typical exposure time : as short as 0.1–1.6 s, but longer if desired
  • On-board summing options : 1×1, 2×2, or 4×4
  • Readout time : 3.4 s, 1.7 s, or 0.9 s, depending on summing (faster for partial-frame readouts)
  • Reconfigure time : approximately 5 s (e.g., to tune the Lyot filter)

There are two methods of obtaining Stokes vector images from the NFI:

In shuttered mode
The NFI shutter is synchronized to the polarization modulator and gives precise 0.1 s exposures in all quadrant-phases of the rotation. The allowed frame sizes and pixel summing are the same as for the longitudinal magnetograms. A full complement of Stokes images takes about 20 s to capture in this mode.
In shutterless mode
The NFI shutter is left open and one of four focal plane masks is inserted in order to reduce the FOV down to a narrow vertical strip centered on the CCD chip. The CCD is then read out in synchrony with the polarization modulator, accumulating charge in the central strip and then shifting it under the focal mask. The smart memories add or subtract the strip images as they are received from the CCD to create the component Stokes images. The cadence of these observations ranges from 1.6 s to 12.8 s, and the sensitivity can be very high because of the long integration time. While the field of view is limited in this mode, the field of view can be increased at the expense of time resolution by reading out different strips on the CCD and combining them afterwards.

Filter configurations of BFI and NFI are summarized in the following table, which are adapted from Table 2 of Tsuneta et al. (2008).

/ band [Å]
Science Purpose WAVEID Hinode Deta Center
"Wavelength" at Search Condition
Hinode Deta Center
"Wave" at Search Result
- - 0 BFI (Not listed) BFI no move
3883.5 magnetic elements 1 CN bandhead 388.3 CN bandhead 3883
3968.5 chromospheric structure 2 Ca II H 396.8 Ca II H line
4305.0 magnetic elements 3 G band 430.5 G band 4305
4504.5 irradiance / temperature 4 Blue Continuum 450.4 blue cont 4504
5550.5 5 Green Continuum 555.0 green cont 5550
6684.0 6 Red Continuum 668.4 red cont 6684
- - 7 NFI (Not listed) NFI no move
5172 chromospheric Dopplergrams and magnetograms 8, 18 Mg I  517.2 Mg I 5172
5250 photospheric magnetograms 9, 19 Fe I  525.0 Fe I 5250
5576 photospheric Dopplergrams 10, 20 Fe I  557.6 Fe I 5576
6302 photospheric magnetograms, umbral magnetograms 11, 21 Fe I  630.2 Fe I 6302
6563 chromospheric structure 12, 22 H I  656.3 H I 6563
5896 photospheric and chromospheric fields 13, 23 Na I  589.6 Na I 5896
- (for test) 14 - 17 (Not listed) laser for testing
- - Others (Not listed) other

The values in the "WAVEID" column of the table represent the value of the WAVEID keyword in the FITS header.

More details are the SOT-FG Data Products page on LMSAL.

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The scanning slit-spectrograph of SOT-SP has a lot of flexibility in mapping a region of interest on the Sun. The instrument uses a 0.16″×164″ slit to scan a region of interest up to 320″ wide, but the multitude of options include whether to use on-board binning both in the scan direction and along the slit, whether to adjust the area to be scanned, and whether to repeat the scan automatically. The instrument also has the capability to vary the integration time at each slit position.

The most common observing modes are summarized in the following table, which is adapted from Table 3 of Tsuneta et al. (2008):

Observation Mode Parameter Value
Normal maps have the highest
spatial resolution, but also use a
slow scan rate and have high
telemetry requirements.
Time per slit position
FOV along slit
Sampling along slit
Polarimetric S/N
Mapping Rate
Full width scan time
4.8 s
164" (1,024 pixels)
169 s per 5" scanned
approx. 3 hours
Fast maps are binned 2×2 on
board*, and represent a useful
tradeoff between spatial resolution,
scan frequency, and telemetry.
Time per slit position
FOV along slit
Sampling along slit
Polarimetric S/N
Mapping Rate
Full width scan time
3.2 s
164" (512 pixels)
64 s per 5" scanned
approx. 70 minutes
Dynamics mode uses the
highest spatial resolution but with
a narrow scan width and reduced
height, and continuously rasters
the same (narrow) field of view.
Time per slit position
FOV along slit
Sampling along slit
Polarimetric S/N
Mapping Rate
1.6 s
32" (200 pixels)
63 s per 5" scanned
Deep maps dwell at each slit
position for a longer integration
time in order to detect the weakest
polarization signals possible
(e.g., weak fields in quiet Sun).
Time per slit position
FOV along slit
Sampling along slit
Polarimetric S/N
Mapping Rate
Full width scan time
up to 12.8 s
164" (1,024 pixels)
up to 400 s per 5" scanned
approx. 7 hours

* In fast-map mode, the Stokes profiles both at neighboring pairs of slit positions and at pairs of neighboring pixels along the slit are summed on board the spacecraft, hence "binned 2×2".

More details are the SOT-SP Data Products page on LMSAL.

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Mission Wide

  • The Hinode (Solar-B) Mission: An Overview
    Kosugi, T., Matsuzaki, K., Sakao, T., Shimizu, T., Sone, Y., Tachikawa, S., Hashimoto, T., Minesugi, K., Ohnishi, A., Yamada, T., Tsuneta, S., Hara, H., Ichimoto, K., Suematsu, Y., Shimojo, M., Watanabe, T., Davis, J.M., Hill, L.D., Owens, J.K., Title, A.M., Culhane, J.L., Harra, L., Doschek, G.A., and Golub, L.
    2007, Solar Physics, 243, pp. 3-17


  • The Solar Optical Telescope for the Hinode Mission: An Overview
    Tsuneta, S., Suematsu, Y., Ichimoto, K., Shimizu, T., Otsubo, M., Nagata, S., Katsukawa, Y., Title, A., Tarbell, T., Shine, R., Rosenberg, B., Hoffmann, C., Jurcevich, B., Levay, M., Lites, B., Elmore, D., Matsushita, T., Kawaguchi, N., Mikami, I., Shimada, S., Hill, L., and Owens, J.
    2008, Solar Physics, 249, pp.167-196
  • The Solar Optical Telescope of Solar-B (Hinode): The Optical Telescope Assembly
    Suematsu, Y., Tsuneta, S., Ichimoto, K., Shimizu, T., Otsubo, M., Katsukawa, Y., Nakagiri, M., Noguchi, M., Tamura, T., Kato, Y., Hara, H., Mikami, I., Saito, H., Matsushita, T., Kawaguchi, N., Nakaoji, T., Nagae, K., Shimada, S., Takeyama, N., and Yamamuro, T.
    2008, Solar Physics, 249, pp.197-220
  • Polarization Calibration of the Solar Optical Telescope onboard Hinode
    Ichimoto, K., Lites, B., Elmore, D., Suematsu, Y., Tsuneta, S., Katsukawa, Y., Shimizu, T., Shine, R., Tarbell, T., Title, A., Kiyohara, J., Shinoda, K., Card, G., Lecinski, A., Streander, K., Nakagiri, M., Miyashita, M., Noguchi, M., Hoffmann, C., and Cruz, T.
    2008, Solar Physics, 249, pp.233-261
  • Image Stabilization System for Hinode (Solar-B) Solar Optical Telescope
    Shimizu, T., Nagata, S., Tsuneta, S., Tarbell, T., Edwards, C., Shine, R., Hoffmann, C., Thomas, E., Sour, S., Rehse, R., Ito, O., Kashiwagi, Y., Tabata, M., Kodeki, K., Nagase, M., Matsuzaki, K., Kobayashi, K., Ichimoto, K., and Suematsu, Y.
    2008, Solar Physics, 249, pp.221-232
  • The Hinode Spectro-Polarimeter
    Lites, B. W., Akin, D. L., Card, G., Cruz, T., Duncan, D. W., Edwards, C. G., Elmore, D. F., Hoffmann, C., Katsukawa, Y., Katz, N., Kubo, M., Ichimoto, K., Shimizu, T., Shine, R. A., Streander, K. V., Suematsu, Y., Tarbell, T. D., Title, A. M., and Tsuneta, S.
    2013, Solar Physics, 283, pp.579-599
  • The SP_PREP Data Preparation Package for the Hinode Spectro-Polarimeter
    Lites, B. W., and Ichimoto, K.
    2013, Solar Physics, 283, pp.601-629

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Last Modified: 04 July 2022